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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2000
[Dumas, Alexandre père]. San ge huo qiang shou. Dazhongma zhu ; Chen Fei gai xie. (Hefei : Anhui shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2000). (Wai guo wen xue ming zhu shao nian du ben. Tai yang hua juan. Xiao mi feng shu wu). Übersetzung von Dumas, Alexandre père. Les trois mousquetaires. In : Le Siècle ; mars à juillet 1844. = (Paris : Baudry, 1844).
Publication / Dum106
2 2000
[Dumas, Alexandre père]. San ge huo qiang shou. Dazhongma zhu ; Kennite [John Kennett] ; Hu Guocheng yi. (Beijing : Shi jie zhi shi chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie ming zhu su xie ying han dui zhao du wu). Übersetzung von Dumas, Alexandre père. Les trois mousquetaires. In : Le Siècle ; mars à juillet 1844. = (Paris : Baudry, 1844). Übersetzung von Kennett, John. The three musketeers. Retold by John Kennett. (Glasgow : Blackie, 1963). (Kennett library ; no 26).
Publication / Dum110
3 2000
Schmitz-Emans, Monika. Distorted reflections : images of China in European literature. In : East-West dialogue ; vol. 4, no 2 ; vol. 5, no 1 (June 2000).
Publication / RosH1
4 2000
Bernier, Lucie. Loti, Segalen and Claudel in China, or the existential quest of three authors. In : East-West dialogue ; vol. 4, no 2 ; vol. 5, no 1 (June 2000).
Publication / Seg29
5 2009
Cook, Daniel J. ; Rosemont, Henry. Leibniz, Bouvet, the doctrine of ancient theology, and the Yijing. (Stuttgart : F. Steiner, 2000).
Publication / RosH3
6 2000
Zhiyi. Zen is for everyone : the Xiao zhi guan text by Zhi Yi. Transl. and adopted for practical use by Michael R. Saso. (Carmel, Calif. : New Life Center, 2000).
Publication / Saso12
7 2000
Schoppa, R. Keith. The Columbia guide to modern Chinese history. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2000). (The Columbia guides to Asian history).
Publication / SchoR2
8 2000
[Schiffrin, Harold Z.]. Kangxi zhuan. Shifulin zhu. (Beijing : Zhong gong zhong yang dang xiao chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie ming ren ming jia ming zhuan ; 30). [Betr. Kangxi, Sun Yatsen].
Publication / SchiH6
9 2000
Luo, Xinzhang. Judith Gautier et son 'Livre de jade'. In : East-West dialogue ; vol. 4, no 2 ; vol. 5, no 1 (2000).
Publication / GauJ5
10 2000
Zhonghua di guo wan qi de cheng shi. Shijianya [G. William Skinner] zhu bian ; Ye Guangtin he yi [et al.] ; Chen Qiaoyi jiao. (Beijing : Zhonghua shu ju, 2000). (Shi jie Han xue lun cong). Übersetzung von The city in late Imperial China. Ed. by G. William Skinner ; contributors, Hugh Baker, Mark Elvin [et al.]. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1977). (Studies in Chinese society).
Publication / Skin6
11 2000
Yu yan bian hua yu Han yu fang yan : Li Fanggui xian sheng ji nian lun wen ji = In memory of Professor Li Fang-kuei. Ding Pangxin, Yu Aiqin bian. (Taibei : Zhong yang yan jiu yuan yu yan xue yan jiu suo chou bei chu, 2000). [Selected papers from international symposium on "Linguistic Change and the Chinese Dialects from the Perspectives of Historical Documentation and Language Contact", August 17-19, 1998, University of Washington].
语言變化與漢语方言 : 李方桂先生纪念論文集
Publication / Ting11
12 2000-2001
Han Zang yu tong yuan ci yan jiu : 1, Han Zang yu yan jiu de li shi hui gu ; 2, Han Zang, Miao Yao tong yuan ci zhuan ti yan jiu. Ding Bangxin, Sun Hongkai zhu bian. (Nanning : Guangxi min zu chu ban she, 2000). [Sino-Tibetische Sprache].
汉藏语同源词硏究 : 1. 汉藏语硏究的历史回顾 2. 汉藏苗瑤同源词专题研究
Publication / Ting13
13 2000
Van de Ven, Hans J. Warfare in Chinese history. (Leiden : Brill, 2000). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 47).
Publication / Ven3
14 2000
Zhang, Longxi. Zou chu wen hua de feng bi quan. (Xianggang : Shang wu yin shu guan, 2000). [Expanded ed. (Beijing : Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian, 2000)]. [Comparative literature East and West].
Publication / ZhaL9
15 2000
Joseph, William A. ; Kesselman, Mark ; Krieger, Joel ; Joseph. Introduction to third world politics. (Boston, Mass. : Houghton Mifflin, 2000).
Publication / Jos2
16 2000
Lai, Wei ; Luo, Shunjiang. Bodelai'er zui hou de ri zi. (Shenzhen : Hai tian chu ban she, 2000). (Hai tian yi cong, wai guo ming ren chuan ji yi cong). Übersetzung von Lévy, Bernard-Henri. Les derniers jours de Charles Baudelaire. (Paris : Grasset et Fasquelle, 1988).
Publication / BauC6
17 2000
[Baudelaire, Charles]. Wo xin chi luo. Bodelai'er zhu ; Yu Xiao yi. (Beijing : Zhong guo guang bo dian shi chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie wen hua ming ren wen ku jing xuan xi lie). [Übersetzung der Essays von Baudelaire].
Publication / BauC15
18 2000
Becoming Chinese : passages to modernity and beyond. Ed. by Yeh Wen-hsin. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2000). (Studies on China ; 23).
Publication / YehW2
19 2000
Cross-cultural readings of Chineseness : narratives, images, and interpretations of the 1990s. Ed. by Yeh Wen-hsin. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, Institute of East Asian Studies, 2000). (China research monographs ; no 51). [Conference "Theoretical issues in modern Chinese literary and cultural Studies].
Publication / YehW6
20 2000
[Rogers, Ben]. Basika. Ban Luojiesi ; Cai Shuhui yi. (Taibei : Mai tian chu ban, 2000). (Yue du zhe xue jia, 23). Übersetzung von Rogers, Ben. Pascal : in praise vanity. (London : Phoenix, 1998). (The great philosophers). [Blaise Pascal].
Publication / PasB2

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