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Mason, William. An heroic epistle [ID D27198].
"Knight of the Polar Star! by Fortune plac'd
To shine the Cynosure of British taste ;
Whose orb collects, in one refulgent view,
The scatter’d glories of Chinese Virth ;
And spread their lustre in so broad a blaze,
That Kings themselves are dazzled while they gaze..."

Horace Walpole schreibt dazu : "Sir William Chambers, who was far from wanting taste in architecture, fell into the mistake of the French, who suppose that the Chinese had discovered the true style in gardens long before Kent ; and in order to deprive him and England of the honour of originality, the French call our style the Anglo-chinois Garden : whereas, the Chinese wander as far from nature as the French themselves, tho in opposite extremes. Regularity, Uniformity, Formality and Sameness are the characteristics of all French gardens : Irregularity and Extravagance of the Chinese... The imitation of nature in gardens is indisputably English."

Wittkower, Rudolf. Allegorie und der Wandel der Symbole in Antike und Renaissance.(Köln : Dumont, 1984). (DuMont-Taschenbücher ; 142). Er schreibt : Obwohl Chambers' Buch [Dissertation on Oriental gardening] auf dem Kontinent einen gewaltigen Einfluss ausübte, galt es in England als Anachronismus ; es wurde angegriffen und lächerlich gemacht. Gewandt verlieh der Dichter William Mason der Stimmung des Publikums in seiner Satire 'An heroic epistle to Sir William Chambers' Ausdruck. Horace Walpole schrieb über diese Satire : "Ich lachte, bis mir die Tränen kamen, und je öfter ich sie las, desto besser gefiel sie mir."

Mentioned People (4)

Chambers, William (1)  (Göteborg 1723-1796 London) : Architekt, Gartenarchitekt, Autor

Mason, William  (Kingston-upon-Hull 1725-1797 Aston) : Dichter, Reverend

Walpole, Horace  (London 1717-1797 London) : Schriftsteller, Kunsthistoriker, Politiker, Gelehrter

Wittkower, Rudolf J.  (Berlin 1901-1971 New York, N.Y.) : Britischer Kunsthistoriker


Art : Architecture and Landscape Architecture / Literature : Occident : Great Britain

Documents (4)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1950 Bald, R.C. Wir William Chambers and the Chinese garden. In : Journal of the history of ideas ; vol. 11, no 3 (1950). Publication / Cham4
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
2 1997 Sir William Chambers und der Englisch-chinesische Garten in Europa. Hrsg. von Thomas Weiss. (Ostfildern-Ruit bei Stuttgart : G. Hatje, 1997). (Kataloge und Schriften der Staatlichen Schlösser und Gärten Wörlitz, Oranienbaum, Luisium ; Bd. 2). [Internationales Symposium Oranienbaum, 5.-7. Okt. 1995]. S. 17-18. Publication / Cham8
  • Source: Die Kunst, Gärten anzulegen bey den Chinesern, von Herrn Chambers, Architekten und Mitgliede der Kaiserlichen Academie der Künste zu Florenz. In : Bremisches Magazin zur Ausbreitung der Wissenschaften, Künste und Tugend. (Hannover : Förster, 1756-1765). [Übersetzung der Zusammenfassung von William Chambers Designs of Chinese buildings im Gentlemen's Magazin. (1759). (Chamb10, Publication)
  • Cited by: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich (ETH, Organisation)
  • Person: Chambers, William (1)
  • Person: Weiss, Thomas
3 1998 The vision of China in the English literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Ed. by Adrian Hsia. (Hong Kong : Chinese University press, 1998).
[Enthält] :
Qian, Zhongshu. China in the English literature of the seventeenth century. In : Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography ; vol. 1 (1940).
Fan, Cunzhong. The beginnings of the influence of Chinese culture in England. In : Wai guo yu ; no 6 (1982).
Chen, Shouyi. John Webb : a forgotten page in the early history of sinology in Europe. In : The Chinese social and political review ; vol. 19 (1935-1936).
Qian, Zhongshu. China in the English literature of the eighteenth century. In : Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography ; vol. 2 (1941).
Chen, Shouyi. Daniel Defoe, China's severe critic. In : Nankai social and economic quarterly ; vol. 8 (1935).
Fan, Cunzhong. Chinese fables and anti-Walpole journalism. In : The review of English studies ; vol. 25 (1949).
Fan, Cunzhong. Dr. Johnson and Chinese culture. In : Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography ; vol. 5 (1945).
Chen, Shouyi. Oliver Goldsmith and his Chinese letters. In : T'ien hsia monthly ; vol. 8 (1939).
Chen, Shouyi. Thomas Percy and his Chinese studies. In : The Chinese social and political science review ; vol. 20 (1936-1937).
Fan, Cunzhong. William Jones's Chinese studies. In : The review of English studies ; vol. 22 (1946).
Chen, Shouyi. The Chinese garden in eighteenth century England. In : T'ien hsia monthly ; vol. 2 (1936).
Chen, Shouyi. The Chinese orphan : a Yuan play. In : T'ien hsia monthly ; vol. 4 (1936). [Ji, Junxiang. Zhao shi gu'er].
Hsia, Adrian. The orphan of the house Zhao in French, English, German, and Hong Kong literature. In : Comparative literature studies ; vol. 25 (1988). [Ji, Junxiang. Zhao shi gu'er]. S. 131.
Publication / Hsia8
  • Source: The history of travayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes : as Moscouia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Aegypte, Ethiopia, Guinea, China in Cathayo, and Giapan : with a discourse of the Northwest passage : in the hande of our Lorde be all the corners of the earth. Gathered in parte, and done into Englyshe by Richarde Eden. Newly set in order, augmented, and finished by Richarde Willes. (London : Richarde Iugge, 1577).
    [Enthält] : Perera, Galeotto [Pereira, Galeote]. Certayne reportes of the prouince China. [Erster englischer Artikel über China].
    https://archive.org/details/historyoftrauayl05willrich. (Pere4, Publication)
  • Source: Candish, Thomas [Cavendish, Thomas]. Certain notes or references taken out of the large map of China. In : Hakluyt's principal navigations ; vol. 11 (1588). [Liste von chinesischen Provinzen]. (Cand1, Publication)
  • Source: Settle, Elkanah. The fairy-queen : an opera. (London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1692). (Three centuries of English and American plays, 1500-1830). [Adaptation of Midsummer night's dream by William Shakespeare ; Music composed by Henry Purcell ; Erstaufführung Queen's Theatre, Dorset Garden 1692]. [Enthält eine Szene in einem chinesischen Garten]. (Sett2, Publication)
  • Source: Hyde, Thomas. Mandragorias, seu, Historia shahiludii : viz. ejusdem origo, antiquitas, ususque per totum Orientem celeberrismus : speciatim prout usurpatur apud Arabes, Persas, Indos, & Chinenses, cum harum gentium schematibus variis & curiosis & militum lusilium figuris inusitatis, in Occidente hactenus ignoris : additis omnium nominibus in dictarum gentium linguis, cum sericis characteribus & eorundem interpretationibus & sonis genuinis. De ludis Orientalium libri primi pars prima, quae est Latina : accedunt de eodem Rabbi Abraham Abben-Ezrae elegans poema rythmicum, R. Bosenior Abben-Jachiae facunda oratio prosaica, Liber deliciae regum prola stylo puriore, per innominatum. De ludis Orientalium libri primi pars 2da, quae est Hebraica. (Oxonii : Theatro Sheldoniano, 1694). [Enthält eine Beschreibung des chinesischen Go-Spiels / Schach mit Erklärungen in chinesischen Zeichen].
    http://reader.digitale-sammlungen.de/de/fs1/object/display/bsb10431615_00005.html. (Hyd2, Publication)
  • Source: Johnson, Samuel. Essay on the Description of China. In : The Gentleman's Magazine ; vol. 12 (June, July, Sept. 1742). (JohS2, Publication)
  • Source: Costard, George. On the Chinese chronology and astronomy. In : Philosophical transactions (1747). (Cost2, Publication)
  • Source: Anson, George. A voyage round the world in the years M.DCC.XL.I.II.II.IV. Compiled from his papers and materials by Richard Walter. (London : Printed for the author by J. and P. Knapton, 1748). [1742 wird die beschädigte Centurion in Macao geflickt und Ersatz für die ertrunkenen Seeleute gefunden. 1744 besiegt Anson ein spanisches Schiff und verkauft seinen Gewinn in Guangzhou (Guangdong). Erstes Buch eines Engländers, das aus eigenen Erfahrungen geschrieben wurde. Anson wird 1739-1740 von Thomas Salmon begleitet].
    https://archive.org/details/voyageroundworld00walt. (Anso-Walt1, Publication)
  • Source: Cawthorn, James. Of taste : an essay spoken at the anniversary visitation of Tunbridge School, 1756. In : Cawthorn, James. Poems. (London : Printed by W. Woodfall, 1771). (Library of English literature ; LEL 11615).
    http://www.archive.org/stream/poemsbyrevmrcawt00cawtiala#page/112/mode/2up. (Caw1, Publication)
  • Source: Morton, Charles. On Chinese characters. In : Philosophical transactions (1769). (MorC1, Publication)
  • Person: Ch'en, Shou-yi
  • Person: Defoe, Daniel
  • Person: Fan, Cunzhong
  • Person: Goldsmith, Oliver
  • Person: Hatchett, William
  • Person: Hsia, Adrian
  • Person: Johnson, Samuel
  • Person: Jones, William
  • Person: Percy, Thomas
  • Person: Qian, Zhongshu
  • Person: Walpole, Horace
  • Person: Webb, John
4 2011 Day, Martin S. The influence of Mason's heroic epistle. [William Mason]. http://mlq.dukejournals.org/content/14/3/235.full.pdf. Web / DayM1