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Pye, Lucian W.

(Fenzhou, Shanxi 1921-2008 Boston) : Ford Professor of Political Scince Massachusets Instititute of Technology


Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : United States of America

Chronology Entries (18)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1936 Lucian W. Pye kehrt nach der Volkschule in Oberlin, Ohio, nach China zurück.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
2 1937-1943 Lucian W. Pye besucht die North China American School in Beijing und anschliessend das Carleton College in Northfield, Minn.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
3 1943 Lucian W. Pye graduiert am Carleton College in Northfield, Minn.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
4 1943 Lucian W. Pye ist Leutnant des 5th U.S. Marine Corps in Beijing.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
5 1947-1952 Lucian W. Pye studiert und ist Research Associate an der Yale University.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
6 1951 Lucian W. Pye promoviert an der Yale University.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
7 1952-1953 Lucian W. Pye macht Feldforschung in Malaya für das Princeton Center for International Studies.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
8 1953 Lucian W. Pye wird Mitglied des Committee on Comparative Politics of the Social Science Research Council.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
9 1956-1991 Lucian W. Pye ist Ford Professor of Political Science am Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
10 1956-1991 Lucian W. Pye ist zeitweiliger Berater des Congressional Committee, des State Department und des National Security Council.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
11 1957-1958 Lucian W. Pye ist Mitglied des Advisory Board des Journal of Asian studies.
  • Document: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
12 1958-1959 Lucian W. Pye macht Feldforschung in Burma.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
13 1961-1964 Lucian W. Pye ist Direktor der Association for Asian Studies.
  • Document: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
14 1965 ca. Lucian W. Pye ist Direktor eines Projektes über China des Council on Foreign Rellations.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)
15 1971 Lucian W. Pye ist Leiter des amerikanischen Tischtennisteams in China für das National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.
16 1988-1989 Lucian W. Pye ist Präsident der American Political Science Association.
17 1993 Lucian W. Pye ist Visiting Distinguished Professor an der Elliott School of International Affairs der George Washington University.
18 ????-???? Lucian W. Pye ist Vorsitzender des National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, Trustee der Asia Foundation und Direktor des Advisory Committee des University Service Centre in Hong Kong.
  • Document: Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). (Pye1, Publication)

Bibliography (20)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1951 Pye, Lucian W. Politics of Tuchunism in North China, 1920-27 : an aspect of political and social change in modern China. (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University, 1951 ; Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1965). Diss. Yale Univ., 1951. Publication / Pye15
2 1964 Pye, Lucian W. The communes : a microcosm of Chinese communism. (Cambridge, Mass. : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for International Studies, 1964). Publication / Pye9
3 1967 Pye, Lucian W. China und die Asienpolitik der USA. (Bonn : Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 1967). (Aus Politik und Zeitgeschcihte ; 7). Publication / Pye21
4 1968 Pye, Lucian W. The spirit of Chinese politics : a psychocultural study of the authority crisis in political development. (Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Press, 1968). Publication / Pye16
5 1969 Pye, Lucian W. Mass participation in communist China : its imitations and the continuity of culture. (Cambridge, Mass. : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for International Studies, 1969). Publication / Pye14
6 1970 Pye, Lucian W. Cases in comparative politics Asia. (Boston : Little, Brown, 1970). Publication / Pye4
7 1971 China : management of a revolutionary society. Ed. by John M.H. Lindbeck ; contributors : Lucian W. Pye [et al.]. (Seattle, Wash. : University of Washington Press, 1971). (Studies in Chinese government and politics ; 2). Publication / Pye6
8 1971 Pye, Lucian W. Warlord politics : conflict and coalition in the modernization of Republican China. (New York, N.Y. : Praeger, 1971). (Praeger library of Chinese affairs). Publication / Pye17
9 1972 Pye, Lucian W. China : an introduction. With the collab. of Mary W. Pye. (Boston : Little, Brown, 1972). Publication / Pye5
10 1973 Pye, Lucian W. China revisited : travel report of a trip to the People's republic of China, dec. 11, 1972-Jan. 5, 1973. (Cambridge, Mass. : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for International Studies, 1973). Publication / Pye7
11 1976 Pye, Lucian W. Mao Tse-tung : the man in the leader. (New York, N.Y. : Basic Books, 1976). [Mao Zedong]. Publication / Pye13
12 1980 Pye, Lucian W. The dynamics of factions and consensus in Chinese politics : a model and some propositions. (Santa Monica, Calif. : Rand, 1980). Publication / Pye11
13 1981 Pye, Lucian W. Chinese commercial negotiating style. (Santa Monica, Calif. : Rand Corporation, 1981). = Pye, Lucian W. Chinese negotiating style : commercial approaches and cultural principles. Rev. ed. (New York, N.Y. : Quorum Books, 1992). Publication / Pye8
14 1981 Pye, Lucian W. The dynamics of Chinese politics. (Cambridge, Mass. : Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, 1981). Publication / Pye10
15 1985 Pye, Lucian W. ; Pye, Mary W. Asian power and politics : the cultural dimensions of authority. (Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press, 1985). Publication / Pye3
16 1988 Pye, Lucian W. The mandarin and the cadre : China's political cultures. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan, Center for Chinese Studies, 1988). (Michigan monographs in Chinese studies ; no 59). Publication / Pye12
17 1988 Pye, Lucian W. Zhongguo zheng zhi de bian yu chang. Hu Zuqing yi. (Taibei : Wu nan tu shu chu ban gong si, 1988). Übersetzung von Pye, Lucian W. The dynamics of Chinese politics. (Cambridge, Mass. : Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, 1981).
Publication / Pye19
18 1988 [Pye, Lucian W.]. Zhongguo ren de zheng zhi xin li. Pei Luxun zhu ; Ai Siming yi. (Taibei : Dong cha chu ban she, 1988). Übersetzung von Pye, Lucian W. The spirit of Chinese politics : a psychocultural study of the authority crisis in political development. (Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Press, 1968).
Publication / Pye20
19 1991 Pye, Lucian W. Zhong gong de shang ye tan pan zuo feng : yi ge wen hua xin li de pou xi. (Xianggang : Tian yuan shu wu, 1991). (Feng yun cong shu). Übersetzung von Pye, Lucian W. Chinese negotiating style : commercial approaches and cultural principles. Rev. ed. (New York, N.Y. : Quorum Books, 1992).
中共的商業談判作風 : 一個文化心理的剖析
Publication / Pye18
20 2008 Martin, Douglas. Lucian W. Pye, bold thinker on Asia, is dead at 86 : http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/12/us/12pye.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rss. Web / Pye2

Secondary Literature (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1988 Blackmer, Donald L.M. The contributions of president Lucian W. Pye. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 21, no 4 (1988). Publication / Pye1