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Meisner, Maurice J.

(Detroit, Mich. 1931-2012 Madison, Wisc.) : Harvey Goldberg Professor of History, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Name Alternative(s)

Meisner, Maurice


History : General / Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : United States of America

Chronology Entries (2)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1955 Maurice J. Meisner erhält den M.A. der University of Chicago.
2 1962 Maurice J. Meisner promoviert an der University of Chicago.

Bibliography (14)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1962 Meisner, Maurice J. Li Ta-chao and the origins of Chinese Marxism. (Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago, 1962). Diss. Univ. of Chicago, 1962. [Li Dazhao]. Publication / MeiM2
2 1967 Meisner, Maurice. Li Ta-chao and the origins of Chinese marxism. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1967). [Li Dazhao]. Publication / MeiM1
  • Source: Zhu, Zhixin. Deyizhi she hui ge ming jia xiao zhuan. In : Min bao ; no 2-3 (Jan., Juni 1906). [Kurzbiographien von deutschen Revolutionären. Lebenslauf von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels, Vorstellung des Kommunistischen Manifests als erste Teilübersetzung und des Kapitalismus].
    德意志革命家小傳 (Marx31, Publication)
  • Source: [Engels, Friedrich]. Jia ting, si you zhi he guo jia de qi yuan. In : Tian yi bao (1908). Übersetzung von Engels, Friedrich. Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staats. (Hottingen-Zürich : Schweizerische Genossenschaftsbuchdruckerei, 1884). [4. erg. Aufl. (Stuttgart : Dietz, 1892)].
    家庭, 私有制和国家的起源 (Eng5, Publication)
  • Source: Li, Dazhao. Fa O ke ming zhi bi jiao guan. In : Yan zhi ji kan ; no 3 (July 1918). [Vergleich der französischen und russischen Revolution]. (LiDa1, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Li, Dazhao
3 1972 Maoismus. Mit Beiträgen von Maurice Meisner [et al.] ; hrsg. und eingeleitet von Peter J. Opitz. (Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, 1972). Publication / Meis-Opit1
4 1976 The Mozartian historian : essays on the works of Joseph R. Levenson. Ed. by Maurice Meisner and Rhoads Murphey. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1976). Publication / MeiM7
5 1977 Meisner, Maurice J. Mao's China : a history of the People's republic. (New York, N.Y. : Free Press, 1977). (The transformation of modern China series). [Mao Zedong]. Publication / MeiM3
6 1982 Meisner, Maurice J. Marxism, Maoism, and utopianism : eight essays. (Madison, Wisc. : University of Wisconsin Press, 1982). Publication / MeiM6
7 1986 Meisner, Maurice J. Mao's China and after : a history of the People's republic. (New York, N.Y. : Free Press, 1986). (The transformation of modern China series). [Mao Zedong]. Publication / MeiM5
8 1989 Marxism and the Chinese experience : issues in contemporary Chinese socialism. Ed. by Arif Dirlik and Maurice Meisner. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 1989). (The political economy of socialism). Publication / Dir5
9 1989 [Meisner, Maurice J.]. Li Dazhao yu Zhongguo Makesi zhu yi de qi yuan. Molisi, Maisina zhu ; Zhongguo Beijing shi wei dang shi. (Beijing : Zhong gong dang shi zi liao chu ban she, 1989). Übersetzung von Meisner, Maurice. Li Ta-chao and the origins of Chinese marxism. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1967).
Publication / MeiM11
10 1990 [Meisner, Maurice J.]. Mao Zedong de Zhongguo ji hou Mao Zedong de Zhongguo : ren min gong he guo shi. Molisi Maisina zhu ; Du Pu, Li Yuling yi. (Chengdu : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1990). Übersetzung von Meisner, Maurice J. Mao's China and after : a history of the People's republic. (New York, N.Y. : Free Press, 1986). (The transformation of modern China series).
毛泽东的中国及后毛泽东的中国 : 人民共和国史
Publication / MeiM12
11 1991 Meisner, Maurice J. Mao Zedong yu Makesi zhu yi, Wutuobang zhu yi. Molisi Maisina zhu ; Zhang Ning, Chen Mingkang deng yi. (Beijing : Zhong yang wen xian chu ban she, 1991). (Guo wai yan jiu Mao Zedong si xiang zi liao xuan ji ; 3). Übersetzung von Meisner, Maurice J. Marxism, Maoism, and utopianism : eight essays. (Madison, Wisc. : University of Wisconsin Press, 1982).
Publication / MeiM10
12 1996 Meisner, Maurice J. The Deng Xiaoping era : an inquiry into the fate of Chinese socialism, 1978-1994. (New York, N.Y. : Hill and Wang, 1996). Publication / MeiM4
13 2005 [Meisner, Maurice J.]. Mao Zedong de Zhongguo ji qi hou : Zhonghua ren min gong he guo shi. Molisi Maisina zhu ; Du Pu yi. Übersetzung von Meisner, Maurice J. Mao's China and after : a history of the People's republic. (New York, N.Y. : Free Press, 1986). (The transformation of modern China series).
毛澤東的中國及其後 : 中華人民共和國史
Publication / MeiM9
14 2007 Meisner, Maurice J. Mao Zedong : a political and intellectual portrait. (Cambridge : Polity, 2007). (Political profiles). Publication / MeiM8