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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2000
[Swift, Jonathan]. Geliefo you ji. Siweifute ; Wang Pengting yi. (Beijing : Wai wen chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Swift, Jonathan. Travels into several remote nations of the world. By Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships. Pt. 1-4. (London : Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726). [Gulliver's travels].
Publication / SwiJ21
2 2000
[Swift, Jonathan]. Geliefo you ji : Xiao ren guo you ji : da ren guo you ji. Sihuifute zhu ; Qi ming shu ju bian yi buy i. (Taibei : Qi ming shu ju, 1956). Übersetzung von Swift, Jonathan. Travels into several remote nations of the world. By Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships. Pt. 1-4. (London : Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726). [Gulliver's travels].
格列佛遊記 : 小人國遊記 : 大人國遊記
Publication / SwiJ22
3 2000
[Swift, Jonathan]. Geliefo you ji. Siweifute yuan zhu ; Wang Aiguo gai xie ; Chen Lin cha tu. (Hefei : Anhui shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2000). (Wai guo wen xue ming zhu shao nian du ben). Übersetzung von Swift, Jonathan. Travels into several remote nations of the world. By Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships. Pt. 1-4. (London : Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726). [Gulliver's travels].
Publication / SwiJ26
4 2000
[Swift, Jonathan]. Mu tong de gu shi. Siweifute ; Zhu Wan, Zhang Jian. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Swift, Jonathan. A tale of a tub, written fort he universal improvement of mankind ; to which is added, An account of a battle between the antient and modern books in St. James's Library. (London : Printed for J. Nutt, 1704).
Publication / SwiJ34
5 2000
[Swift, Jonathan]. Xiao ren guo you ji. Liu Jialin yi. (Changsha : Hunan wen yi chu ban she, 2000). (Hua ji du ying yu ; 18). Übersetzung von Swift, Jonathan. Travels into several remote nations of the world. By Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships. Pt. 1-4. (London : Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726). [Gulliver's travels].
Publication / SwiJ48
6 2000
[Swift, Jonathan]. Xiao ren guo he da ren guo. Siweifute ; Zhang Jian yi. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Swift, Jonathan. Travels into several remote nations of the world. By Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships. Pt. 1-4. (London : Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726). [Gulliver's travels].
Publication / SwiJ49
7 2000
[Browne, Thomas]. Weng zang. Tuomasi Bulang zhu ; Mou Zhe yi. (Beijing : Guang ming ri bao chu ban she, 2000). (Guang ming cong yi). Übersetzung von Browne, Thomas. Hydriotaphia, Religio medici, A letter to a friend.
Publication / BroT2
8 2000
[Dickens, Charles]. Dawei Kebofei'er. Digengsi ; Zhuang Yichuan. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu wen ku). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. The personal history of David Copperfield. (London : Bradbury & Evans, 1850). [Issued in 20 monthly parts, May 1849-Nov. 1850].
Publication / Dick26
9 2000
[Dickens, Charles]. Dawei Kebofei'er. Digengsi ; Kennite [John Kennett] ; Zhang Junhou. (Beijing : Shi jie zhi shi chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. The personal history of David Copperfield. (London : Bradbury & Evans, 1850). [Issued in 20 monthly parts, May 1849-Nov. 1850].
Publication / Dick28
10 2000
[Dickens, Charles]. Jian nan shi shi. (Beijing : Zhongguo dui wai jing ji mao yi chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. Hard times : for these times. (London : Bradbury & Evans, 1854).
Publication / Dick85
11 2000
[Dickens, Charles]. Sheng dan song ge. Chalisi Digengsheng zhu ; Yang Shuping yi. (Taibei : Ji tian wen hua shi ye you xian gong si ; 2000). (Cosmos reader zhong ying dui zhao ; 10). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. A Christmas carol, in prose ; being a ghost story of Christmas. With illustrations by John Leech. (London : Chapman & Hall, 1843).
Publication / Dick135
12 2000
[Dickens, Charles]. Shuang cheng ji. Digengsi yuan zhu ; Qian Xingqi gai xie ; Chen Lin cha tu. (Hefei : Anhui shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. A tale of two cities. With illustrations by H.K. Browne. (London : Chapman and Hall, 1859). [Weekly 30 April-26 Nov. 1859].
Publication / Dick193
13 2000
[Dickens, Charles]. Shuang cheng ji. Digengsi ; Ma Jiaju. (Beijing : Shi jie zhi shi chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. A tale of two cities. With illustrations by H.K. Browne. (London : Chapman and Hall, 1859). [Weekly 30 April-26 Nov. 1859].
Publication / Dick195
14 2000
[Dickens, Charles]. Wu du gu er. Digengsi yuan zhu ; Wei Xiaoding gai xie ; Chen Lin cha tu. (Hefei : Anhui shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. Oliver Twist ; or the Parish boy's progress. Vol. 1-3. (London : Richard Bentley, 1838).
Publication / Dick206
15 2000
[Dickens, Charles]. Wu du gu er. (Beijing : Zhongguo dui wai jing ji mao yi chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. Oliver Twist ; or the Parish boy's progress. Vol. 1-3. (London : Richard Bentley, 1838).
Publication / Dick208
16 2000
[Dickens, Charles]. Wu du gu er. Digengsi ; Zhao Chunxia. (Xian : Shi jie tu shu chu ban Xian gong si, 2000). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. Oliver Twist ; or the Parish boy's progress. Vol. 1-3. (London : Richard Bentley, 1838).
Publication / Dick210
17 2000
[Dickens, Charles]. Yuan da qian cheng. Digengsi ; Wang Zhanjing. (Beijing : Wai wen chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Dickens, Charles. Great expectations. Vol. 1-3. (London : Chapman and Hall, 1861).
Publication / Dick226
18 2000
[Conrad, Joseph]. Da hai ru jing. Kanglade zhu ; Ni Qingxi yi. (Tianjin : Bai hu wen yi chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie san wen ming zhu). Übersetzung von Conrad, Joseph. Mirror of the sea. (Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1905).
Publication / ConJ13
19 2000
[Conrad, Joseph]. Jimu lao ye. (Beijing : Zhongguo dui wai jing ji mao yi chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim : a tale. (Edinburgh : W. Blackwood, 1900). (Blackwoods' colonial library).
Publication / ConJ28
20 2000
[Conrad, Joseph]. Jimu lao ye. Kanglade zhu ; Wang Zhanjing yi. (Beijing : Wai wen chu ban she, 2000). (Shi jie jing dian ming zhu jie lu cong shu). Übersetzung von Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim : a tale. (Edinburgh : W. Blackwood, 1900). (Blackwoods' colonial library).
Publication / ConJ29

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