# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
1999 |
[Holland, Vyvyan Beresford]. Wang'erde. Weiwei'an Helan zhu ; Li Fenfang yi. (Taibei : Cheng bang wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 1999). Übersetzung von Holland, Vyvyan. Oscar Wilde : a pictorial biography. (London : Thames and Hudson, 1960). 王爾德 |
Publication / WilO112 |
2 |
1999 |
[Ruskin, John]. Lasijin du shu sui bi. Luosijin ; Wang Qingsong deng yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai san lian shu dian, 1999). (Shi jie ming ren shu hua xi lie). [Übersetzung von Essays von Ruskin]. 拉斯金读书随笔 |
Publication / Rus11 |
3 |
1999 |
[Hardy, Thomas]. Wu ming de Qiude. Tuomasi Hadai zhu ; Zi Pei, Zhang Min yi. (Guangzhou : Hua cheng chu ban she, 1999). ). Übersetzung von Wilde, Oscar. Jude the obscure. = The simpletons. = Hearts insurgent. In : Harper's new monthly magazine Dec.-Nov. (1894-1895). 无名的裘德 |
Publication / Hardy78 |
4 |
1999 |
[Hardy, Thomas]. Yuan li chen xiao. Wu Xizhen yi. (Taibei : Shu lin chu ban you xian gong si, 1999). (Jing dian wen ku xiao shuo ; 1). Übersetzung von Hardy, Thomas. Far from the madding crowd. In : Cornhill magazine ; Jan.-Dec. (1874). = Vol. 1-2. (London : Smith, Elder, 1874). (Library of English literature ; LEL 23448). 遠離塵囂 |
Publication / Hardy92 |
5 |
1999 |
Chen, Wendi. The first Shaw play on the Chinese stage : the production of "Mrs Warren's profession" in 1921. In : Shaw ; Vol. 19 (1999). http://www.jstor.org/stable/40681595. |
Publication / Shaw1 |
6 |
1999 |
Shen, Qian. Lin Yutang yu Xiao Bona : kan wen ren de miao yu sheng hua. (Beijing : Zhongguo you yi chu ban gong si, 1999).(Xue zhe. Yi shu jia san wen sui bi cong shu ; 3). [Lin Yutang und George Bernard Shaw. Anekdoten]. 林語堂與蕭伯納看文人的妙語生花 |
Publication / Shaw62 |
7 |
1999 |
[Brontë, Charlotte]. Jian Ai. Bolangte ; Wang Huiling yi. (Xian : Shi jie tu shu chu ban gong si xi an gong si, 1999). (Shi jie wen xue jing dian ming zhu wen ku). Übersetzung von Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre : an autobiography. Vol. 1-3. (London : Smith, Elder, 1847). 簡愛 |
Publication / Bron42 |
8 |
1999 |
[Brontë, Charlotte]. Jian Ai. Xialuodi Bolangte zhu ; Wang Xiaowei yi. Vol. 1-2. (Beijing : Da zhong wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu bai bu). Übersetzung von Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre : an autobiography. Vol. 1-3. (London : Smith, Elder, 1847). 簡愛 |
Publication / Bron44 |
9 |
1999 |
[Brontë, Charlotte]. Jian Ai. Xialuodi Bolangte zhu ; Yang Shibi yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo xi ju chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu jing dian). Übersetzung von Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre : an autobiography. Vol. 1-3. (London : Smith, Elder, 1847). 簡愛 |
Publication / Bron54 |
10 |
1999 |
[Bentley, Phyllis Eleanor]. Bulangdi zi mei. Feilisi Banteli zhu ; Guo Wanling yi ; Xie Yaoling shen ding. (Taibei : Mao tou ying chu ban she, 1999). (Zuo jia yu zuo pin ; 6). Übersetzung von Bentley, Phyllis Eleanor. The Brontës. (London : Home & Van Thal, 1947). 布朗蒂姊妹 |
Publication / Bron64 |
11 |
1999 |
[Brontë, Emily]. Hu xiao shan zhuang. Aimili Bolangte zhu ; Gao Jihai, Xue Fengqing yi. (Wulumuqi : Xin jiang qing shao nian chu ban she, 1999). (Ying han dui zhao quan yi shi jie wen xue ming zhu xi lie). Übersetzung von Bell, Ellis [Brontë, Emily]. Wuthering heights : a novel. (London : T.C. Newby, 1847). = A new ed. rev., with a biographical notice of the authors, a selection from their literary remains, and a preface, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Brontë]. (London : Smith, Elder, 1850).] 此恨綿綿 : 五幕悲劇 |
Publication / Bron80 |
12 |
1999 |
[Brontë, Emily]. Hu xiao shan zhuang. Aimili Bolangte zhu ; Liang Genshun yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo he ping chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie jing dian ming zhu wen ku). Übersetzung von Bell, Ellis [Brontë, Emily]. Wuthering heights : a novel. (London : T.C. Newby, 1847). = A new ed. rev., with a biographical notice of the authors, a selection from their literary remains, and a preface, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Brontë]. (London : Smith, Elder, 1850).] 此恨綿綿 : 五幕悲劇 |
Publication / Bron81 |
13 |
1999 |
[Brontë, Emily]. Hu xiao shan zhuang. Bolangte ; Wu Wei yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie ming zhu jing dian wen ku). Übersetzung von Bell, Ellis [Brontë, Emily]. Wuthering heights : a novel. (London : T.C. Newby, 1847). = A new ed. rev., with a biographical notice of the authors, a selection from their literary remains, and a preface, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Brontë]. (London : Smith, Elder, 1850). 呼啸山庄 |
Publication / Bron88 |
14 |
1999 |
[Brontë, Emily]. Hu xiao shan zhuang. Aimili Bolangte zhu ; Zhang Ling, Zhang Yang yi. (Beijing : Ren ming wen xue chu ban she, 1999). (Ming zhu ming yi cha tu ben. Jing hua ban). Übersetzung von Bell, Ellis [Brontë, Emily]. Wuthering heights : a novel. (London : T.C. Newby, 1847). = A new ed. rev., with a biographical notice of the authors, a selection from their literary remains, and a preface, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Brontë]. (London : Smith, Elder, 1850). 呼啸山庄 |
Publication / Bron90 |
15 |
1999 |
[Brontë, Emily]. Pao xiao shan zhuang. Aimili Bailangte zhu ; Huang Youling yi. (Taibei : Xi dai shu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 1999). (Sheng huo wen xue ; 31). Übersetzung von Bell, Ellis [Brontë, Emily]. Wuthering heights : a novel. (London : T.C. Newby, 1847). = A new ed. rev., with a biographical notice of the authors, a selection from their literary remains, and a preface, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Brontë]. (London : Smith, Elder, 1850). 呼啸山庄 |
Publication / Bron108 |
16 |
1999 |
[Brontë, Emily]. Pao xiao shan zhuang. Aimeilai Bolangdai zhu ; Li Shuzhen bian yi. (Taibei : Jiu yi, 1999). (Zhen cang wen ku ; 35). Übersetzung von Bell, Ellis [Brontë, Emily]. Wuthering heights : a novel. (London : T.C. Newby, 1847). = A new ed. rev., with a biographical notice of the authors, a selection from their literary remains, and a preface, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Brontë]. (London : Smith, Elder, 1850). 呼啸山庄 |
Publication / Bron111 |
17 |
1999 |
Fang, Weijin ; Qin, Jianfeng. Pian pian qing yi jie. (Beijing : Zhongguo dian ying chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie ming zhu dian ying xiao shuo). [Abhandlung über Wuthering heights von Emily Brontë]. 篇篇情意结 |
Publication / Bron125 |
18 |
1999 |
[Russell, Bertrand]. Jiao yu yu mei hao sheng huo. Botelan Luosu zhu ; Yang Hanlin yi. (Shijiazhuang : Hebei ren min chu ban she, 1999). (Han yi shi jie jiao yu ming zhu cong shu). Übersetzung von Russell, Bertrand. Education and the good life. (New York, N.Y. : Boni & Liveright, 1926). 教育与美好生活 |
Publication / Russ53 |
19 |
1999 |
[Russell, Bertrand]. Li shi de an wei : Luosu duan lun ji. Luosu zhu ; Liang Xiangmei yi. (Beijing : Da zhong wen yi chu ban she, 1999). [Übersetzung gesammelter Essays von Russell]. 歷史的安慰羅素短論集 |
Publication / Russ66 |
20 |
1999 |
[Paine, Thomas ; Robespierre, Maximilien ; Russell, Bertrand]. Chang shi. Chen Shuiyuan bian yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui chu ban she, 1999). (Kuang shi ming dian). 常识 [Enthält] : [Paine, Thomas]. Ge ming fa zhi yu shen pan. Tuomasi Panen ; Li Dongxu yi. Übersetzung von Paine, Thomas. Common senes and other political writings. (New York, N.Y. : Liberal Arts Press, 1953). 革命法制和审判 [Russell, Bertrand]. She hui gai zao yuan li. Luosu ; Wu Fugang yi. Übersetzung von Russell, Bertrand. Principles of social reconstruction. (London : G. Allen & Unwin, 1916). 社會改造之原理 [Robespierre, Maximilien]. Lian he guo xian zhang. Tan Shuan yi. [Original-Titel nicht gefunden]. 聯合國憲章. |
Publication / Russ133 |