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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 1999
Benton, Gregor. New fourth army : communist resistance along the Yangtze and the Huai, 1938-1941. (Richmond : Curzon, 1999). (Chinese worlds).
Publication / Bent12
2 1999
Furth, Charlotte. A flourishing yin : gender in China's medical history, 960-1665. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1999). (A Philip E. Lilienthal book).
Publication / Fur5
3 1999
The literary field of twentieth-century China. Ed. by Michel Hockx. (Richmond : Curzon ; Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawaii Press, 1999). (Chinese worlds).
Publication / Hoc3
4 1999
[Dikötter, Frank]. Jin da Zhongguo zhi zhong zu guan nian. Feng Ke zhu ; Yang Lihua yi. (Nanjing : Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 1999). Übersetzung von Dikötter, Frank. The discourse of race in modern China. (London : Hurst, 1992).
Publication / Dik11
5 1999
Expert on modern China : Tang Tsou dies at 80. In : The University of Chicago chronicle ; vol. 18, no 29 (1999).
Publication / Tsou6
6 1999
Blecher, Marc. Tang Tsou. In : Political science and politics ; vol. 32, no 4 (1999).
Publication / Tsou8
7 1999
Overmyer, Daniel L. Precious volumes : an introduction to Chinese sectarian scriptures from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Asia Center, Harvard University Press, 1999). (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series ; 49).
Publication / Over8
8 1999
[Kafka, Franz]. Meiguo. Fulangci Kafuka zhu ; Mi Shangzhi, Ye Tingfang yi. (Beijing : Da zong wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu bai bu = One hundred classic works of the world literature). Übersetzung von Kafka, Franz. Amerika : Roman. (München : K. Wolff, 1927).
Publication / Kaf5
9 1999
[Kafka, Franz]. Kafuka ri ji. Yan Jia yi. (Chengdu : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1999). Übersetzung von Kafka, Franz. Tagebücher 1910-1923. Hrsg. von Max Brod. (New York, N.Y. : Schocken Books ; Frankfurt a.M. : S. Fischer, 1949). (Gesammelte Werke).
Publication / Kaf11
10 1999
[Brod, Max]. Kafuka zhuan. Makesi Buluode zhu ; Tang Yongkuan yi. (Guilin : Li jiang chu ban she, 1999). Übersetzung von Brod, Max. Über Franz Kafka : Franz Kafka, eine Biographie ; Franz Kafkas Glauben und Lehre ; Verzweiflung und Erlösung im Werk Franz Kafkas. (Frankfurt a.M. : Fischer, 1966). (Fischer Bücherei ; 735).
Publication / Kaf38
11 1999
Chou, Chih-p'ing. Literature and society : advanced reader of modern Chinese = Wen xue yu she hui : xian dai Han yu gao ji du ben. Vol. 1-2. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1999).
Publication / Chou2
12 1999
Hu, Shi. Bu si liang zi nan wang : Hu Shi gei Weiliansi de xin. Zhou Zhiping [Chou Chih-p'ing] yi. (Taibei : Lian jing chu ban shi ye gong si, 1999). [Korrespondenz von Hu Shi mit Edith Clifford Williams].
不思量自難忘 : 胡適給韋蓮司的信
Publication / Chou15
13 1999
[Chang, Kwang-chih]. Shang dai wen ming. Zhang Guangzhi zhu ; Mao Xiaoyu yi. (Beijing : Beijing gong yi mei shu chu ban she, 1999). Übersetzung von Chang, K.C. [Chang, Kwang-chih]. Shang civilization. (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1980).
Publication / Chang21
14 1999
Women writers of traditional China : an anthology of poetry and criticism. Ed. by Kang-i Sun Chang and Haun Saussy ; Charles Kwong, associate ed. ; Anthony C. Yu and Yu-kung Kao, consulting ed. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1999).
Publication / ChaK1
15 1999
Oksenberg, Michel. In memory of A. Doak Barnett. In : The China quarterly ; no 158 (1999).
Publication / Oks1
16 1999
China joins the world : progress and prospects. Ed. by Elizabeth Economy, Michel Oksenberg. (New York, N.Y. : Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1999).
Publication / Oks14
17 1999
[Zweig, Stefan]. Zi hua xiang. Sidifen Ciweige zhu ; Xu Chang yi. (Taibei : Zhi shu fang chu ban she, 1999). (Famous ; 5). Übersetzung von Zweig, Stefan. Drei Dichter ihres Lebens : Casanova, Stendhal, Tolstoi. (Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1928). (Die Baumeister der Welt ; Bd. 3).
Publication / Zwe42
18 1999
Zhang, Yushu. Österreichische Literatur in China. In : Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften ; Nr. 7 (1999).
Web / ZhaYu1
19 1999
[Schnitzler, Arthur]. Da kai yan jie. Yase Shinaizile yuan zhu xiao shuo ; He Zhihe ; Jian Yiling yi. (Taibei : Huang guan wen hua chu ban you xian gong si, 1999). (Re men ying xiang ; 49). Übersetzung von Schnitzler, Arthur. Traumnovelle. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1926).
Publication / Schni10
20 1999
Solinger, Dorothy J. Contesting citizenship in urban China : peasant migrants, the state, and the logic of the market. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1999). (Studies of the East Asian Institute, Columbia University).
Publication / Sol8

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