# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
1998 |
[Millar, Margaret]. Ren yu mo. Mile ; Zhang Chiheng yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen hua chu ban she, 1998). (Shi jie chang xiao shu jin ku. Mile shen mi xuan yi xiao xhuo xi lie). Ubersetzung von Millar, Margaret. Beyond this point are monsters. (New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1970). 人与魔 |
Publication / MilM5 |
2 |
1998 |
Wang, Jiaming. Ling hun ku lü : Liefu Tuo'ersitai. (Xian : Tai bai wen yi chu ban she, 1998). (Bai nian zuo fang cong shu). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy]. 灵魂酷旅 : 列夫托尔斯泰 |
Publication / Tol308 |
3 |
1998 |
Chey, Jocelyn. Lodestar China : navigating the China relationship, 1956-1996. (Nathan : Centre for the Study of Australia-Asia Relations, Faculty of International Business and Politics, Griffith University, 1998). |
Publication / Chey2 |
4 |
1998 |
[Herder, Johann Gottfried]. Lun yu yan de qi yuan. J.G. He'erde zhu ; Yao Xiaoping yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1998). Übersetzung von Herder, Johann Gottfried. Abhandlung über den Ursprung der Sprache, welche den von der Königl. Academie der Wissenschaften für das Jahr 1770 gesetzten Preis erhalten hat. (Berlin : C.F. Voss, 1772). 论语言的起源 |
Publication / Herd2 |
5 |
1998 |
Chung, Young-do. Karl Jaspers und Laotse : Parallelen zwischen den Begriffen Transzendenz und Tao. In : Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Karl Jaspers Gesellschaft ; Jg. 11 (1998). |
Publication / Jas25 |
6 |
1998 |
[Gorky, Maksim]. Gao'erji zi zhuan. Wang Jiezhi bian. (Nanjing : Jiangsu wen yi chu ban she, 1998). (Wai guo ren ming ren zi zhuan cong shu). Übersetzung von Gorky, Maksim. Detstvo. (Berlin : J. Ladyschnikow, 1914). = Ma vie d'enfant : mémoires autobiographiques. (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1921). Übersetzung von Gorky, Maksim. V liudiakh. (Berlin : J. Ladyschnikow, 1916). Übersetzung von Gorky, Maksim. Moi universitety. (Berlin : Verlag Kniga, 1923). = Souvenirs de ma vie literaire. (Paris : Kra, 1923). = Übersetzung von Gorky, Maxim. Autobiography : My childhood, In the world, My universities. (New York, N.Y. : Citadel Press, 1949). 高爾基自傳 |
Publication / Gork86 |
7 |
1998 |
Du divertissement dans la Chine et le Japon anciens : "Homo Ludens Extrême-Orientalis". Préparé par François Martin, Jacqueline Pigeot et Karine Chemla. (Saint-Denis : Presses universitaires de Vincennes, Université Paris VIII, 1998). (Extrême-Orient, Extrême Occident ; 20). |
Publication / Chem2 |
8 |
1998 |
Hong, Ying. Daughter of the river. Transl. by Howard Goldblatt. (London : Bloomsbury, 1998). Übersetzung von Hong, Ying. Ji'e de nü'er. (Taipei : Erya Press, 1997). 饑餓的女兒 |
Publication / Gold19 |
9 |
1998 |
Dai, Jinbo. Fu'ertai. (Shenyang : Liao hai chu ban she, 1998). (Bu lao hu chuan ji wen ku; ju ren bai chuan cong shu). [Abhandlung über Voltaire]. 伏尔泰 |
Publication / Volt35 |
10 |
1998 |
[Christie, Agatha]. Zou xiang jue ding xing de shi ke. Kelisidi ; Si Ren yi. (Guiyang : Guizhou ren min chu ban she, 1998). (Ajiasha Kelisidi zuo pin quan ji). Übersetzung von Christie, Agatha. Towards zero. (New York, N.Y. : Dodd, Mead and Co. ; London : Collins, 1944). 走向决定性的时刻 |
Publication / Chr175 |
11 |
1998-2014 |
Biographical dictionary of Chinese women Tang through Ming, 618-1644. Ed.-in-chief Lily Xiao Hong Lee and A.D. Stefanowska. Vol. 1-4. (Boston, Mass. : Credo Reference, 1998-2014). |
Publication / LeeLi1 |
12 |
1998 |
Zeng, Dezhao ; He, Gaoji. Da Zhongguo zhi. (Shanghai : Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 1998). Übersetzung von Semedo, Alvaro. Relação da propagacão da fe nuo reyno da China e outros adjacentes von 1641. 大中国志 |
Publication / Zeng-He, -Seme1 |
13 |
1998 |
Cooper, Eugene ; Jiang, Yinho. The artisans and entrepreneurs of Dongyang county : economic reform and flexible production in China. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 1998). (Studies in contemporary China). |
Publication / CooE3 |
14 |
1998 |
[Bradbury, Ray]. Huo xing ji nian. Vol. Lei Bulaidebirui zuo ; Lin Yuyou yi. 1-2. (Taibei : Tian tian wen hua, 1998). (Wei lai jing dian ; 1-2). Übersetzung von Bradbury, Ray. The martian chronicles. (Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1950). 火星紀年 |
Publication / BradR3 |
15 |
1998 |
[Tolstoy, Leo]. Sheng huo zhi lu. Liefu Tuo'ersitai zhu ; Wang Zhigeng yi. (Guilin : Lijiang chu ban she, 1998). Übersetzung von Tolstoy, Leo. Smert' Ivana Il'icha. In : Socinenia grafa L. N. Tolstogo (1886). = The death of Ivan Illytch. In : Tolstoy, Leo. A Russian proprietor ; The death of Ivan Illytch and other stories. (New York, N.Y. : T.Y. Crowell, 1899). = La mort d'Ivan Iliitch. (Paris : E. Dentu, 1894). 生活之路 |
Publication / Tol118 |
16 |
1998 |
Bay, Jane. Precious jewels of Tibet : a journey to the roof of the world : a memoir. (Santa Fe, N.M. : Clear Light Publishers, 1998). [Bericht ihrer Reise nach Lhasa, Kloster Samye und Xigaze]. |
Publication / Bay,1 |
17 |
1998 |
Leslie, Donald Daniel. The integration of religious minorities in China : the case of Chinese muslims. (Canberra : Australian National University, 1998). (The fifth-ninth George Ernest Morrison lecture in ethnology). http://rspas.anu.edu.au/ccc/morrison/morrison59.pdf#search=%22leslie% 20integration%20of%20religious%20minorities%20in%20china%22. |
Web / Les15 |
18 |
1998 |
[Vian, Boris]. Sui yue de pao mo. Weian ; Wang Yuwei yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1998). (Faguo dang dai wen xue cong shu). Übersetzung von Vian, Boris. L'écume des jours. (Paris : J.-J. Pauvert, 1963). 歲月的泡沫 |
Publication / Vian2 |
19 |
1998 |
[Hardy, Thomas]. Wu ming de Qiude. Tuomasi Hadai zhu ; Xi Fan yi. (Nanjing : Yilin chu ban she, 1998). (Yilin shi jie wen xue ming zhu. Gu dian xi lie). Übersetzung von Wilde, Oscar. Jude the obscure. = The simpletons. = Hearts insurgent. In : Harper's new monthly magazine Dec.-Nov. (1894-1895). 无名的裘德 |
Publication / Hardy79 |
20 |
1998 |
[Twain, Mark]. Wang zi yu pin er. Make Tuwen zhu ; Li Danqing yi. (Guangzhou : Xin shi ji chu ban she, 1998). Übersetzung von Twain, Mark. The prince and the pauper : a tale for young people of all ages. (New York, N.Y. : Harper & Bros, 1881). 王子与贫儿 |
Publication / Twa255 |