# | Year | Text |
1 | 1986 |
Radio Übertragung von A midsummer night's dream von William Shakespeare in der Übersetzung von Huang Zuolin durch die Shanghai ren min guang bo dian tai (Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station) unter der Regie von Zu Wenzhong.
2 | 1986 |
Aufführung von Luan shi wan (jing ju) = The king of the Rurmoil = Macbeth von William Shakespeare durch die Wuhan shi jing ju tuan (Wuhan City Jingju Company) unter der Regie von Hu Dao [et al.].
3 | 1986 |
Aufführung von Yuan xiao = Twelfth night von William Shakespeare in der kantonesischen Übersetzung von Ruper Chan durch die Chung Ying Theatre Company unter der Regie von Bernard Goss in Hong Kong.
4 | 1986 |
Die Chinese Phonograph and Tape Company produziert zwei Tapes "The highlights of William Shakespeare's best known plays" mit ausgewählten Passagen, Dialogen und Monologen mit den Schauspielern Sun Daolin, Qiao Zhen, Qiao Qi und Zhu Yi.
5 | 1986 |
Knapp, Bettina L. Interview avec Diane de Margerie. In : The French review ; vol. 60, no 2 (1986). http://www.jstor.org/stable/394056.
Q. Pouvez-vous nous parler de votre enfance en Chine et ailleurs, et de l'influence qu'elle a exercée sur vos écrits ? R. Mon enfance en Chine m'a pris essentiellement le pouvoir de l'identification (« Pourquoi ne suis-je pas un de ces mendiants que je vois dans la rue ? » ; la multiplicité des croyances religieuses (j'allais beaucoup dans les temples voir les cérémonies inspirées du Confucianisme et du Bouddhisme). Elle m'a donné un goût tout puissant de la nature et du silence : la beauté du Palais d'été et de la Cité interdite ne peuvent s'oublier – pour les parfums des fleurs (les magnolias immenses, si blancs, sans souffrance). Une enfance contrastée trop forte pour l'enfant qu j'étais. |
6 | 1986 |
Aufführung von Xi chun jiu dian = L'Hôtel du libre-échange von Georges Feydeau und Maurice Desvallières unter der Regie von Rupert Chan und Bernard Goss in der Chung Ying Theatre Company, Hong Kong.
7 | 1986 |
Aufführung von Measure for measure = Qing jun ru weng von William Shakespeare durch das Hong Kong Repertory Theatre in der Übersetzung und unter der Regie von Ying Ruocheng.
请君入翁 |
8 | 1986 |
Aufführung von Othello = Ji von William Shakespeare durch das Hong Kong Repertory Theatre in der Adaptation und unter der Regie von Joanna Chan = Chen Yinying.
嫉 |
9 | 1986 |
Aufführung von Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Arturo Ui = The resistible rise of Arturo Ui = Jiao fu ya tu fa ji shi von Bertolt Brecht durch das Hong Kong Repertory Theatre in der Übersetzung von Chow Yung Ping = Zhou Yongping ; in der Adaptation und unter der Regie von Bernadette Tsui = Xu Yongxuan.
教父亞塗發跡史 |
10 | 1986 |
[Byron, George Gordon]. Ai Xila. Liu Wuji yi. [ID D26399].
Liu Wuji schreibt im Nachwort : "Byron is a revolutionary poet and particularly in this poem he reveals his revolutionary enthusiasm. Although he is a subject of an empire, he is strongly against the policy of aggression by the imperialists. He is willing to help a small nation – Greece – and to fight for her. The sixteen stanzas of this poem are a crystallization of his life's thought. This is the most representative of all his works. It is such a great poem that I think it necessary to translate it in the style of the new poetry." |
11 | 1986 |
Fu, Tongxian ; Zhang, Wenyu. Jiao yu zhe xue. [ID D28693].
Fu Tongxian recognizes the worthy elements in John Dewey's theory : "Dewey tried to remind us that the purpose of education must conform to the development of the child, and must not be disconnected from the child's experiences and needs. Otherwise, education cannot reach any of its goals nor produce effective results. We feel that he is right on that point." |
12 | 1986 |
Tao Xingzhi and John Dewey were one of the major research topics by the China Society for the Study of Tao Xingzhi.
13 | 1986 |
Performance of Shen yang = Desire under the elms by Eugene O'Neill by the Shenyang hua ju juan (Shenyang Drama Troupe). Broadcasted by the China Central Television Network.
14 | 1986 |
Performance of Homecoming from Mourning becomes Electra by Eugene O'Neill by the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing. Broadcasted by the China Central Television Network.
15 | 1986 |
Wang, Jiaxiang. [Happy reading : selected translations of and essay on Ulysses]. In : Wai guo wen xue (Aug. 1986).
"45 years after his death, Joyce enjoys now a position in Western literature which ought to be described as established by consensus, yet in our country Joyce studies have been very tardy in getting started. It is impossible, however, to comprehend twentieth-century Western literature very well without a serious study and understanding of this important author who was a pioneer of modern English literature. For quite some time till now, translations of Joyce were as a rule just stories from Dubliners, and writings about Joyce were usually confined to his biographical facts. People dared not approach Ulysses, mainly kept off by a chilly atmosphere, originating from nobody knows where, which enveloped the work as 'decadent', 'nihilist', 'pornographic', 'poisonous', etc. But what exactly is its theme ? It is, after all is said and done, a poisonous book or a superior literary masterpiece ? How should we view Joyce's ideas, principles and artistic styles ? This involves not only the evaluation of one book or one author, but the question of how we ought to appreciate and evaluate the whole modernistic literature in the West. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and Mr. Jin Di's translation of selected episodes from Ulysses has made it possible for readers themselves to get to know Joyce and his work." |
16 | 1986-1998 |
William McNaughton ist Professor an der Kong Kong City University. Er ist Gründungs-Direktor des BA in Translation and Interpretation.
17 | 1986 |
Snyder, Gary. Left out in the rain : new poems, 1947-1985. (San Francisco : North Point Press, 1986).
Lao-tzu says To forget what you knew is best. That's what I want : To get these sights down, Clear, right to th4e place Where they fade Back into the mind of my times. |
18 | 1986 |
Hai Zi about Henry David Thoreau.
Thoreau expresses his deep concerns about life and being in his writing. "I have been inspired by his ideas which have become my life long pursuit and ideal objective for poetic writing. Critics have valued this highly maintaining that turning to life and being marks a new beginning of Chinese poetry". |
19 | 1986 |
Wei, An. From Life on earth [ID D29714].
Thomas Moran : In 1986, the poet Hai Zi introduced Wei An to Henry David Thoreau's Walden; inspired by the book. Wei An turned from poetry to prose in the style of Thoreau's observations. In the winter of 1986, Wei An read Xu Chi's translation of Walden, and the book changed his life. He discovered what he called Thoreau's "free, unrestrained, simple and open" organic style, and began composing in prose that, like Thoreau's, was poetic. He said the middle way fit him. As an American, I have an impulse to regard him as a naturalist, but his work resists this. For Wei An, the essence of Thoreau was not a "return to nature" but rather the "completion of man." Having grown up in the age of irony, I sometimes find it difficult to translate the unguarded expression of emotion and the direct discussion of truth, beauty, and goodness that are Wei An's idioms. His work reminds me, however, that our engagement with nature must necessarily be both romantic and scientific, and that the two cannot—or at least should not—be separated. |
20 | 1986 |
[Stowe, Harriet Beecher]. Tang mu shu shu de xiao wu. Tang Jun yi. [ID D29987].
Tang Jun schreibt im Vorwort : "The novel is a very good book from which young readers may gather some ideas about the capitalist society, the slavery in the United States, and the racial discrimination that still exists there. Through reading the novel, we may not only learn about the prejudice and the oppression black people have been suffering in the United States, but also broaden our horizon by learning something about the history, geography, and the customs and habits of the United States." |