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Minford, John

(Birmingham 1946-) : Professor of Chinese, China and Korea Centre, Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra ; Professor of Chinese, Department of Asian Languages, University of Auckland, New Zealand ; Professor of Translation, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies and Director Centre for Translation Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Name Alternative(s)

Minford, John Michael


Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : Australia / Sinology and Asian Studies : Europe : Great Britain / Sinology and Asian Studies : New Zealand

Chronology Entries (35)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1958-1963 John Minford studiert Latein, Griechisch und Französisch am Winchester College, Hampshire.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
2 1964-1968 John Minford studiert Klassische Philosophie, Politik und Wirtschaft am Balliol College der University of Oxford.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
3 1968 John Minford erhält den B.A. in Chinese des Balliol College der University of Oxford.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
4 1969-1977 John Minford und David Hawkes übersetzen The story of the stone. [Hong lou meng].
5 1977-1980 John Minford forscht am Department of Chinese der Australian National University, Canberra.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
6 1978-1980 John Minford ist Visiting Lecturer des Department of Chinese der University of Melbourne.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
7 1980-1982 John Minford ist Lecturer in Chinese-English Translation und Direktor der MA Programme in Translation Theory & Practice am Tianjin Foreign Languages Institute.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
8 1980 John Minford promoviert am Department of Chinese der Australian National University, Canberra.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
9 1982-1986 John Minford ist Research Fellow des Research Centre for Translation und Lecturer des Department of Translation der Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
10 1982-1986 John Minford ist Herausgeber von Renditions und Gründungsherausgeber der Renditions paperbacks.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
11 1984-1986 John Minford ist Direktor des Research Centre for Translation der Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
12 1987-1991 John Minford ist Professor of Chinese and Head des Department of Asian Languages der University of Auckland, Neuseeland.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
13 1991-1994 John Minford ist Translation Fellow des Council for Cultural Planning and Development, Executive Yuan, Taiwan.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
14 1992-1997 John Minford ist Visiting Professor of Translation am Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation Studies der Furen Catholic University, Taiwan.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
15 1993-1994 John Minford ist Visiting Fellow der Division of Pacific and Asian History der Research School of Pacific & Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
16 1994-1999 John Minford ist Professor of Translation des Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies und Direktor des Centre for Translation Studies der Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
17 1997- John Minford ist Mitglied des Editorial Board des Journal of modern literature in Chinese.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
18 1999-2001 John Minford ist External Examiner des Department of Translation der Lingnan-Universität, Hong Kong.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
19 2000-2004 John Minford ist Herausgeber von Persimmon.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
20 2002-2004 John Minford ist Honorary Research Fellow des Centre for Humanities der Lingnan-Universität, Hong Kong, Berater des Präsidenten der Jiatai-Universität, Hangzhou und Course Developer der Open University of Hong Kong.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
21 2004-2006 John Minford ist Dekan der School of Arts & Social Sciences und Professor of Language and Translation der Open University of Hong Kong.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
22 2006 John Minford ist Professor of Chinese and Head des China & Korea Centre der Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
23 ????- John Minford ist Honorary Fellow der Hong Kong Translation Society.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
24 ????- John Minford ist Editorial Consultant von Chinese pen.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
25 ????- John Minford ist Editorial Adviser der Penguin classics, London.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
26 ????- John Minford ist Mitglied der Académie du Midi, Universität Wuppertal.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
27 ????- John Minford ist External Examiner und Assessor des Department of Translation der Lingan-Universität, Hong Kong.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
28 ????- John Minford ist External Reader von East Asian history.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
29 ????- John Minford ist External Reader des Journal of Oriental studies.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
30 ????- John Minford ist Mitglied des Chair Selection Committee for Translation der Lingnan-Universität, Hong Kong.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
31 ????- John Minford ist Mitglied des Humanities Panel, Research Grants Council des University Grants Committee Hong Kong.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
32 ????- John Minford ist Assessor der Literary Grants des Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
33 ????- John Minford ist Advisor des Graduate Institute of Translation & Interpretation der Furen-Universität, Taiwan.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
34 ????- John Minford ist Mitglied des Review Panel, Asian Languages der Victoria University, Neuseeland.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)
35 ????- John Minford ist Academic Assessor der Chinese University of Hong Kong und der Baptist University Hong Kong.
  • Document: Minford, John (MinJ, Person)

Bibliography (14)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1973-1986 Cao, Xueqin. The story of the stone : novel. Transl. by David Hawkes ; Vol. 4 (1982)-5 (1986) transl. by John Minford. Vol. 1-5. (Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1973-1986). [Hong lou meng]. Publication / CaoX1
2 1980 Minford, John. The last forty chapters of the Story of the stone : a literary reappraisal with an appendix on Gao E. (Canberra : Australian National University, 1980). Diss. Australian National University, 1980. [Cao, Xueqin. Hong lou meng]. Publication / MinJ1
3 1983 Favourite folktales of China. Transl. by John Minford ; illustrated by He Youzhi and others ; introd. by Zhong Jingwen. (Beijing : New World Press, 1983). Publication / MinJ4
4 1984 Chinese middlebrow fiction : from the Ch'ing and early Republican eras. Ed. by Liu Ts'un-yan ; with the assistance of John Minford. (Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, 1984). (A Renditions book). (Qing). Publication / LiuT27
5 1984 Trees on the mountain : an anthology of new Chinese writing. Ed. by Stephen C. Soong and John Minford. (Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, 1984). (A Renditions book). Publication / MinJ6
6 1985 Hawkes, David. Chinese : classical, modern, and humane : essays in Chinese literature. Ed. by John Minford, Siu-kit Wong. (Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, 1985). [Sammlung von Aufsätzen 1955-1983]. Publication / MinJ8
7 1986 Seeds of fire : Chinese voices of conscience. Ed. by Geremie Barmé and John Minford. (Hong Kong : Far Eastern Economic Review, 1986). Publication / MinJ5
8 1987 100 modern Chinese poems = Zhongguo xian dai shi yi bai shou. Ed. & transl. by Pang Bingjun & John Minford ; with Sean Golden. (Xianggang : Shang wu yin shu guan Xianggang fen guan, 1987). (Yi bai cong shu).
中國現代詩 一百首
Publication / MinJ2
9 1997-1999 Cha, Louis [Jin, Yong]. The deer and the cauldron : a martial arts novel. Book 1-2. Transl. and ed. by John Minford. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997-1999). Übersetzung von Jin, Yong. Lu ding ji. (Beijing : Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian, 1994).
Publication / MinJ9
10 2000-2005 Classical Chinese literature : an anthology of translations. John Minford and Joseph S.M. Lau, editors. Vol. 1-2. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2000-). Vol. 1 : From antiquity to the Tang dynasty. Publication / MinJ3
11 2001- [Minford, John ; Lau, Joseph S.M.]. Han ying ju hua : a Chinese companion to Classical Chinese literature. Minfude, Liu Shaoming zhu bian ; Chen Hongzhuang bian. Vol. 1-. (Hong Kong : Zhong wen da xue chu ban she, 2001-).
Publication / MinJ12
12 2003 A birthday book for Brother Stone : for David Hawkes, at eighty. Ed. by Rachel May and John Minford. (Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, 2003). Publication / MinJ11
13 2004 Cha, Louis [Jin, Jong]. The book and the sword : a martial arts novel. Transl. by Graham Earnshaw ; ed. by Rachel May and John Minford. (New York, N.Y. : Oxford University Press, 2004). Übersetzung von Jin, Jong. Shu jian en chou lu. (Hong Kong : Ming he she, 1985).
Publication / MinJ10
14 2006 Pu, Songling. Strange tales from a Chinese studio. Transl. and ed. by John Minford. (London : Penguin, 2006). (Penguin classics). Übersetzung von Pu, Songling. Liao zhai zhi yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1765). 聊斋志异 Publication / MinJ7