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Fang, Zhaoying

(China 1908-1985 China) : Historiker, Adjunct Professor Columbia University

Name Alternative(s)

Fang, Chao-ying


History : General / Index of Names : China / Sinology and Asian Studies : China / Sinology and Asian Studies : United States of America

Chronology Entries (10)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1933 Fang Zhaoying verlässt China und studiert an der Library School der Columbia University.
  • Document: Bary, Wm. Theodore de. Chao-ying Fang (1908-1985). In : The journal of Asian studies ; vol. 45, no 5 (1986). (Fang10, Publication)
2 ????-1933 Fang Zhaoying studiert an der Yanjing-Universität.
3 1934-1942 ca. Fang Zhaoying ist an der Library of Congress tätig und arbeitet mit Arthur Hummel an Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing period.
  • Document: Bary, Wm. Theodore de. Chao-ying Fang (1908-1985). In : The journal of Asian studies ; vol. 45, no 5 (1986). (Fang10, Publication)
4 1942 ca.-1945 Fang Zhaoying arbeitet am China desk des War Department.
  • Document: Bary, Wm. Theodore de. Chao-ying Fang (1908-1985). In : The journal of Asian studies ; vol. 45, no 5 (1986). (Fang10, Publication)
5 1945 ca.-1947 Fang Zhaoying arbeitet unter Karl A. Wittfogel am Chinese Dynastic History Project der Columbia University.
  • Document: Bary, Wm. Theodore de. Chao-ying Fang (1908-1985). In : The journal of Asian studies ; vol. 45, no 5 (1986). (Fang10, Publication)
6 1948 ca.-1960 Fang Zhaoying arbeitet an der University of California, Berkeley.
  • Document: Bary, Wm. Theodore de. Chao-ying Fang (1908-1985). In : The journal of Asian studies ; vol. 45, no 5 (1986). (Fang10, Publication)
7 1961-1963 Fang Zhaoying ist Associate Librarian und Kurator der Oriental Library der Australian National University, Canberra.
8 1961 Fang Zhaoying schenkt seine Sammlung von ca. 6000 chinesischen und westlichen Büchern der Australian National Library.
9 1963-1976 ca. Fang Zhaoying arbeitet am Projekt Dictionary of Ming biography der Columbia University.
10 1985 Fang Zhaoying ist Dozent an der Yanjing-Universität Beijing und erleidet einen Herzinfarkt.
  • Document: Bary, Wm. Theodore de. Chao-ying Fang (1908-1985). In : The journal of Asian studies ; vol. 45, no 5 (1986). (Fang10, Publication)

Bibliography (6)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1941 Zeng jiao Qing chao jin shi ti ming bei lu : fu yin de = Chin shih t’i ming pei lu of Ch’ing dynasty. Fang Zhaoying, Du Lianzhe he bian ; Hong Ye [William Hung]. (Beijing : Hafo Yanjing xue she, 1941). (Yin de te kan ; 19 = Harvard-Yenching Institute sinological series suppl. ; no 19).
增校清朝進士題名碑錄 : 附引得
Publication / Hung69
2 1944 Hockett, Charles Francis ; Fang, Zhaoying. Spoken Chinese. 2 vol. in 1. (New York, N.Y. : H. Holt, 1944). Publication / Hock3
3 1945 Hockett, Charles Francis ; Fang, Zhaoying. Guide's manual for spoken Chinese. (New York, N.Y. : H. Holt, 1945). Publication / Hock2
4 1954 Teng, Ssu-yü ; Fairbank, John K. China's response to the West : a documentary survey, 1839-1923. With E-tu Zen Sun, Chaoying Fang [et al.]. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1954). [New York, N.Y. : Atheneum, 1965)]. Publication / Fai30
5 1976 Dictionary of Ming biography, 1368-1644 = Ming dai ming re zhuan, 1368-1644. The Ming Biographical History Project of the Association for Asian Studies. L. Carrington Goodrich, ed. ; Chaoying Fang [Fang Zhaoying], associate ed. Vol. 1-2. (New York, N.Y. ; London : Columbia University Press, 1976). [Charles O. Hucker und Chan Hok-lam sind Mitarbeiter]. Publication / Good
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Chan, Hok-lam
  • Person: Goodrich, L. Carrington
  • Person: Hucker, Charles O.
6 1987 Huang, Tsung-hsi. The records of Ming scholars. A selected translation ; ed. by Julia Ching ; with the collab. of Chaoying Fang [Fang Zhaoying]. (Honololu, Hawaii : University of Hawaii Press, 1987). [Huang, Zongxi. Ming ju hsueh an]. Publication / ChiJ13

Secondary Literature (2)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1986 Bary, Wm. Theodore de. Chao-ying Fang (1908-1985). In : The journal of Asian studies ; vol. 45, no 5 (1986). Publication / Fang10
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
2 2008 National Library of Australia news ; vol. 19, no 2 (2008) : http://www.nla.gov.au/pub/nlanews/2008/dec08/dec08news.html.
. Fang Zhaoying].
Web / NLAN