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Goodrich, L. Carrington

(Tongzhou, Zhili = Hebei 1894-1986 Yonkers) : Dean Lung Professor of Chinese, Columbia University, New York

Name Alternative(s)

Goodrich, Luther Carrington


Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : United States of America

Chronology Entries (32)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1894-1911 L. Carrington Goodrich wächst in China auf und besucht 1907-1910 die China Inland Missions Schule in Yantai (Shandong).
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
2 1911-1913 L. Carrington Goodrich besucht die Oberlin Academy in Ohio.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
3 1913-1917 L. Carrington Goodrich besucht das Williams College in Williamstown, Mass.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
4 19171917 L. Carrington Goodrich erhält den B.A. in Englisch des Williams College in Williamstown, Mass.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
5 1917-1918 L. Carrington Goodrich gibt Englisch-Unterricht am Higher Normal College und am Union Medical College in Beijing.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
6 1918-1919 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Sekretär der YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) für Chinese Labor Forces in Frankreich.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
7 1919 L. Carrington Goodrich kehrt nach einem Semester Studium an der Columbia University New York nach Beijing zurück.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
8 1919-1925 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Sekretär des Direktors des China Medical Board der Rockefeller Foundation und dann Assistenz-Direktor des China Medical Board.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
9 1920-1925 L. Carrington Goodrich reist nach Tianjin, Dezhou (Shandong), Jin'an (Shandong), Tai'an (Sichuan), Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou (Zhejiang), Shaoxing (Zhejiang), Ningbo (Zhejiang), Shantou (Jiangxi), Guangzhou (Guangdong), Anqing (Anhui), Wuhu (Anhui), Jiujiang (Jiangxi), Lanzhou (Gansu), Kaifeng (Henan), Luoyang (Fujian), Baoding (Hebei), Shunde (Guangdong), Zhangjiakou (Hebei), Datong, Taiyuan (Shanxi), Taigu (Shanxi), Pingdingzhou (Shanxi) und Shenyang (Liaoning).
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
10 1926 L. Carrington Goodrich kehrt nach Amerika zurück.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
11 1926-1927 L. Carrington Goodrich studiert an der Columbia University, New York.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
12 1926-1931 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Dozent für Chinesisch an der Columbia University, New York.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
13 1927 L. Carrington Goodrich erhält den M.A. in Chinese history der Columbia University, New York.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
14 1929 L. Carrington Goodrich wird Mitglied der American Oriental Society.
15 1931-1932 L. Carrington Goodrich gibt Unterricht am College of Chinese Studies und arbeitet an seiner Disseration an der National Library in Beijing.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
16 1932-1935 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Dozent für Chinesisch an der Columbia University, New York.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
17 1932-1937 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Mitglied des Committee on Chinese Studies des American Council of Learned Societies.
  • Document: American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS, Organisation)
18 1934 L. Carrington Goodrich promoviert in Chinese history an der Columbia University, New York.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
19 1935-1961 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Professor of Chinese des Department of Chinese and Japanese Studies der Columbia University, New York.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
20 1938-1940 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Vorsitzender des American Council of Learned Societies.
  • Document: American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS, Organisation)
21 1943-1945 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Director of University Admissions der Columbia University, New York.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
22 1946-1947 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Präsident der American Oriental Society.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
23 1947 L. Carrington Goodrich wird Dean Lung Professor Chinese der Columbia University, New York und Mitglied University Council und chairman des Committee on Insturction der Faculty of Philosophy.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
24 1948 L. Carrington Goodrich wird Mitglied des Committee of Conference der Columbia University, New York.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
25 1951 L. Carrington Goodrich wird Mitglied des Administrative Board des East Asian Institute, Columbia University, New York.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
26 1953-1954 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Gastprofessor der Visva Bharati University in Santiniketan, Indien.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)
27 1955 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Vizepräsident der Association for Asian Studies.
28 1956 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Präsident der Association for Asian Studies.
29 1957-1959 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Herausgeber der Monographien des Journal of Asian studies.
30 1960-1961 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Gastprofessor der Australian National University in Canberra.
  • Document: Goodrich, Thomas D. Luther Carrington Goodrich (1894-1986) : a bibliography. In : Journal of the American Oriental Society ; vol. 113, no 4 (1993). (GooL1, Publication)
31 1961-1962 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Danforth Professor an der International Christian University in Tokyo.
  • Document: Goodrich, Thomas D. Luther Carrington Goodrich (1894-1986) : a bibliography. In : Journal of the American Oriental Society ; vol. 113, no 4 (1993). (GooL1, Publication)
32 1962-1976 L. Carrington Goodrich ist Direktor des Ming Biographical Dictionary Project.
  • Document: Columbia University und Archiv (CU, Publication)

Bibliography (12)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1925 Carter, Thomas Francis. The invention of printing and ist spread westward. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1925. 3rd ed. revised by L. Carrington Goodrich. (New York, N.Y. : Ronald Press, 1955).
Carter, Thomas Francis. Weg der tausendjährigen Wanderung der Papiermacherei von China nach dem Abendlande. (Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1934 oder 1936).
Publication / GooL8
  • Person: Carter, Thomas Francis
2 1927 Goodrich, L. Carrington. American catholic missions in China. (Peking : Express Press, 1927). M.A. Diss. Columbia Univ., 1927. Publication / GooL2
  • Cited by: Goodrich, Thomas D. Luther Carrington Goodrich (1894-1986) : a bibliography. In : Journal of the American Oriental Society ; vol. 113, no 4 (1993). (GooL1, Published)
3 1929 Goodrich, L. C[arrington] ; Fenn, H[enry] C[ourtenay]. A syllabus of the history of Chinese civilization and culture. (New York, N.Y. : China Society of America, 1929). [6th ed. 1958]. Publication / GooL4
  • Person: Fenn, Henry Courtenay
4 1935 Goodrich, L. Carrington. The literary inquisition of Ch'ien-lung. (Baltimore : Waverly Press, 1935). (Studies in Chinese and related civilizations / American Council of Learned Societies ; no 1). Diss. Columbia Univ., 1934. [2nd ed., with addenda and corrigenda. (New York, N.Y. : Paragon Book Reprint, 1966)]. [Qianlong]. Publication / GooL5
  • Cited by: Goodrich, Thomas D. Luther Carrington Goodrich (1894-1986) : a bibliography. In : Journal of the American Oriental Society ; vol. 113, no 4 (1993). (GooL1, Published)
5 1938 Goodrich, L. Carrington. China's first knowledge of the Americas. Address before the convoation of the College of Chinese studies, May 1937. (Peking : College of Chinese Studies, 1938). Publication / GooL3
  • Cited by: Goodrich, Thomas D. Luther Carrington Goodrich (1894-1986) : a bibliography. In : Journal of the American Oriental Society ; vol. 113, no 4 (1993). (GooL1, Published)
6 1943 Goodrich, L. Carrington. A short history of the Chinese people. (New York, N.Y. : Harper, 1943). [4th ed. 1969]. Publication / GooL6
  • Cited by: Goodrich, Thomas D. Luther Carrington Goodrich (1894-1986) : a bibliography. In : Journal of the American Oriental Society ; vol. 113, no 4 (1993). (GooL1, Published)
7 1944 Goodrich, L. Carrington. History of China : a self-teaching course ; based on A short history of the Chinese people. (Madison, Wisc. : Harper, 1944). Publication / GooL7
  • Cited by: Goodrich, Thomas D. Luther Carrington Goodrich (1894-1986) : a bibliography. In : Journal of the American Oriental Society ; vol. 113, no 4 (1993). (GooL1, Published)
8 1951 Tsunoda, Ryûsaku. Japan in the Chinese dynastic histories : Later Han through Ming dynasties. Ed. : L. Carrington Goodrich. (South Pasadena, Calif. : P.D. and I. Perkins, 1951). Publication / Gool10
9 1966 Ch'en, Yüan [Chen, Yuan]. Western and Central Asians in China under the Mongols : their transformation into Chinese. Translated and annotated by Ch'ien Hsing-hai [Qian Xinghai] and L. Carrington Goodrich. (Los Angeles : University of California, 1966). (Monumenta serica monography ; 15). Publication / GooL11
10 1967 15th century illustrated Chinese primer = Xin bian dui xiang si yan. Facsimile reproduction with introduction and notes by L. Carrington Goodrich. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 1967). Publication / GooL9
11 1976 Dictionary of Ming biography, 1368-1644 = Ming dai ming re zhuan, 1368-1644. The Ming Biographical History Project of the Association for Asian Studies. L. Carrington Goodrich, ed. ; Chaoying Fang [Fang Zhaoying], associate ed. Vol. 1-2. (New York, N.Y. ; London : Columbia University Press, 1976). [Charles O. Hucker und Chan Hok-lam sind Mitarbeiter]. Publication / Good
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Chan, Hok-lam
  • Person: Fang, Zhaoying
  • Person: Hucker, Charles O.
12 1978 The face of China as seen by photographers & travelers, 1860-1912 : catalogue for exhibition presented by Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1978. Preface by L. Carrington Goodrich ; historical commentary by Nigel Cameron. (Millerton, N.Y. : Aperture, 1978). Publication / CamN1

Secondary Literature (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2006 Goodrich, Thomas D. Luther Carrington Goodrich (1894-1986) : a bibliography. In : Journal of the American Oriental Society ; vol. 113, no 4 (1993). Publication / GooL1
  • Source: Goodrich, L. Carrington. American catholic missions in China. (Peking : Express Press, 1927). M.A. Diss. Columbia Univ., 1927. (GooL2, Publication)
  • Source: Goodrich, L. Carrington. The literary inquisition of Ch'ien-lung. (Baltimore : Waverly Press, 1935). (Studies in Chinese and related civilizations / American Council of Learned Societies ; no 1). Diss. Columbia Univ., 1934. [2nd ed., with addenda and corrigenda. (New York, N.Y. : Paragon Book Reprint, 1966)]. [Qianlong]. (GooL5, Publication)
  • Source: Goodrich, L. Carrington. China's first knowledge of the Americas. Address before the convoation of the College of Chinese studies, May 1937. (Peking : College of Chinese Studies, 1938). (GooL3, Publication)
  • Source: Goodrich, L. Carrington. A short history of the Chinese people. (New York, N.Y. : Harper, 1943). [4th ed. 1969]. (GooL6, Publication)
  • Source: Goodrich, L. Carrington. History of China : a self-teaching course ; based on A short history of the Chinese people. (Madison, Wisc. : Harper, 1944). (GooL7, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)