# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2003 |
[Heine, Heinrich]. Cheng zhe ge sheng de chi bang : Hainie shi xuan. Hainie zhu ; Yang Wuneng yi. (Guilin : Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2003). (Yang Wuneng yi wen ji). Übersetzung von ausgewählten Gedichten von Heinrich Heine. 乘着歌声的翅膀 : 海涅诗选 |
Publication / YanW9 |
2 |
2003 |
[Hoffmann, E.T.A.]. Du yun : De yu guo jia zhong duan pian xiao shuo xuan cui. Huofuman deng zhu ; Yang Wuneng yi. (Guilin : Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2003). (Yang Wuneng yi wen ji). Übersetzung der Kurzgeschichten von E.T.A. Hoffmann. 赌运 : 德语囯家中短篇小说选萃 |
Publication / YanW14 |
3 |
2003 |
[Schiller, Friedrich von]. Yin mou yu ai qing. Xile Laixin zhu ; Yang Wuneng yi. (Guilin : Guangxi shi fan da xue, 2003). (Yang Wuneng yi wen ji). Übersetzung von Schiller, Friedrich von. Kabale und Liebe : ein bürgerliches Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen. (Mannheim : Schwanische Hofbuchhandlung, 1784). 阴谋与爱情 |
Publication / YanW16 |
4 |
2003 |
Song dai si xiang shi lun = The collected works on history of thought in Sung dynasty. Tian Hao [Hoyt Cleveland Tillman] bian ; Yang Lihua, Wu Yanhong deng yi ; Jiang Chansu deng jiao. (Beijing : She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she, 2003). (Ximalaya xue shu wen ku. Yue du Zhongguo xi lie). 宋代思想史论 |
Publication / Til2 |
5 |
2003 |
Technology and cultural values : on the edge of the third millennium : 8th East-West Philosophers' Conference, Honolulu 2000. Ed. by Peter D. Hershock, Marietta Stepaniants, and Roger T. Ames. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, 2003). |
Publication / Ames18 |
6 |
2003 |
Laozi. Dao de jing : making this life significant : translation and philosophical interpretation of the Dao de jing. Roger T. Ames and David L. Hall. (New York, N.Y. : Ballantine Books, 2003). |
Publication / Ames27 |
7 |
2003 |
[Ames, Roger T. ; Rosemont, Henry]. Lun yu de zhe xue quan shi : bi jiao zhe xue de shi yu. An Lezhe, Luo Siwen Zhu ; Yu Jin yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2003). (Xin chuan tong zhu yi cong shu). Übersetzung von Ames, Roger T. ; Rosemont, Henry. The Analects of Confucius : a philosophical translation. (New York, N.Y. : Ballantine Publ. Group, 1998). (Classics of ancient China). 論語的哲學詮釋 |
Publication / Ames32 |
8 |
2003 |
An alphabetical index to the Han yu da ci dian = Han yu da ci dian ci mu yin xu suo yin. Victor H. Mair, editor ; Fang Shizeng, associate editor ; Xu Wenkan, Tian Guozhong, copy editor. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, 2003). 漢語大詞典詞目音序 索引 |
Publication / Mair11 |
9 |
2003 |
Mather, Richard B. The age of eternal brilliance : three lyric poets of the Yung-ming era (483-493). Vol. 1-2. (Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2003). (Sinica Leidensia ; vol. 61). [Shen Yue, Xie Tiao, Wang Rong]. |
Publication / MatR7 |
10 |
2003 |
Understanding China's legal system : essays in honor of Jerome A. Cohen. Ed. by C. Stephen Hsu. (New York, N.Y. : New York University, 2003). |
Publication / Coh2 |
11 |
2003 |
Innovative East Asia : the future of growth. Shahid Yusuf, Dwight H. Perkins [et al.]. (New York, N.Y. ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003). |
Publication / Perk11 |
12 |
2003 |
China's revolutions and intergenerational relations. Martin King Whyte, editor. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan, Center for Chinese Studies, 2003). (Michigan monographs in Chinese studies ; vol. 96). |
Publication / Why1 |
13 |
2003 |
Ta hsueh and Chung yung : the highest order of cultivation and on the practice of the mean. Transl. with an introd. and notes by Andrew H. Plaks ; pref. by Xinzhong Yao. (London : Penguin, 2003). [Da xue , Zhong yong]. |
Publication / Pla2 |
14 |
2003 |
Luo, Wei. "Fahrten bei geschlossener Tür" : Alfred Döblins Beschäftigung mit China und dem Konfuzianismus. (Frankfurt a.M. : P. Lang, 2003). (Europäische Hochschulschriften ; Reihe 1. Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, Bd. 1896). Diss. Beijing-Univ., 2003. |
Publication / Döb2 |
15 |
2003 |
[Döblin, Alfred]. Bolin Yalishan da guang chang. Debulin zhu ; Luo Wei yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen, 2003). Übersetzung von Döblin, Alfred. Berlin Alexanderplatz : die Geschichte von Franz Biberkopf. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1929). Erster von Döblin übersetzter Roman. 阿德布林著 |
Publication / Döb15 |
16 |
2003 |
[Hugo, Victor]. Yuguo mei wen ji. Yuguo zhu ; Liu Mingjiu deng yi. (Beijing : Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she, 2003). [Essays von Victor Hugo]. 雨果美文集 |
Publication / LiuM37 |
17 |
2003 |
Liu, Mingjiu. Xiong di wo. (Beijing : Dong fang chu ban she, 2003). [Reisebericht über Frankreich ; Reisebeschreibung in der Literatur]. 兄弟我 |
Publication / LiuM54 |
18 |
2003 |
An interactive Chinese language program : China's modern writers : workbook. Compiled by Chung-wen Shih. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2003). |
Publication / Shi8 |
19 |
2003 |
Zhongguo cheng shi de xiao fei ge ming. Daihuisi [Deborah S. Davis], Lu Hanlony yi zhu. (Shanghai : Shanghai she hui ke xue yuan chu ban she, 2003). (She hui ke xue wen ku. Lun cong). Übersetzung von The consumer revolution in urban China. Ed. by Deborah S. Davis. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2000). (Studies on China ; 22). 中国城市的消费革命 |
Publication / DavD2 |
20 |
2003-2004 |
Confucian spirituality. Ed. by Tu Weiming and Mary Evelyn Tucker. Vol. 1-2. (New York, N.Y. : Crossroad Publ. Co, 2003-2004. (World spirituality ; vol. 11A-11B). |
Publication / Tu3 |