# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2003 |
Sheng jing : xin yi ben. (Hong Kong : Huan qiu sheng jing gong hui you xian gong si, 2003). Übersetzung der Bibel, English standard version. 圣经 : 新译本 |
Publication / She8 |
2 |
2003 |
[Graham, Angus Charles]. Lun dao zhe : Zhongguo gu dai zhe xue lun bian. Geruihan zhu ; Zhang Haiyan yi. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2003). Übersetzung von Graham, A[ngus] C[harles]. Disputers of the tao : philosophical argument in ancient China. (La Salle, Ill. : Open Court, 1989). 論道者 : 中國古代哲學論辯 |
Publication / Grah12 |
3 |
2003 |
RoutledgeCurzon encyclopedia of confucianism. Ed. by Yao Xinzhong. Vol. 1-2. (New York, N.Y: : RoutledgeCurzon, 2003). |
Publication / YaoX1 |
4 |
2003 |
Rickett, W. Allyn. In memoriam : Derk Bodde (1909-2003). In : Journal of the American Oriental Society ; vol. 123, no 4 (2003). |
Publication / Bod1 |
5 |
2003 |
Le Blanc, Charles. Derk Bodde (1909-2003). In : Early China ; 28 (2003). |
Publication / Bod2 |
6 |
2003 |
[Bary, Wm. Theodore de]. Ya Zhou jia zhi yu ren quan : cong ru xue she qun zhu yi li lun. Di Bairui zhu ; Chen Lisheng yi. (Taibei : Zheng zhong shu ju gu fen you xian gong si, 2003). Übersetzung von Bary, Wm. Theodore de. Asian values and human rights : a confucian communitarian perspective. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1998). |
Publication / Bary30 |
7 |
2003 |
China's traditions : wings or shackles for China's modernization ? : symposium 2.-3. June 2003, Vienna. Gerd Kaminski (ed.). (Wien : Gesellschaft zur Förderung freundschaftlicher und ultureller Beziehungen zur Volksrepublik China, 2003). (Berichte des Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institutes für China- und Südostasienforschung ; Nr. 45). |
Publication / Kam20 |
8 |
2003 |
Aositebi, Weile [Oxtoby, Willard G.]. Jidu jiao yu qi ta zong jiao. Zheng Huizheng yi zhe. (Tainan : Ren guang chu ban she, 2003). (Xin yang sheng huo cong shu ; 10). Übersetzung von Oxtoby, Willard G. The meaning of other faits. With a preface by Hans Küng. (Philadelphia : Westminster Press, 1983). (Library of living faith). 基督教與其他宗教 |
Publication / Oxt4 |
9 |
2003 |
[Spence, Jonathan D.] Taiping tian guo. (Taibei : Shi bao wen hu chu ban qi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2003). (Li shi yu xian chang ; 151-152). Übersetzung von Spence, Jonathan D. God's Chinese son : the Taiping heavenly kingdom of Hong Xiuquan. (New York, N.Y. : W.W. Norton, 1996). 太平天國 |
Publication / Spe32 |
10 |
2003 |
Wakeman, Frederic. Spymaster : Dai Li and the Chinese secret service. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2003). (A Philip E. Lilienthal book in Asian studies). |
Publication / Wak14 |
11 |
2003 |
[Wakeman, Frederic]. Shanghai dai shi : zhan shi kong bu huo dong yu cheng shi fan zui, 1937-1941. (Shanghai : Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2003). (Shanghai shi yan jiu yi cong = The series of translation concerning Shanghai history). Übersetzung von Wakeman, Frederic. The Shanghai badlands : wartime terrorism and urban crime, 1937-1941. (Cambridge, New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press, 1996). 上海歹土 : 战时恐怖活动与城市犯罪1937-1941 |
Publication / Wak23 |
12 |
2003 |
Asian politics in development : essays in honour of Gordon White. Ed., Robert Benewick, Marc Blecher, Sarah Cook. (London : F. Cass, 2003). |
Publication / WhiG14 |
13 |
2003 |
Ethnicity in Asia. Ed. by Colin Mackerras. (London : RoutledgeCurzon, 2003). (Asia's transformations). |
Publication / Mac5 |
14 |
2003 |
Mackerras, Colin. China's ethnic minorities and globalisation. (London : RoutledgeCurzon, 2003). |
Publication / Mac19 |
15 |
2003 |
The fourth generation : inside China's new leadership. Ed. by Andrew J. Nathan and Bruce Gilley. (London : Granta Books, 2003). |
Publication / Nat11 |
16 |
2003 |
Constructing human rights in the age of globalization. Mahmood Monshipouri, Neil Englehart, Kavita Philip, Andrew J. Nathan, editors. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2003). (International relations in a constructed world). |
Publication / Nat16 |
17 |
2003 |
The new novel before the new novel : John Fryer's fiction contest. In : Writing and materiality in China : Essays in honor of Patrick Hanan. Ed. by Judith T. Zeitlin & Lydia H. Liu ; with Ellen Widmer. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Asia Center ; Harvard University Press, 2003). |
Publication / Fry12 |
18 |
2003 |
Yip, Wai-lim. You you xi wei Puluowangsi : Puluowangsi de you si you si : ri ji. (Taibei : Guo li tai wan da xue chu ban zhong xin, 2003). [Reisebericht über die Provence]. 幽悠細味普羅旺斯 |
Publication / Yip15 |
19 |
2003 |
Lühmann, Werner. Konfuzius : aufgeklärter Philosoph oder reaktionärer Moralapostel ? : der Bruch in der Konfuzius-Rezeption der deutschen Philosophie des ausgehenden 18. und beginnenden 19. Jahrhunderts. (Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2003). [Confucius]. |
Publication / Lüh1 |
20 |
2003 |
[Hauff, Wilhelm]. Xiao ai zi Muke : Haofu tong hua quan ji. Weilian Haofu zhu ; Yang Wuneng yi. (Guilin : Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2003). (Haofu tong hua quan ji). Übersetzung von Hauff, Wilhelm. [Märchen]. In : Märchen-Almanach auf das Jahr 1926, 1927, 1928 für Söhne und Töchter gebildeter Stände. Hrsg. von Wilhelm Hauff. 小矮子穆克 : 豪夫童话全集 |
Publication / YanW8 |