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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2002
[Twain, Mark]. Make Tuwen shi jiu juan ji. Wu Juntao zhu bian. Vol. 1-19. (Shijiazhuang : Hebei jiao yu chu ban she, 2002). (Shi jie wen hao shu xi). [Übersetzung der Gesamtwerke von Twain].
Publication / Twa120
2 2002
Whitman East & West : new contexts for reading Walt Whitman. Ed. by Ed Folsom. (Iowa : University of Iowa Press, 2002). (Iowa Whitman series).
Publication / WhiW130
3 2002
Dai, Xianmei. From rejection to appreciation : Henry James studies in China. [Paper read at the 2002 International Henry James Conference in Paris].
Publication / JamH3
4 2002
Stein, Gertrude. The Getrude Stein reader : the great American pioneer of avant-garde letters. Ed. with an introduction by Richard Kostelanetz. (New York, N.Y. : Cooper Square Press, 2002).
Publication / Stein3
5 2002
Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher. Annalee Whitmore Fadiman. Obituary. In : New york Times ; Febr. 6 (2002).
Publication / Fadi1
6 2002
Su, Gengxin. Yi shi xing tai de you huo ping Lichaxun yu Aosiding xiao shuo zhong di nü xing ren wu miao. In : Guo wai wen xue ; no 4 (2002). [The ideological temptation : the female characters in the novels of Samuel Richardson and Jane Austen].
Publication / Aus88
7 2002
Su, Xiangui. Suoluo de zi ran si xiang ji qi sheng tai lun li yi yun. In : Beijing da xue xue bao ; vol. 2 (2002). [Thoreau's thought of nature and its implications for ecological ethics].
Publication / THD73
8 2002
Christie, Stuart. Orienteering : the experimental East in Auden's "Sonnets from China". In : Before and after Suzie : Hong Kong in Western film and literature. Ed. by Thomas Y.T. Luk and James P. Rice. ( Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, 2002).
Publication / Aud15
9 2002
Shu, Xiaomei. Dian ying yu yan zai Beikete ju zuo zhong di yun yong cong zui hou yi pan lu yin dai tan qi. In : Nanjing shi da xue xue bao ; no. 2 (2002). [The cinematic language in Beckett's plays : Krapp's last tape].
Publication / Beck39
10 2002
Lawrence, D.H. The letters of D.H. Lawrence. Ed. James Thompson Boulton [et al.]. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002).
Publication / Law2
11 2002
Orwell in China. In : Neue Zürcher Zeitung ; 25. November (2002).
Publication / Orw3
12 2002
Lao, Tzu [Laozi]. Tao te ching. Transl. By David Hinton. (Washington, D.C. : Counterpoint, 2002). [Dao de jing].
Publication / Hint8
13 2002
Chen, Shih-chuan. Whitehead and the ‘Book of changes’. [Yi jing]. [Geschrieben 1973].
Publication / WhiA42
14 2002
Cheng, Chung-ying. Ultimate origin, ultimate reality, and the human condition : Leibniz, Whitehead, and Zhu Xi. In : Journal of Chinese philosophy ; vol. 29, no 1 (2002).
Publication / WhiA43
15 2002
Pynn, Tom. Jack Kerouac and the Diamond Sutra ; or what happens when Beat meets Buddha. In : Southeast review of Asian Studies ; vol. 24 (2002).
Publication / Kero5
16 2002
Ma, Yueran [Malmqvist, Gören]. Ling yi zhong xiang chou. (Taibei : Lian he wen xue chu ban she you xian gong si, 2002). (Lian he wen cong ; 268. Lian he wen xue ; 198). [Essays].
Publication / Malm36
17 2002
Pai ju yi bai shou. Ma Yueran [Göran Malmqvist]. (Taibei : Lian he wen xue chu ban she, 2002). [Chinesische Gedichte].
Publication / Malm42
18 2002
Li, Rui. Slaktgarden. Översättning Göran Malmqvist. (Stockholm : En bok för alla, 2002).Übersetzung von Li, Rui. Jiu zhi. (Taibei : Hong fan shu dian, 1993).
Publication / Malm44
19 2002
Scarpari, Maurizio. Breve introduzione allla lingua Cinese classica. (Venezia : Cafoscarina, 2002).
Publication / Scar6
20 2002
Scarpari, Maurizio. Studi sul Mengzi. (Venezia : Cafoscarina, 2002). (Saggi).
Publication / Scar7

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