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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 1999
[Dumas, Alexandre père]. San ge huo qiang shou. Dazhongma zhu ; Xiao Wei yi. (Beijing : Da zhong wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu bai bu = One hundred classic works of the world literature). Übersetzung von Dumas, Alexandre père. Les trois mousquetaires. In : Le Siècle ; mars à juillet 1844. = (Paris : Baudry, 1844).
Publication / Dum114
2 1999
The Chinese essay : an anthology. Ed. and transl. by David E. Pollard. (Hong Kong : Renditions Books ; London : C. Hurst, 1999.).
Publication / Pol8
3 1999
Pollard, David E. Ru shi wo wen : yang jiao shou jiao Ying wen. (Taibei : Shu lin chu ban you xian gong si, 1999). (Ying yu cong shu ; 56).
如是我文 : 洋敎授敎英文
Publication / Pol13
4 1999
Branner, David Pragger. The linguistic ideas of Edward Harper Parker. In : The Journal of the American Oriental Society ; vol. 119 ; no 1 (1999).
Publication / ParE1
5 1999
Hunter, Alan ; Sexton, John. Contemporary China. (New York, N.Y. : ST. Martin's Press, 1999).
Publication / HunA1
6 1999
The China human development report, 1997. [Carl Riskin, editor]. (New York : Oxford University Press, 1999).
The China human development report, 1999. [Carl Riskin, editor, part author]. (Hong Kong : Oxford University Press, 1999).
Publication / Ris5
7 1999
Zhongguo ju min shou ru fen pei zai yan jiu : jing ji gai ge he fa zhan zhong de shou ru fen pei. Zhao Renwei, Li Shi, Ka'er Lisiqin [Carl Riskin] zhu bian. (Beijing : Zhongguo cai zheng ji chu ban she, 1999). Teilübersetzung von China's retreat from equality : income distribution and economic transition. Carl Riskin, Zhao Renwei, Li Shi, editors. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2001). (Asia and the Pacific).
中国居民收入分配再研究 : 经济改革和发展中的收入分配
Publication / Ris7
8 1999
Russia and East Asia : the 21st century security environment. Gilbert Rozman, M.G. Nosov, Kôji Watanabe, editors. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 1999). (Eurasia in the 21st century ; vol. 3).
Publication / Roz9
9 1999
Saso, Michael R. Velvet bonds : the Chinese family. (Carmel, Calif. : New Life Center, 1999).
Publication / Saso11
10 1999
Chang, Kang-i Sun ; Saussy, Haun. Chinese women poets : poetry and criticism from ancient times to 1911. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1999).
Publication / SauH2
11 1999
[Schoppa, R. Keith]. Xue lu : ge ming Zhongguo zhong de Shen Dingyi (Xuanlu) chuan qi. Xiao Bangqi zhu ; Zhou Wubiao yi. (Nanjing : Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 1999). (Hai wai Zhongguo yan jiu cong shu). Übersetzung von Schoppa, R. Keith. Blood road : the mystery of Shen Dingyi in revolutionary China. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1995).
血路 : 革命中国中的沈定一玄庐传奇
Publication / SchoR11
12 1999
Coblin, W. South. Paul L.-M. Serruys, C.I.C.M. (1912-1999). In : Monumenta serica ; vol. 47 (1999).
Publication / SerP5
13 1999
Crossley, Pamela Kyle. A translucent mirror : history and identity in Qing imperial ideology. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1999).
Publication / CroP5
14 1999
Faure, Bernard ; Teiser, Stephen F. The red thread : buddhist approaches to sexuality. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1999). (Buddhisms : a Princeton University Press series).
Publication / Teis3
15 1999
[Teiser, Stephen F.]. You ling de jie ri. Tai Shiwen zhu ; Hou Xudong yi. (Hangzhou : Zhejiang ren min chu ban she, 1999). (Wai guo xue zhe bi xia de chuan tong Zhongguo). Übersetzung von Teiser, Stephen F. The ghost festival in medieval China. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1988). [Yu lan pen jing].
Publication / Teis8
16 1999
Terrill, Ross. Madame Mao : the white boned demon : a biography of Madame Mao Zedong. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1999). [Jiang, Qing].
Publication / Ter13
17 1999
Contemporary studies on the Min dialects. Ed. by Pang-hsin Ting. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, 1999). (Journal of Chinese linguistics. Monograph series).
Publication / Ting4
18 1999
[Saint-John Perse]. Sheng-Qiong Peisi shi xuan. Sheng-Qiong Peisi zhu ; Guan Xiaoming yi. (Hefei : Anhui wen yi chu ban she, 1999). (Faguo 20 shi ji wen xue cong shu). [Übersetzung der Gedichte von Saint-John Perse].
Publication / SJP4
19 1999
Chappell, David W. Buddhist peacework : creating cultures of peace. (Somerville, Mass. : Wisdom Publications, 1999).
Publication / ChaD5
20 1999
Modern Chinese literary and cultural studies : theoretical issues. Ed. by Wen-hsin Yeh. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, Institute of East Asian Studies, 1999). (China research monographs ; no 51). [Conference "Theoretical issues in modern Chinese literary and cultural studies].
Publication / YehW9

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