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# Year Text
1 1932
[Woolf, Virginia]. Qiang sheng yi dian hen ji. Ye Gongchao yi. [ID D311573].
Ye Gongchao published the translation of Woolf's story The mark on the wall with a brief and objective introduction of Woolf's works and influence in British literature world. He describes Woolf as 'the most widely known novelist in the past decade', who got both praise and censure in British literary world. Ye notes that some celebrated novelists such as Arnold Bennett, H.G. Wells, John Galsworthy, Frank Swinnterton and H.J. Massingham held the idea that Woolf's works were written with extreme elegance, but without any value, while E.M. Forster, Clive Bell, Roger Fry, Lytton Strachey, John Maynard Keynes, and André Maurois responded that Woolf's opponents did not undertstand Woolf's representation of the emancipation of individuals. Ye claims that 'Woolf definitely has no intention to preach to her aufience or critique human life, which alone runs counter to the convention. What she is concerned with is neither the struggle of emotions nor problems of society and life, but the extremely vague, extremely abstract, and extremely acute feelings that psychoanalysis calls the subconsiousness'. Ye argues, Woolf's description of individuality is 'original', and thus her 'technique is absolutely valuable, 'because the novel is based on the presentation of individual behavior. Ye explains that he chose to translate The mark on the wall because it is 'the most typical representative work of Woolf's work.
2 1932-1934
Liu Wentao ist Gesandter der chinesischen Gesandtschaft in Berlin.
3 1932
Gründung des Institute of Oriental Studies der Universität Warschau.
4 1932-1934
Jaroslav Prusek hält sich in China, meistens in Beijing auf. Er trifft Bing Xin, Guo Moruo, Hu Shi, Qi Baishi, Shao Lizi und Shen Congwen.
5 1932
Ernst-Günther Mohr ist Attaché des Generalsekretariat in Shanghai.
6 1932-1938
Henry Raymond Williamson ist Sekretär der Baptist Missionary Society in China.
7 1932
Lu, Xun. Zhu Zong E wen zi zhi jiao. (1932). In : Nan qiang bei diao ji (Shanghai : Tong wen shu dian, 1934). [Celebrating Chinese-Russian literary ties].
"As for me, I could say that I grew up suckling the milk of Russian literature. The influence of Russian literature on me is far from being limited to the literary aspect, for it has entered my blood and marrow : the way I see and make sense of everything in the world, even my very soul, are inseparable from the moral instruction and upbringing (tao ye xun yu) of Russian literature."
8 1932
Ge, Baoquan. The influence of classical Russian literature on modern Chinese literature before and after the May fourth movement.
Lu Xun schreibt : Russian literature, since the time of Nicolas II, has been "for life". No matter whether its object has been inquiry or the settling of questions, or whether it has fallen into the depths of mysticism or despair, its main current has been only one : for life.
9 1932
Qu Qiubai schreibt in Wen xue yue bao : "Not only do works of literature function artistically to move the masses ; they also serve the broader purpose of setting high standards of writing. The beautiful, enjoyable language of Pushkin, Tolstoy, and Turgenev is useful even today and makes suitable textbook material."
10 1932
[Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich]. Ji ling ren ri ji [ID D38539].
Yu Dafu schreibt in sein Tagebuch ; 14. Okt. 1832 : "This is the third time I have read Turgenev's The diary of a superfluous man. The experience of reading the work of a great writer is like that of chewing an olive. The harder you chew it, the more tasty it becomes."
11 1932
Qu, Qiubai. Again on translation : a reply to Lu Xun [ID D38989].
Dear Comrade
Translation is still an extremely important issue in China. Since the May Fourth Movement, time and again the issue of translation has been raised, and time and again translation has been the subject of controversy. Yet the problem has not been resolved as far as basic principles are concerned… I have put forward the principle that 'in translating, one should absolutely adopt vernacular Chinese as the standard and achieve accuracy'… To say, as you did, 'accuracy even at the expense of fluency' or 'at present we could tolerate some degree of non-fluency' is to fail to pay heed to the principle that vernacular Chinese should absolutely be adopted as the standard…
In translating as well as in writing works of our own, we should of course be bold enough to use new means of expression, new words and new sentence structures… We should not allow ourselves the easy way out and accept everything that is 'not fluent'…
We must not only adopt strange-looking sentence structures, but also consider how these structures can 'become our own'. If in translating we just concentrate on 'bringing in strange-looking sentence structures' and fail to consider if these structures can be read aloud by living people… We should adopt a new guiding principle : we must make sure that new words and new sentence structures become alive and that these new means of expression can be assimilated into a living language… The new language should be a language of the masses – a language that the masses can understand and use. As the Chinese language is imprecise, we should make it more precise. As the Chinese language is unclear, we should make it clearer. As the Chinese language is not rich, we should make it richer…
12 1932
Ausstellung China und Japan in der Kunstkammer der Brandenburgischen Kurfürsten durch Leopold Reidemeister.
13 1932-1937
Henry Allan Fairfax Best Archer ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Beijing.
14 1932
Louis Beale ist Commercial Counsellor der britischen Botschaft in Shanghai.
15 1932-1935
Charles Fortesque Garstin ist Generalkonsul des britischen Konsulats in Harbin.
16 1932
Henry Forster Handley-Derry wird Generalkonsul des britischen Generalkonsulats in Tianjin.
17 1932
Harold Ivan Harding wird britischer Generalkonsul in China.
18 1932
George Sinclair Moss ist handelnder Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Weihaiwei.
19 1932
Charles Edward Whitmore ist Generalkonsul des britischen Generalkonsulats in Shanghai.
20 1932
René Minutti baut die Aluminium Rolling Mill in Shanghai.

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