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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1915
Pound, Ezra. Imagisme and England : a vindication and an anthology. In : T.P.'s weekly ; no 25 (1915).
"It is quite true that we have sought the force of Chinese ideographs without knowing it."
2 1915
Letter from Ezra Pound to Felix E. Schelling ; June (1915).
"As for the Chinese translations, they have been approved by one or two people who know some of the originals. They are, I should say, closer than the 'Rubaiyat', but then the ideographs leave one wholly free as to phrasing. I mean, instead of 'hortus inclusus' you have a little picture of an enclosure with two or three stalks of grass and a flower (very much abbreviated) inside. Or for 'to visit, or ramble' you have a king and a dog sitting on the stern of a boat. (No, I don't make them nicely, I haven't a brush. The two top dabs are ripples or drops for the water.) This charming sign does not occur in Cathay. It is merely an exquisite example of the way the Chinese mind works.
Of course, all the ideographs are not as amusing. Fenollosa has left a most enlightening essay on the written character (a whole basis of aesthetic, in reality), but the adamantine stupidity of all magazine editors delays its appearance."
3 1915
Letter from Ezra Pound to Milton Bronner ; 21 Sept. 1915
"I should probably have gone to China if I hadn't married."
4 1915
Pound, Ezra. The Renaissance. In : Poetry ; vol. 5, no 5 (1915).
"The last century rediscovered the middle ages. It is possible that this century may find a new Greece in China. Undoubtedly, pure color is to be found in Chinese poetry, when we begin to know enough about it ; indeed a shadow of this perfection is already at hand in translations. Liu Ch'e, Chu Yuan, Chia I, and the great vers libre writers before the Petrarchan age of Li Po, are a treasure to which the next century may look for as great a stimulus as the renaissance had from the Greeks."
5 1915
Letter from William Carlos Williams to Harriet Monroe.
"… Pound's translation from the Chinese is something of great worth well handled. Auperb ! I suppose you've see his Cathay the Chinese things are perhaps a few of the greatest poems written..."
6 1915
Yeats, W.B. Reveries over childhood and youth. (Churchtown, Dundrum, Ireland : Cuala Press, 1915).
knew that he [grandfather William Pollexfen] had been in many parts of the world, for there was a great scar on his hand made by a whaling-hook, and in the dining-room was a cabinet with bits of coral in it and a jar of water from the Jordan for the baptising of his children and Chinese pictures upon rice-paper and an ivory walking-stick from India that came to me after his death… I can remember no other pictures but the Chinese paintings, and some coloured prints of battles in the Crimea upon the wall of a passage, and the painting of a ship at the passage end darkened by time… When we had learned our lesson well, we were allowed to look at a sword presented to her father who had led troops in India or China and to spell out a long complimentary inscription on the silver scabbard."
7 1915
Letter from Marianne Moore to John Warner Moore ; December 12, [19]15.
Himurjian took us for luncheon to a Turkish restaurant, the Constantinople. We had soup and pieces of meat roasted on skewers and meat fried in grapeleaves and rice and pastry and ice cream. We then saw some ancient Chinese rugs at an Armenian wholesale rug place and an importer there took us to see the processes of silk making.
8 1915
Archibald Rose ist Commercial Attaché der britischen Gesandtschaft in Beijing.
9 1915
Barnhard Karlgren promoviert an der Uppsala Universität.
10 1915
Aleksei Ivanovich Ivanov wird Professor für Chinesisch und Mandjurisch an der Universität St. Petersburg.
11 1915-1917
Harvey J. Howard ist Offizier im 1. Weltkrieg und studiert an der Harvard University.
12 1915-19120
Wolfgang Limpricht ist Lehrer in Tianjin. Er kehrt 1920 nach Deutschland zurück.
13 1915-1921
Gordon Poteat ist als Missionar der Foreign Missionary Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in Kaifeng (Henan).
14 1915-1917
Nicholas Fitzmaurice ist Pro-Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Hankou.
15 1915
Anthony H. George wird Assistant der britischen Gesandtschaft in Beijing.
16 1915-1917
Bertram Giles ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Nanjing.
17 1915
William Meyrick Hewlett ist handelnder Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Shanghai.
18 1915
Claud Cecil Augustus Kirke ist handelnder Generalkonsul des britischen Konsulats in Guangzhou (Guangdong).
19 1915
John Thomas Pratt ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Wuhu.
20 1915
Victor Laurent Savage ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Changsha (Hunan).

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