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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 2001-
Hans Ulrich Vogel ist Mitglied des International Advisory Committee for the Partner Group of the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science am Institute for the History of Natural Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.
2 2001-2003
Helen F. Siu ist Mitglied des Central Policy Unit des Hong Kong SAR Government.
3 2001-
Philip A. Kuhn ist Honorary Foreign Member des Institute of Modern History der Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
4 2001-2003
Michel Hockx ist Präsident der Association for Chinese and Comparative Literature.
5 2001-
Robert Joe Cutter ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von Early Medieval China.
6 2001
Vereinbarung zwischen China und Malta zur Gründung des China Cultural Centre in Valletta, Malta.
7 2001
Huang Ju besucht Malta.
8 2001-2004
Gail E. Henderson ist Mitglied des Editorial Board der American sociological review.
9 2001-
James Z. Lee ist Adjunct und Visiting Professor an der Qinghua-Universität.
10 2001-
Thomas G. Rawski ist Mitglied des Advisory Board der The China review.
11 2001
Hartmut Walravens habilitiert sich am Fachbereich Kulturwissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin.
12 2001-
Anne O. Yue-Hashimoto ist Mitglied des Advisory Committee der School of Humanities and Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
13 2001-2002
John W. Chaffee ist Vorsitzender des Council on Conferences und Mitglied des Executive Board der Association for Asian Studies.
14 2001-
Haun Saussy ist Mitglied des Advisory Board des of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities.
15 2001
Wen, Jiexia. 'Bai chi ju ren' de yin yu shi lun Sitanbeike xiao shuo Ren shu zhi jian [ID D30670].
Wen Jiexia explores the implied symbolism of the 'retarded obsessed giant'. She thinks Lenny is the personification of human aspiration. More than merely retarded, he is possessed by an obsession. She claims that Steinbeck is carrying on the tradition of Rabelais and Cervantes in Of mice and men.
16 2001-2003
Wolfgang Behr ist Sekretär der European Association for Chinese Linguistics.
17 2001
Li, Zhengshuan. Mo sheng hua : Yuehan Deng'en de shi ge yi shu = Defamiliarisation : the poetic art of John Donne [ID D30991].
Studies Donne's poetry in terms of Victor Shklovsky's theory of defamiliarization. In the introduction, discusses how Shklovsky's term describes the unconventionality of Donne's poetry and announces that the purpose of the study is to show how Donne "achieves defamiliarisation in modes of thinking, imagery, and form". In Chapter 1, "Defamiliarisation in modes of thinking", focuses on ways Donne defamiliarizes himself in his thinking by his "unification of the secular and the divine" and by "his unique way of combining thought and feeling"- In Chapter 2, "Defamiliarisation in Imagery", studies Donne's use of images, "focusing on how he defamiliarises poetic convention by employing images drawn from science for the illustration of love and his religious ideas". Discusses also how Donne defamiliarizes conventional images used by Petrarch and other earlier poets. In Chapter 3, "Defamiliarisation in Form", discusses how Donne defamiliarizes "poetic convention by using colloquialism and impeded movement rendered by irregular punctuation and indentation, by means of which the perception is prolonged to leave more than enough time for the reader to think about what the poems convey". Comments also on how Donne departs from poetic convention by inventing new stanzaic forms, especially in the Songs and Sonets, and discusses the dramatic technique of Donne's poetry, calling Donne "a dramatist in the realm of lyric poetry". In the Epilogue, reevaluates Shklovsky's theory, pointing out its merits and weaknesses; presents a general assessment of Donne's poetry, concluding that Donne is "a down-to-earth realist" ; and comments briefly on Donne's influence on later poets and suggests possible future studies of Donne. Concludes with notes, a selected bibliography and acknowledgments.
18 2001-
William S. Tay ist Mitglied des Advisory Board der Cultural studies series er University of Hong Kong Press.
19 2001
Karine Chemla ist Directrice de l'équipe REHSEIS, Université Paris 7.
20 2001-
Leif Littrup ist Reader in History am Saxo-Institut, Department of History, University of Copenhagen.

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