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Byron, George Gordon : Allgemein
Chu Chih-yu : The first period of the Chinese reception of Byron starts from the beginning of the 20th century to around 1919, when the May fourth movement broke out. As the publications during this period bear a strong influence of Japanese scholarship, we may call it 'the Japanese period'. May fourth to 1949 may be called 'the European period. 1949-1959, when the Chinese swallowed wholesale the Russian-Soviet interpretation of Byron and his work, was the 'Soviet period'. Chinese academics always studies Byron in the context of the struggle between two opposing political forces. Byron was no longer a lone fighter, but a representative of a new political power, the rising radical democratism. Nor was his work merely the expression of his thought and the venting of his personal feelings. It was also the resentment and protest of the broad labouring masses against reactionary reality. Byron's contemporaries' adverse criticism and contemnation of him were looked upon as the manifestation of the reactionary classes' fear and hatred for the progressive forces.
From 1960 to the beginning of the Cultural revolution, the Sino-Soviet split brouth great ideological changes. As a result, the study of Byron took an ultra-Leftist path, we can call this 'the Maoist period'. After the Cultural revolution, the study of Byron in China fell into a state of confusion, but gradually began moving towards the West again.

1902-1914 : The early translators introduced The Isles of Greece to China, to a great extent, out of political considerations. They intended to borrow this new image of Byron to awaken the Chinese people's love for freedom and justice, to encourage the oppressed to overthrow their feudal rulers. Liang Qichao found in Byron the political reformer he needed to promote his political principles and ideas. Lu Xun saw him as a revolutionary rebel-poet who could breathe some new air into Chinese literature. Su Manshu viewed him as an example in everything he did and vented his own longings and despair in translations. Liu Bannong added filial devotion, a quality the Chinese have held a virtue since ancient times.
The Isles of Greece expresses a kind of patriotic spirit and rebellion that the passive resistance of the traditional Chinese poet could never reach. Above all, Byron had a special appeal for the Chinese translators primarily because of his sacrifice for the Greek independent cause. Byron's image and spirit, deep down, coincided with that of the traditional patriotic scholar. His rebellion and heroism provided a handy model, one which could serve as a 'catalyst' of political and social reform, of democracy and the cause of national independence.

1976-1985 : Since the essay by Anna Elistratova, the comments on the Turkish tales had usually been negative in China. But in the eighties we find a general confusion. From the perspective of class analysis, one scholar pointed out that Byronic heroes are 'in nature out-and-out egoists split off from the bourgeois aristocracy' (Zhang Yaozhi). This mainly referred to Conrad in The corsair and Lara : 'Restricted by his bourgeois world outlook, Byron fails to expose Conrad's nature of the bourgeois aristocracy who make their fortunes by piracy. Instead, he concentrates his efforts on presenting Conrad as having a bourgeois humanitstic virtue'. (Zhu Weizhi and Zhao Feng). Most of the critics rejected the individualism Byron advocated through his heroes. As for the source of Byron's individualism, it was determined by the limitations of the times - 'the rise of the English proletariat was still in its early rising stage – or it was 'determined by the bourgeois ideas of Byron's world outlook'.
Manfred was looked upon in China as the summit of the development of Byron's individualism and pessimism. The image of Manfred was generally described as 'a free, independent but pessimistic rebel who defies any danger and temptation and never forsakes his dignity'.
The profilic output of Byron's Italian period was customarily attributed by Chinese critics to his participation in the Italien revolutionary movement. Cain, written in Italy, was highly thought for its realistic meaning, as the play 'expresses Byron's concern for the fate of the European peoples in the recationary political conditions under the rule of the Holy Alliance. The year 1812, when Cain was created, was the year of the feudal restoration in European countries. Whether it was the poet's real intention or not, the Chinese critics believed that Byron, to counter the renewed power and authority of the Church, re-interpreted the bibliocal story from a revolutionary point of view. In the Chinese view, Cain and Lucifer are both positive heroes. Cain is a reaction against an 'anti-social, anti-human' religion and a protest against 'a religious mythology which imposes upon the people an attitude of submission the the 'status quo' and to their fate.
Don Juan was the best received of Byron's works in China, because it exhibits the creative mode which the Chinese hold in the highest esteem, the combination of 'revolutionary realism with revolutionary romanticism'. The first and foremost content the Chinese critics pointed throughout the satire to Byron's strong antipathy towards and denunciation of the reactionary forces headed by the Holy Alliance, and his eulogy of freedom. In general, Don Juan was hailed as a progressive epic satire which punctured the arrogance of the reactionaries and enhanced the morale of the bourgeois democratic forces. In sum, Chinese studies of Don Juan lack more comprehensive reseach, they fail to treat the poem as a poetic entity.

Byron's popularity in China has lain primarily in his participation in the Italian independence movement and his last heroic actions in Greece. The rebllion against social conventions revealed in his works greatly enhanced his reputation, but without his final sacrifice for the Greek independence cause, the poetry alone of a poet as morally flawed as Byron could not have had such a great impact. His poetry was introduced to China as the moral poetry of a moral poet. As a poet, Byron attracted the Chinese literati because he expressed openly the kind of rebellion that the passive resistance of the traditional Chinese poet could never reach. The Chinese introduction of Byron as a person has been highly selective, again to serve particular purposes. The fundamental reason for this selectivity, I believe, is that a complete picture of Byron, complete with all the controversies he stirred up in England, would not conform to the Chinese standards of a hero. If 'the complete Byron' is a combination of man, poet, rebel-fighter and thinker, the Chinese paid more attention to him as rebel-fighter and thinker. His poetic works were discusses only if they shed light on his heroic deeds and his thought.

Guo Ting : From 1890 to 1930 Byron enjoyed his greates popularity in China for almost half a century. Especially in 1924, Byron's centenary year, several articles and whole issues of journals, written or compiled, were devoted to him. Moreover, in China, the interpretation of Byron's achievement and aristocratic background was slightly different from what was perceived in Japan. In China, Byron's early fame in English society was less talked about ; instead, the poverty that Byron experienced in his childhood and his being excluded by the English upper classes were associated with his determined resistance to tyrannical rules and oppression. Thus, despite his title of Baron, Byron became the spokesman of the poor and the oppressed in the eyes of the Chinese public.
Byron became an alleged hero, who also wrote poetry, rather than a poet by profession and reputation. China's confucian culture and feudalistic ideology formed in the past centuries also contributed to a filtering of Byron's image as well as to a selective translation of his works. This explain why certain poems of Byron were repeatedly translated in a fairly short period, but other more romantic and rebellious works were overlooked for a long time, and why, in China, Byron could for so long enjoy the image of an idealist and passionate nationalist. As a Western romantic poet, Byron was presented as a nationalist and well-educated writer, aware of the Chinese poetic tradition, through archaic translation.
During the period from 1944 to 1966, the romantic side of Byron was more emphasized, and his works such as The corsair, Dun Juan and Childe Harold's pilgrimage were translated. During the Cultural revolution, translation of Byron's works was completely halted. Byron's romantic poems were excluded because of his Western capitalist background.
The situation changed in 1949, the classical poetics that had been used in the translation of Byron's works were supplanted by those of modern Chinese poetry, which allow a freer form and places less emphasis on rhyme and meter. This change came with the “New culture movement”, in which classical Chinese language was gradually abandoned, and was replaced by 'baihua'.
Influence from both individual critics and literary organizations on the translation of Byron in China are particularly important, given the limited translations of Byron's work and the reputation that he developed in a fairly brief span of time. For many Chinese literati, the focus was not to review translations, but to support and reinforce Byron's established heroic image by adding or emphsizing certain information on the writer and his works. A few Chinese literary organizations, such as the Chu ang zao she (Creative Society) and Wen xue yan jiu hui (Literature Study Society), had given Byron and his works a pssionate welcome in the early 20th century.
Nowadays, in a majority of the textbooks compiled for students studying English literature, Byron is listed as an important poet in the romantic period (along with other writers, such as William Blake, Robert Burns, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe Shelles and John Keats). Like these other poets, Byron is often given a brief introduction outlining his background, accompanied by excerpts from his poems. But almost all these introductions and excerpts tend to represent and emphasize Byron as a progressive poet standing for the proletariat and human liberty.

Gregory B. Lee : The reason for Byron's enthusiastic reception in a China faced with the high tide of British imperialist ambition, is perhaps yet more complex than a straighforward approval of Byron's alliance with Greeks independantists, of his defence of the marginalized, colonized subject. Two 19th century events connected by the role of one British ruling family, yet separated in space and time by six decades and a whole continent, arte both well-known to millions of Chinese readers ; yet only one of these is embedded in Green national consciousness.
For the Chinese reader of the early 20th century, and in objective historical terms, the words penned by Byron had become even heavier with meaning. British imperialism had entered a new expansionist and territorialist phase and its ideological disdain for the Other, especially the Other of colour, knew few bounds.

Mentioned People (1)

Byron, George Gordon  (London 1788-1824 Mesolongion, Griechenland) : Dichter


Literature : Occident : Great Britain

Documents (4)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1995 Chu, Chih-yu. Byron's literary fortunes in China. (Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1995). Diss. Univ. of Hong Kong, 1995.
http://hub.hku.hk/bitstream/10722/34921/1/FullText.pdf. [Accept]. S. 2-3, 36, 93, 136-149, 162-163, 165-166.
Web / Byr1
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Ai Xila ge. Ma Junwu yi. In : Xin wen xue (1905). Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The Isles of Greece. In : Byron, George Gordon. Don Juan ; with a biographical account of Lord Byron and his family ; anecdotes of his Lordhip’s travels and residence in Greece, at Geneva, & c. : canto III. (London : Printed for William Wright, 1819). (Byr7, Publication)
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Bailun shi xuan. Bailun ; Su Manshu yi. (Buxiang : Bian zhe zi kan, 1914). [Übersetzung der Gedichte von Byron ; in Englisch und Chinesisch]. [Foreword by W. J. B. Fletcher, dated Oct. 6, 1909].
    [Enthält] :
    Qu guo xing. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. My native land, good night. (London : Printed & sold by Chappell & Co., 1820).
    Liu bie Yadian nü lang. Huang Kan yi. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. Maid of Athens, ere we part. [Geschrieben in Athen 1810].
    Zan da hai. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The ocean Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean. In : Byron, George Gordon. Childe Harold's pilgrimage : a romaunt. (London : Printed for John Murray, 1812).
    Da mei ren zeng shu fa men dai shi. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. To a lady who presented the author with the velvet band which bound her tresses. In : Byron, George Gordon. Hours of Idleness : a series of poems. (Newark, S. & J. Ridge, 1808). [Geschrieben 1806].
    Ai Xila. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The Isles of Greece. In : Byron, George Gordon. Don Juan ; with a biographical account of Lord Byron and his family ; anecdotes of his Lordhip’s travels and residence in Greece, at Geneva, & c. : canto III. (London : Printed for William Wright, 1819).
    拜伦诗选 (SuM10, Publication)
  • Source: Liu, Bannong. Bailun yi shi. In : Xin qing nian ; vol. 4, no 2 (1916). [Biographie von George Gordon Byron].
    [Enthält] : Übersetzung eines Briefes von Byron und eine Übersetzung eines Teils von Byron, George Gordon. The giaour : a fragment of a Turkish tale. (London : Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars, for John Murray, 1813).
    拜伦 譯詩 (Byr48, Publication)
  • Source: [Koizumi, Yakumo = Hearn, Lafcadio]. Ping Bailun. Chen Bao yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 15, no 4 (1924). (Byr10, Publication)
  • Source: Tang, Chengbo. Bailun de shi dai ji Bailun de zuo pin. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 15, no 4 (1924). [Artikel über George Gordon Byron]. (Byr25, Publication)
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Manfuleide. Fu Donghua yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 15, no 4 (1924). ). Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. Manfred : a dramatic poem. (London : John Murray, 1817).
    曼弗雷德 (Byr30, Publication)
  • Source: [Brandes, Georg]. [Bailun]. Zhang Wentian yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 15, no 4 (1924). [Enthält das Kap. Byron. In : Brandes, Georg. Main currents in nineteenth century literature]. (Byr63, Publication)
  • Source: Wang, Tongzhao. Bailun shi zhong de se jue. In : Chen bao fu kan : Supplement ; 28. April (1924). [The use of colour in Byron's poetry]. (Byr64, Publication)
  • Source: Liu, Runsheng. Bailun zhuan lue de pian duan. In : Chen bao fu kan : Supplement ; 28. April (1924). [Episodes of Byron's life]. (Byr65, Publication)
  • Source: Ye, Wei. Bailun zai wen xue shang de wei zhi yu qi te dian. In : Chen bao fu kan : Supplement ; 11. Mai (1924). [Byron's characteristics and place in literature]. (Byr66, Publication)
  • Source: Chuang zao yue kan. Vol. 1, no 3, 4, 6 (1924). [Zum 100. Todestag von George Gordon Byron].
    創造月刊. (Byr67, Publication)
  • Source: Xu, Zuzheng. Bailun de jing shen. In : Chuang zao yue kan ; vol. 1, no 4 (1924). [Byron's spirit]. (Byr68, Publication)
  • Source: Liang, Shiqiu. Bailun yu Lan man zhu yi. In : Chuang zao yue kan ; vol. 1, no 3 (1924). [Byron and Romanticism]. (Byr69, Publication)
  • Source: Jiang, Jiayan. Bailun de lang man shi. In : Chuang zao yue kan ; vol. 1, no 6 (1924). [History of Byron's romances].

    ] (Byr70, Publication)
  • Source: Xu, Zhimo. [Bailun]. In : Chen bao fu kan ; 21. April (1924). [Artikel über George Gordon Byron]
    拜倫 (Byt83, Publication)
  • Source: Lu, Xun. Za yi (1925). In : Lu Xun quan ji ; vol. 1 (1963). [Enthält Eintragungen über George Gordon Byron].
    杂艺 (Byr71, Publication)
  • Source: [Elistratova, A.A.]. Bailun. Li Xiangchong yi. In : Yi wen ; no 6 (1954). [Artikel über George Gordon Byron].
    拜伦 (Byr40, Publication)
  • Source: Du, Bingzheng. Ge ming lang man zhu yi shi ren Bailun de shi. In : Beijing da xue xue bao ; no 2 (1956). [The poetry of the revolutionary poet Byron]. (Byr72, Publication)
  • Source: Zhang, Yuechao. Yingguo de ge ming de lang man shi ren Bailun. In : Xi ou jing dian zuo jia yu zuo pin. (Wuhan : Chang jiang wen yi chu ban she, 1957). [The English romantic poet Byron]. (Byr73, Publication)
  • Source: An, Qi. Shi lun Bailun shi ge zhong de pan ni xing ge. In : Shi jie wen xue ; no 8 (1960).[An attempt to analyze the rebellious character of Byron's poetry]. (Byr75, Publication)
  • Source: Yang, Dehua. Shi lun Bailun de you yu. In : Wen xue ping lun ; no 6 (1961). [An attempt to analyze Byron's melancholy]. (Byr76, Publication)
  • Source: Fan, Cunzhong. Lun Bailun yu Xuelai chuang zuo zhong xian shi zhu yi he lang man zhu yi xiang jie he de wen ti. In : Wen xue ping lun ; no 2 (1962). [On the combination of realism and romanticism in the works of Byron and Shelley]. (Byr77, Publication)
  • Source: Yuan, Kejia. Bailun he Bailun shi ying xiong. In : Guang ming ri bao ; 12. Juli (1964). [Byron and Byronic heores]. (Byr78, Publication)
  • Source: Zhang, Yaozhi. Lun Bailun he ta de chang shi "Qiaerde Haluode you ji". In : Qiqihaer shi yuan xue bao ; no 3 (1978). [On Byron and his long poem "Childe Harold"]. (Byr81, Publication)
  • Source: Yang, Zhouhan. Guan yu ti gao wai guo wen xue shi bian xie zhi liang de ji ge wen ti. In : Wai guo wen xue yan jiu ji kan ; no 2 (1980). [For a better history of world literature ; Vortrag Guangzhou Conference]. (Byr79, Publication)
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Bailun zheng zhi feng ci shi xuan : Shen pan di huan jing : Ai'erlan tian shen xia fan : Qing tong shi dai. Qiu Congyi, Shao Xunmei yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1981). [Byron's political satires].
    [Enthält] :
    Shen pan di huan jing = Vision of judgment. (London : The Liberal, 1822).
    Ai'erlan tian shen xia fan. [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
    Qing tong shi dai = The age of Bronze ; or, Carmen seculare et annus haud mirabilis. (London : Hunt, 1823).
    拜伦政治讽刺诗选 : 审判的幻景 : 爱尔兰天神下凡 : 青铜时代 (Byr21, Publication)
  • Source: Pan, Yaoquan. Bailun de Qiaerde Haluode you ji. Wuhan : Wuhan da xue xue bao ; no 4 (1981). ["Childe Harold" von George Gordon Byron].
    恰尔德. 哈洛尔德游记 (Byr80, Publication)
  • Source: Zheng, Min. Yingguo lang man shi ren Huazihuasi de zai ping jia. In : Nanjing da xue xue bao ; no 4 (1981). [Re-appraisal of the English Romantic poet William Wordworth]. (ZheM1, Publication)
  • Source: Feng, Guozhong. Bailun he Yingguo gu dian zhu yi chuan tong. In : Wai guo wen xue ; no 3 (1982). [Byron and the English classicist tradition]. (Byr82, Publication)
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Ai Xila. Liu Wuji yi. In : Liu, Wuji. Su Manshu yu Bailun "Ai Xila shi". In : Cong Mo jian shi dao Yan zi kann : ji nian Nan she liang da shi ren Su Manshu yu Liu Yazi. (Taibei : Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye you xian gong si, 1986). [Su Manshu und George Gordon Byron]. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The Isles of Greece. In : Byron, George Gordon. Don Juan ; with a biographical account of Lord Byron and his family ; anecdotes of his Lordhip's travels and residence in Greece, at Geneva, & c. : canto III. (London : Printed for William Wright, 1819). (Byr11, Publication)
  • Person: Byron, George Gordon
  • Person: Chu, Chih-yu
2 1998 Chu, Chi Yu [Chu, Chih-yu]. Lord Byron's "The Isles of Greece" : first translations. In : Translation and creation : readings of Western literature in early modern China, 1840-1918. Ed. by David Pollard. (Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1998). Publication / Byr4
  • Source: Liang, Qichao. Yin bing shi wen ji lei bian. Vol. 1. (Dongjing : Bian zhe kan, 1904). [Enthält Eintragungen über George Gordon Byron].
    飮冰室文集類編 (Byr62, Publication)
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Ai Xila. Hu Shi yi. (1914). In : Hu, Shi. Chang shi ji. (Shanghai : Ya dong tu shu guan, 1920). Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The Isles of Greece. In : Byron, George Gordon. Don Juan ; with a biographical account of Lord Byron and his family ; anecdotes of his Lordhip’s travels and residence in Greece, at Geneva, & c. : canto III. (London : Printed for William Wright, 1819). (Byr8, Publication)
  • Source: Liu, Wuji. Su Manshu yu Bailun "Ai Xila shi". In : Cong Mo jian shi dao Yan zi kann : ji nian Nan she liang da shi ren Su Manshu yu Liu Yazi. (Taibei : Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye you xian gong si, 1986). [Su Manshu und George Gordon Byron].
    [Enthält] : Ai Xila. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The Isles of Greece. In : Byron, George Gordon. Don Juan ; with a biographical account of Lord Byron and his family ; anecdotes of his Lordhip's travels and residence in Greece, at Geneva, & c. : canto III. (London : Printed for William Wright, 1819).
    從磨劍室到燕子龕 : 紀念南社兩大詩人蘇曼殊與柳亞子 (Byr49, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
3 2005 Lee, Gregory B. Other people's heroes : intertexts, history, and comparative resistance to totalization. [Betr. George Gordon Byron].
Web / Byr6
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Hai dao. Xu Zhimo yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 15, no 4 (1924). Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The corsair : a tale. (London : Printed for John Murray, 1814).
    海盗 (Byr24, Publication)
4 2010 Guo, Ting. Translating a foreign writer : a case study of Byron in China. In : Literature compass ; vol. 7, no 9 (2010).
Publication / Byr3
  • Source: Mao, Dun. Xin wen xue yan jiu zhe de ze ren ji nu li. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 12, no 2 (1921). [Betr. u.a. Oscar Wilde]. (WilO23, Publication)
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon ; Shelley, Percy Bysshe]. Haluo'erde de lü xing ji qi ta. Bailun, Xuelai zhu ; Yuan Shuipai, Ran Fang [et al.] yi. (Chongqing : Wen chen she, 1944). (Wen zhen xin ji ; 1). Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. Childe Harold's pilgrimage : a romaunt. (London : Printed for John Murray, 1812). [Übersetzung der Gedichte von Byron und Shelley ; erste vollständige Übsetzung von Childe Harold's pilgrimage].
    哈羅爾德的旅行及其他 (Byr27, Publication)