# | Name | Name Alternative(s) | Info | Type |
1 |
McCourt, Frank |
McCourt, Francis |
(New York, N.Y. 1930-New York, N.Y. 2009) : Schriftsteller irischer Abstammung |
Person |
2 |
McCracken, J.L. |
(Co Dorn, Irland 1914-2008 Durban) : Professor of History, New University of Ulster |
Person | |
3 |
McCracken, Josiah Calvin |
(Lincoln, Tenn. 1874-1962 Chestnut Hill, Penn.) : Arzt, Leichtathlet |
Person | |
4 |
McCullers, Carson |
Smith, Lula Carson |
(Columbus, Georgia 1917-1967 Nyack, N.Y.) : Schriftstellerin |
Person |
5 |
McCulloch, J.R. |
McCulloch, John Ramsay |
(Whithorn, Schottladn 1789-1864 London) : Nationalökonom |
Person |
6 |
McDaniel, Melissa |
(1964-) |
Person | |
7 |
McDill, Rohn R. |
(1860-) |
Person | |
8 |
McDonald, Angus |
(Paris 1962-2013 Yangon, Myanmar) : Photograph, Autor |
Person | |
9 |
McDonald, Francis |
(1881-1981) : Kanadischer Jesuit, Priester |
Person | |
10 |
McDonald, Jessie |
(Kanada 1888-1980) : Protestantische Missionarin China Inland Mission, Ärztin |
Person | |
11 |
McDougall, Bonnie S. |
(1941-) : Advisory Editor Renditions, Research Centre for Translation ; Adjunct Professor Centre for East Asian Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong ; Professor of Chinese, The University of Edinburgh |
Person | |
12 |
McEwan, Keith |
(1926-) : Mitglied Communist Party of Australia |
Person | |
13 |
McGauran, Peter |
McGauran, Peter John |
(Yallourn, Victoria, Australien 1951-) : Politiker |
Person |
14 |
McGiffin, Philo Norton |
(Washington, Penn. 1860-1897 Selbstmord New York, N.Y.) : Schiffsoffizier |
Person | |
15 |
McGillivray, Donald |
(Bruce County, Ontario 1862-1931 Lochiel, Ontario) : Kanadischer Missionar |
Person | |
16 |
McGoldrick, William |
(Toowoomba vor 1899-1976 Australien) : Australischer Columban Priester, Missionar |
Person | |
17 |
McGovern, Janet B. Montgomery |
(um 1916) : Ethnologin |
Person | |
18 |
McGovern, William Montgomery |
(New York, N.Y. 1897-1964 Evanston) : Anthropologe, Professor für politische Wissenschaften Northwestern University |
Person | |
19 |
McGuinness, Frank |
(Buncrana, Donegal 1953-) : Irischer Dramatiker, Dichter, Übersetzer, Professor of Creative Writing, School of English, Drama and Film, University College Dublin |
Person | |
20 |
McHugh, James Marshall |
(Nevada, Mo 1899-1966 Needwood, Md.) : Marineoffizier |
Person |