# | Name | Name Alternative(s) | Info | Type |
1 |
McIntosh, Gilbert |
(Fulkirk, Schottland 1861-1919) : Missionar, Superintendent Presbyterian Mission Press |
Person | |
2 |
McKay, Doug |
(Sydney 1923-2012 Canberra) : Sekretär Department of Overseas Trade |
Person | |
3 |
McKee, Stewart |
(Schottland 1863-1900 Datong, ermordet von den Boxern) : Protestantischer Missionar China Inland Mission |
Person | |
4 |
McKenna, James E. |
McKenna, James Edward |
(Boston, Mass. 1887-nach 1949) : Diplomat |
Person |
5 |
McKenna, Richard |
McKenna, Richard Milton |
(Mountain Home, Idaho 1913-1964 Chapel Hill, N.C.) : Schriftsteller, Seemann |
Person |
6 |
McKiernan, Charles P. |
McKiernan, Charles Patrick |
(Naugatuck, Conn. 1887-1916 Chongqing) : Diplomat |
Person |
7 |
McKnight, Brian E. |
(Philadelphia 1938-) : Professor Department of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson |
Person | |
8 |
McLane, Robert M. |
McLane, Robert Milligan |
(Wilmington, Del. 1815-1898 Paris) : Diplomat, Anwalt, Professor für Medizin |
Person |
9 |
McLaren, Robin J.T. |
McLaren, Robin John Taylor |
(1934-2010) : Englischer Diplomat |
Person |
10 |
McLaughlin, Mary Louise |
(Cincinnati, Ohio 1847-1939) : Keramik-Malerin |
Person | |
11 |
McLean, Franklin Chambers |
(Maroa, Ill. 1888-1968 Billings Hospital University of Chiago) : Arzt, Forscher, Professor für Medizin Beijing Union Medical College, University of Chicago |
Person | |
12 |
McLean, George F. |
(1929-2016) : Professor School of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C |
Person | |
13 |
McLean, Murray |
(Melbourne 1947-) : Diplomat |
Person | |
14 |
McLean, Philip Alexander |
(1938-) : Englischer Diplomat |
Person | |
15 |
McLeish, William |
(um 1900 ; ev.um 1869-1929) : Reporter Tientsin-Peking Times |
Person | |
16 |
McLellan, David |
(1940-) : Englischer Professor of Political Theory, University of Kent |
Person | |
17 |
McLeod, John |
(Bonhill, Dunbartonshire ca. 1777-1820 auf der 'Royal Sovereign') : Schiffsarzt |
Person | |
18 |
McMahon, Thomas J. |
(um 1925) : Australier |
Person | |
19 |
McMullan, Robert |
McMullan, Bob McMullan, Robert Francis |
(Perth 1947-) : Politiker, Handels-Minister |
Person |
20 |
McMullen, David L. |
McMullen, David McMullen, D.L. |
(1939-) : Professor of Chinese, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Department of East Asia Studies, University of Cambridge : |
Person |