McCulloch, John Ramsay
# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1831 |
McCulloch, J.R. Observations on the influence of the East India Company's monopoly on the price and supply of tea : and on the commerce with India, China, &c. (London : Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1831). =McCulloch,+J.R.+Observations+on+the+influence+of+the+East+India+Company %27s+monopoly&source=bl&ots=E9iaLIImuE&sig=ACfU3U2WUHukOPEpfkqrb XoYV67JUtevwA&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiap8Gi2fThAhVSL1AKHZCuAG0 Q6AEwBXoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=McCulloch%2C%20J.R.%20Observations %20on%20the%20influence%20of%20the%20East%20India%20Company's%20 monopoly&f=false. |
Publication / McJR1 |