# | Name | Name Alternative(s) | Info | Type |
1 |
Lashchilin, Lev |
Lashchilin, Lev Aleksandrovich |
(1888-1955) : Russischer Choreograph |
Person |
2 |
Laski, Marghanita |
(Manchester 1915-1988 London) : Journalistin, Schriftstellerin, Dramatikerin |
Person | |
3 |
Lassalle, Ferdinand |
Lassal, Ferdinand |
(Breslau 1825-1864 Carouge bei Genf) : Schriftsteller, Politiker |
Person |
4 |
Lassar, Joannes |
Lassar, Johannes |
(Macao 1781-ca. 1835) : Armenier, Professor am Kolleg in Macao |
Person |
5 |
Lassen, Christian |
(Bergen 1800-1876 Bonn) : Indologe, Altertumsforscher |
Person | |
6 |
Lasseter, Dillard B. |
Lasseter, Dillard Brown |
(Vienna, Georgia 1894-1973 Bladensburg, Md.) : Diplomat, Administrator |
Person |
7 |
Last, Jef |
Last, Josephus Carel Franciscus |
(Den Haag 1898-1972 Laren, Holland) : Schriftsteller |
Person |
8 |
Laszlo, Ivan |
(um 1987) : Ungarischer Diplomat |
Person | |
9 |
Latham, John |
(Ascot Vale, Victoria, Australien 1877–1964 Melbourne) : Jurist, Politiker, Aussenminister |
Person | |
10 |
Latham, Robert O. |
Latham, Robert Owen |
(1914-2003) : Pfarrer, Schriftsteller, Photograph |
Person |
11 |
Lathrop, Dorothy P. |
(Albany, N.Y. 1991-1980 Falls Village, Conn.) : Illustratorin, Kinderbuch-Autorin |
Person | |
12 |
Latimer, John R. |
Latimer, John Richardson |
(1793-1865 bei Wilmington, Del.) : Kaufmann |
Person |
13 |
Latourette, Kenneth Scott |
(Oregon City 1884-1968 Oregon City) : Professor of Missions and Oriental History Yale University, Missionar, Sinologe, Historiker |
Person | |
14 |
Latsch, Marie-Luise |
(Saarwellingen 1950-) : Sinologin, Dr. rer. pol., Übersetzerin |
Person | |
15 |
Latterer-Lintenburg, Franz |
(1874-) : Deutscher Hofrat |
Person | |
16 |
Lattimore, David |
(1931-) : Professor of Chinese Language and Literature and of Comparative Literature, Department of East Asian Studies, Brown University, Providence R.I. |
Person | |
17 |
Lattimore, David (2) |
(um 1924) : Missionar in China |
Person | |
18 |
Lattimore, Owen |
(Washington, D.C. 1900-1989 Providence, R.I.) : Sinologe, Mongolist |
Person | |
19 |
Lau Leung Che, Miriam |
(um 2009) |
Person | |
20 |
Lau, D.C. |
Lau, Dim Keuk Liu, Dianjue |
(Hong Kong 1921-2010 Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong) : Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Univesity of Hong Kong ; Professor of Chinese, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London |
Person |