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Eber, Irene

(Halle 1930-) : Louis Frieberg Professor of East Asian Studies, Department of East Asian Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Name Alternative(s)

Eber Geminder, Irene


Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : Israel

Chronology Entries (20)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1955 Irene Eber erhält den B.A. in Asian Studies des Pomona College, Calif.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
2 1961 Irene Eber erhält den M.A. in History der State University of California, Sacramento.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
3 1966 Irene Eber promoviert in Asian Studies an der Claremont Graduate University, Calif.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
4 1966-1968 Irene Eber ist Assistant Professor of History des Whittier College.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
5 1968-1969 Irene Eber ist Social Science Research Council Fellow.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
6 1969-1999 Irene Eber ist Professor of East Asian Studies am Department of East Asian Studies der The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
7 1973-1974 Irene Eber ist Post-Doctoral Scholar des Center for Chinese Studies der University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
8 1974 Irene Eber ist Visiting Associate Professor of History der University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
9 1979-1980 Irene Eber ist Visiting Associate Professor of History der Wesleyan University, Middletown Conn.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
10 1984 Irene Eber ist Beraterin der Ausstellung "The Jews of Kaifeng" des The Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, Tel Aviv.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
11 1985-1986 Irene Eber ist Visiting Scholar des Fairbank Center der Harvard University.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
12 1986 Irene Eber ist Beraterin für Dokumentarfilme des Institute for Contemporary Jewry der The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
13 1987-1989 Irene Eber ist Vorsteherin des Department for East Asian Studies der The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
14 1989 Irene Eber ist Mitglied des Board of Directors der International Society for Hu Shih Studies.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
15 1991-1992 Irene Eber ist Visiting Scholar des Fairbank Center der Harvard University.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
16 1992 Irene Eber ist Curator in Israel und Beraterin der Ausstellung "Jewish communities in China" der Widener Library, Harvard University.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
17 1996-1997 Irene Eber ist Visiting Scholar des Fairbank Center der Harvard University.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
18 1996-1997 Irene Eber ist Judson Visiting Scholar an der Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Mass.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
19 1996-1997 Irene Eber ist Vorsteherin des Department for East Asian Studies der The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)
20 2002-2003 Irene Eber ist Visiting Scholar an der Claremont Graduate University, Calif.
  • Document: Eber, Irene (Eber, Publication)

Bibliography (12)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1965 Eber, Irene. Hu Shih, 1891-1962 : a sketch of his life and his role in the intellectual and political dialogue of modern China. (Claremont, Calif. : Claremont Graduate University, 1965). Diss. Claremont Graduate Univ., 1965. [Hu Shi]. Publication / EbI1
2 1979 Wilhelm, Richard. Lectures on the I ching : constancy and change. Transl. from the German by Irene Eber. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1979). (Bollingen series ; XIX, 2). Übersetzung von Wilhelm, Richard. Wandlung und Dauer : die Weisheit des I ging. (Düsseldorf : Diederichs, 1956). = Wilhelm, Richard. Der Mensch und das Sein. Hrsg. von S[alome] Wilhelm. (Jena : Diederichs, 1931). [Yi jing]. Publication / EbI2
3 1980 Eber, Irene. Voices from afar : modern Chinese writers on oppressed peoples and their literature. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan, Center for Chinese Studies, 1980). (Michigan papers in Chinese studies ; no 38). Publication / EbI4
4 1984 Kehilat Kaifeng : Yehudim Sinim 'al gedot ha-Nahar ha-Tsahov = The Jews of Kaifeng. Otseret Liorah Kroyanker ; yo'atsim mada'iyim Airin Eber [Irene Eber], Mikhael Plak [Michael Pollak] [et al.]. (Tel Aviv : Bet ha-tefutsot 'al shem Nahum Goldman, 1984). [Catalog of an exhibition Bet ha-tefutsot 'al shem Nahum Goldman, Tel Aviv, 1984]. Publication / EbI7
5 1986 Confucianism, the dynamics of tradition. Ed. by Irene Eber. (New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1986). Publication / EbI3
6 1992 Eber, Irene ; Gilboa, Violet. China and the Jews : a sampling of Harvard Library resources for the study of Jewish life in China and Chinese-Jewish relations : exhibition, 16 Aug.-24 Sept. 1992 Widener Library, Harvard University. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Library, 1992). Publication / EvI8
7 1997 Torat ha-gadol. [Transl. of Da xue with full annotation and extensive introd. on textual background and interpretation] by Andrew H. Plaks ; Irene Eber. (Jerusalem : Mosad Bialik, 1997). Publication / Pla12
8 1999 Eber, Irene. The Jewish bishop and the Chinese Bible : S.I.J. Schereschewsky (1831-1906). (Leiden : Brill, 1999). (Studies in christian mission ; vol. 22). Publication / EbI5
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Schereschewsky, Samuel Isaac Joseph
9 1999 The Bible in modern China : the literary and intellectual impact. Ed. by Irene Eber, Sze-kar Wan, Knut Walf ; in collab. with Roman Malek. (Sankt Augustin : Institut Monumenta Serica ; Nettetal : Steyler, 1999). (Monumenta serica monograph series ; 43). Publication / EbI6
10 2002 Eber, Irene. Sinim ve-Yehudim : mifgashim ben tarbuyot. (Yerushalayim : Mosad Byalik, 2002). Publication / EbI10
11 2003 Sheng jing yu jin dai Zhongguo. Ed. by Irene Eber [et al.] ; Cai Jintu bian yi. (Xianggang : Han yu Sheng jing xie hui you xian gong si, 2003). Übersetzung von The Bible in modern China : the literary and intellectual impact. Ed. by Irene Eber, Sze-kar Wan, Knut Walf ; in collab. with Roman Malek. (Sankt Augustin : Institut Monumenta Serica ; Nettetal : Steyler, 1999). (Monumenta serica monograph series ; 43).
Publication / EbI9
12 2007 Eber, Irene. Chinese and Jews : encounters between cultures. (London : V. Mitchell, 2007). Übersetzung von Eber, Irene. Sinim vi-Yehudim : mifgashim ben tarbuyot. (Yerushalayim : Mosad Byalik, 2002). Publication / EbI11