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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2006
Nathan, Andrew J.
Person / Nat1
2 2006
Fan, Shouyi. Translation of English fiction and drama in modern China : social context, literary trends, and impact. In : Meta ; vol. 44, no 1 (1999). http://www.erudit.org/revue/meta/1999/v44/n1/002717ar.html.
Web / Fan3
3 2006
Traditions of East Asian travel. Ed. by Joshua A. Fogel. (New York, N.Y. : Berghahn Books, 2005).
Publication / Fog10
4 2006
Yamamuro, Shin'ichi. Manchuria under Japanese domination. Transl. by Joshua A. Fogel. (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006). (Encounter with Asia).
Publication / Fog24
5 2006
Grassroots political reform in contemporary China. Ed. by Elizabeth J. Perry and Merle Goldman. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2006).
Publication / Per2
6 2006
Perry, Elizabeth J. Patrolling the revolution : worker, militias, citizenship, and the modern Chinese state. (Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, 2006). (State and society in East Asia).
Publication / Per16
7 2006
Yang, Wuneng. Goethe-Rezeption in China : von Wertherfieber zu "Werther"-Übersetzungseifer. : http://www.info.sophia.ac.jp/g-areas/DE-GoetheSymYang.htm.
Web / YanW3
8 2006
Modern Asian studies ; vol. 40, pt. 3 (2006).
Publication / MoAs1
9 2006
Rowe, William T. Crimson rain : seven centuries of violence in a Chinese county. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2006). [Macheng (Hubei)].
Publication / Row6
10 2006
Honey, David B.
Person / HonD
11 2006
Lieberthal, Kenneth
Person / Lie
12 2006
Coblin, W. South. A handbook of 'phags-pa Chinese. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, 2006). (ABC Chinese dictionary series).
Publication / Cob6
13 2006
Confucian cultures of authority. Ed by Peter D. Hershock and Roger T. Ames. (Albany, N.Y. : State University of New York Press, 2006). (SUNY series in Asian studies development).
Publication / Ames1
14 2006
[Ames, Roger T.]. Zi wo de yuan cheng : Zhong xi hu jing xia de gu dian ru xue yu dao jia. An Dongzhe zhu ; Peng Guoxiang bian yi. (Shijiazhuang : Hebei ren min chu ban she, 2006). [Konfuzianismus, Taoismus].
自我的圆成 : 中西互镜下的古典儒学与道家
Publication / Ames14
15 2006
Contact and exchange in the ancient world. Ed. by Victor H. Mair. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, 2006). (Perspectives on the global past).
Publication / Mair16
16 2006
Hawai'i reader in traditional Chinese culture. Ed. by Victor H. Mair, Nancy S. Steinhardt, and Paul R. Goldin. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, 2006).
Publication / Mair18
17 2006
Gassmann, Robert H. Verwandtschaft und Gesellschaft im alten China : Begriffe, Strukturen und Prozesse. (Bern : Lang, 2006). (Welten Ostasiens ; Bd. 11).
Publication / GR12
18 2006
Mair, Victor H. Conversion tables for the three-volume edition of the Han yu da ci dian. (Philadelphia, Pa. : University of Pennsylvania, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, 2006). (Sino-Platonic papers ; no 169).
Publication / Mair27
19 2006
Yusuf, Shahid ; Nabeshima, Kaoru ; Perkins, Dwight H. Under new ownership : privatizing China's state-owned enterprises. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2006).
Publication / Perk9
20 2006
Liu, Binyan. Two kinds of truth : stories and reportage from China. Ed. by Perry Link. (Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press, 2006).
Publication / Link8

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