# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2006 |
Malek, Roman. In memoriam Heinrich Busch (1912-2002) und Eugen Feifel (1902-1999). In : Monumenta serica ; vol. 54 (2006). |
Publication / Fei20 |
2 |
2006 |
Cheek, Timothy. Living with reform : China since 1989. (New York, N.Y. : Zed books, 2006). (Global history of the present). |
Publication / CheT7 |
3 |
2006 |
Pu, Songling. Strange tales from a Chinese studio. Transl. and ed. by John Minford. (London : Penguin, 2006). (Penguin classics). Übersetzung von Pu, Songling. Liao zhai zhi yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1765). 聊斋志异 |
Publication / MinJ7 |
4 |
2006 |
MacFarquhar, Roderick ; Schoenhals, Michael. Mao's last revolution. (Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006). |
Publication / MacF12 |
5 |
2006 |
[Petershagen, Rudolf]. Liang xin zai sao dong. Li Shixun yi. (Beijing : Jun shi chu ban she, 2006). Übersetzung von Petershagen, Rudolf. Gewissen in Aufruhr. (Berlin : Verlag der Nation, 1985). 良心在骚动 |
Publication / LiSh8 |
6 |
2006 |
Global conjectures : China in transnational perspective. William C. Kirby, Mechthild Leutner, Klaus Mühlhahn (eds.). (Münster : LIT, 2006). (Berliner China-Hefte ; Bd. 30). |
Publication / Kir2 |
7 |
2006 |
[Gunn, Edward M.]. Bei leng luo de Miusi : Zhongguo lun xian gu wen xue shi (1937-1945). Geng Dehua zhu ; Zhang Quan yi. (Beijing : Xin xing chu ban she, 2006). Übersetzung von Gunn, Edward M. Unwelcome muse : Chinese literature in Shanghai and Peking, 1937-1945. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1980). (Studies of the East Asian Institute). 被冷落的缪斯 : 中国沦陷区文学史 (1937-1945) |
Publication / Gunn8 |
8 |
2006 |
Loud sparrows : contemporary Chinese short-shorts. Selected and transl. by Aili Mu, Julie Chiu, Howard Goldblatt. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2006). (Weatherhead books on Asi). |
Publication / Gold6 |
9 |
2006 |
Mo, Yan. The garlic ballads : a novel. Transl. from the Chinese by Howard Goldblatt. (New York, N.Y. : Arcade Publ., 2006). Übersetzung von Mo, Yan. Tian tang suan tai zhi ge. (Taibei : Hong fan shu dian, 1989). 天堂蒜苔之歌 |
Publication / Gold33 |
10 |
2006 |
[Nivison, David S.]. Ru jia zhi dao : Zhongguo zhe xue zhi tan tao. Ni Dewei zhu ; Wanbaian [Bryan W. Van Norden], Zhou Chicheng yi. (Nanjing : Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 2006). Übersetzung von Nivison, David S. The ways of confucianism : investigations in Chinese philosophy. (Chicago, Ill. : Open Court, 1996). 儒家之道 : 中国哲学之探讨 |
Publication / Niv12 |
11 |
2006 |
Lü, Yixu. German colonial fiction on China : the Boxer uprising of 1900. In : Life and letters ; vol. 59, no 1 (2006). |
Publication / LüY1 |
12 |
2006 |
[Unwerth, Matthew von]. Foluoyide de wan ge : bei dao, zhui yi, Foluoyide yu you ren de xia ri wu jian san bu. Maxiu Anwensi zhu ; Zhang Meihui yi. (Taibei : Zhang lao shi, 2006). Übersetzung von Unwerth, Matthew von. Freud’s requiem : mourning, memory, and the invisible history of a summer walk. (New York, N.Y. : Riverhead Books, 2005). [Biographie von Sigmund Freud und Rainer Maria Rilke]. 佛洛伊德的輓歌 : 悲悼,追憶,佛洛伊德與友人的夏日午間散步 |
Publication / Ril34 |
13 |
2006 |
Weller, Robert P. Discovering nature : globalization and environmental culture in China and Taiwan. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006). |
Publication / Well8 |
14 |
2006 |
[Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim]. Li shi yu qi shi : Laixin shen xue wen xuan. Laixin zhu ; Zhu Yanbing yi. (Beijing : Hua xia chu ban she, 2006). [Übersetzung von Lessings Theologischen Schriften]. 历史与启示 : 莱辛神学文选 |
Publication / Less16 |
15 |
2006 |
Li, Kuixian. Fanlexi / Huofumansitaer. (Taibei : Taibei xian xin dian shi : gui guan chu ban, 2005). [Biographie von Hugo von Hofmannsthal und Paul Valéry]. 梵樂希/霍夫曼斯塔爾 |
Publication / Hofm4 |
16 |
2006 |
Eoyang, Eugene Chen. Of 'invincible spears and impenetrable shields' : the possibility of impossible translations. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong Paptist University, David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies, 2006). (Working paper series / David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies ; no 49). |
Publication / Eoy8 |
17 |
2006 |
[Benjamin, Walter]. Dan xing dao. Waerte Benyaming zhu ; Wang Caiyong yi. (Nanjing : Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 2006). (Han yi jin pin). Übersetzung von Benjamin, Walter. Einbahnstrasse. (Berlin : E. Rowohlt, 1928) 单行道 |
Publication / Ben3 |
18 |
2006 |
[Benjamin, Walter]. Bali, 19 shi ji de shou du. Waerte Benyaming zhu ; Liu Beicheng yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 2006). (Du shi wen hua yan jiu yi cong). Übersetzung von Banjamin, Walter. Das Passagen-Werk. Hrsg. von Rolf Tiedemann. (Frankfurt a.M. : Suhrkamp, 1982). (Edition Suhrkamp ; 1200, N.F. 200). 啟迪 : 本雅明文選 |
Publication / Ben10 |
19 |
2006 |
Kant and confucianism. Editor-in-chief, Chung-ying Chang. In : Journal of Chinese philosophy ; vol. 33, no 1 (2006). [Special issue]. |
Publication / Cheng7 |
20 |
2006 |
Cheng, Zhongying [Cheng, Chung-ying]. Cheng Zhongying wen ji. Li Xianghai, Deng Kewu bian. (Wuhan : Hubei ren min chu ban she, 2006). [Chinesische Philosophie]. 成中英文集 |
Publication / Cheng28 |