# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2002 |
Boltz, Judith Magee. In memoriam Piet van der Loon (7 april 1920-22 may 2002). In : Journal of Chinese religions ; no 30 (2002). |
Publication / Loo1 |
2 |
2002 |
Cui, Hao. De hele dag in negligé : gedichten. Ingel. en vert. [uit het Chinees] door Wilt L. Idema. (Leiden : Stichting, 2002). (Het trage vuur ; 19). |
Publication / Ide32 |
3 |
2002 |
Standaert, Nicolas. Methodology in view of contact between cultures : the China case in the 17th century. (Hong Kong : Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002). (CSRCS occasional paper ; no 11). |
Publication / SN7 |
4 |
2002 |
Yesu hui Luoma dang an guan Ming Qing tian zhu jiao wen xian. Zhong Mingdan, Du Dingke = Chinese christian texts from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus. Ed. by Nicolas Standaert, Adrian Dudink. (Taibei : Taibei Li shi xue she, 2002). 耶穌會羅馬檔案館明清天主教文獻 |
Publication / NS9 |
5 |
2002 |
[Gulik, Robert van]. Yu zhu qi an. Gao Luopei zhu ; Zhu Zhenwu yi. (Taibei : Lian pu chu ban, 2002). Übersetzung von Gulik, Robert van. The emperor's pearl : a Chinese detective story. (New York, N.Y. : C. Scribner's Sons, 1963). [Di Renjie]. 御珠奇案 |
Publication / Gul36 |
6 |
2002 |
[Gulik, Robert van]. Liu yuan tu qi an. Gao Luopei zhu ; Jin Di, Li Zhenyu yi. (Taibei : Lian pu chu ban, 2002). (Di gong an ; 13). Übersetzung von Gulik, Robert van. The willow pattern : a Judge Dee detective story. With 15 illustrations drawn by the author in Chinese style. (New York, N.Y. : C. Scribner's Sons, 1965). [Di Renjie]. 柳园图奇案 |
Publication / Gul32 |
7 |
2002 |
[Gulik, Robert van]. Mi gong qi an. Gao Luopei zhu ; Jiang Hansen, Jiang Hanzhuang yi. (Taibei : Lian pu chu ban, 2002). (Di gong an ; 10). Übersetzung von Gulik, Robert van. The Chinese maze murders : a Chinese detective story suggested by three original ancient Chinese plots. With 19 plates drawn by the author in Chinese style. (The Hague : W. van Hoeve, 1956). (A Judge Dee mystery). [Di Renjie]. 迷宫奇案 |
Publication / Gul38 |
8 |
2002 |
[Gulik, Robert van]. Tie zhen qi an. Gao Luopei zhu ; Zhang Hong yi. (Taibei : Lian pu chu ban, 2002). (Di gong an ; 12). Übersetzung von Gulik, Robert van. The Chinese nail murders : Judge Dee's last three cases : a Chinese detective story suggested by original ancient Chinese plots. (London : Michael Joseph, 1961). [Di Renjie]. 鐵針奇案 |
Publication / Gul46 |
9 |
2002 |
[Gulik, Robert van]. Guangzhou qi an. Gao Luopei zhu ; Han Zhonghua yi. (Taibei : Lian pu chu ban, 2002). (Di gong an xi lie zuo pin ; 14). Übersetzung von Gulik, Robert van. Murder in Canton : a Chinese detective story. With twelve illustrations drawn by the author in Chinese style. (New York, N.Y. : Scribner, 1966). [Di Renjie]. 廣州奇案 |
Publication / Gul47 |
10 |
2002 |
[Gulik, Robert van]. Zi yun si qi an. Gao Luopei zhu ; Zhang Hong yi. (Taibei : Lian pu chu ban, 2002). (Di gong an ; 11). Übersetzung von Gulik, Robert van. The phantom of the temple : a Chinese detective story. With nine illustrations drawn by the author in Chinese style. (London : Heinemann, 1966). (New York, N.Y. : Scribner's, 1966). (Scribner crime classics). [Di Renjie]. 紫云寺奇案 |
Publication / Gul50 |
11 |
2002 |
[Gulik, Robert van]. Tai zi guan qi an. Gao Luopei zhu ; Hu Yang yi. (Taibei : Lian pu chu ban, 2002). (Di gong an ; 16). Übersetzung von Gulik, Robert Hans van. Judge Dee at work : eight Chinese detective stories. With illustrations drawn by the author in Chinese style. (London : Heinemann, 1967 ; New York, N.Y. : C. Scribner's Sons, 1967). [Di Renjie]. 太子棺奇案 |
Publication / Gul41 |
12 |
2002 |
[Gulik, Robert van]. Duan zhi qi an. Gao Luopei zhu ; Xu Fei yi. (Taibei : Lian pu chu ban, 2002). (Di gong an ; 15). Übersetzung von Gulik, Robert van. The monkey and the tiger : two Chinese detective stories. With eight illustrations drawn by the author in Chinese style. (London : Heinemann, 1965). |
Publication / Gul55 |
13 |
2002 |
Girardot, Norman J. The Victorian translation of China : James Legge's Oriental pilgrimage. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2002. |
Publication / Gir1 |
14 |
2002 |
Zhao, Yuanren. Zhao Yuanren quan ji. Vol. 1-20. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 2002). [Gesammelte Werke]. 赵元任全集 |
Publication / ZhaY43 |
15 |
2002 |
Pulleyblank, Edwin G. Central Asia and non-Chinese peoples of ancient China. (Aldershot, Hampshire ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, 2002). (Variorum collected studies series ; CS731). |
Publication / Pul4 |
16 |
2002 |
Israeli, Raphael. Islam in China : religion, ethnicity, culture, and politics. (Lanham, Md. ; Oxford : Lexington Books, 2002). |
Publication / Isr6 |
17 |
2002 |
Bogeli [Pollard, Samuel]. Zai wei zhi de Zhongguo. Bogeli [et al.] zhu ; Dong Renda, Dong Min fan yi zhu shi. (Kunming : Yunnan min zu chu ban she, 2002. Übersetzung von Pollard, Samuel. In unknown China : a record of the observations, adventures and experiences of a pioneer missionary during a prolonged sojourn amongst the wild and unknown Nosu tribe of western China. (London : Seeley, Service & Co., 1921). |
Publication / Poll5 |
18 |
2002 |
[Hayden, Henry Hubert]. Zai Xizang gao yuan de shou lie yu lü you : Xizang di zhi tan xian ri zhi. Hengli Haideng, Xize Kaosen zhu ; Zhou Guoyan, Shao Hong yi. (Chengdu : Sichuna min zu chu ban she ; Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2002). Übersetzung von Hayden, Henry Hubert ; Cosson, César. Sport and travel in the highlands of Tibet. With an introd. by Francis Younghusband. (London : R. Cobden-Sanderson, 1927). Bericht der Reise von Darjeeling über Gyntse bis Lhasa, Shen-tsa, Naktsang, Namru, Thakpo bis Indien. |
Publication / Hay3 |
19 |
2002 |
Laibunici yu Zhongguo : Zhongguo jin shi fa biao 300 zhou nian guo ji xue shu tao lun hui lun wen ji. (Beijing : Ke xue chu ban she, 2002). Übersetzung von Das Neueste über China : G.W. Leibnizens Novissima sinica von 1697 : Internationales Symposium, Berlin 4. bis 7. Okt. 1997. Wenchao Li, Hans Poser (Hrsg.). (Stuttgart : Steiner, 2000). (Studia Leibnitiana supplementa ; vol. 33). [Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz]. 莱布尼茨与中国 : 中国近事发表300周年国际学朮讨论会论文集 |
Publication / Lai4 |
20 |
2002 |
Zhi guai xuan = Literary sketches from the past. Yuan zhu Gan Bao deng ; jin yi Wu Lixin ; ying yi Yang Xianyi, Dai Naidie [Gladys Yang] deng. (Beijing : Xin shi jie chu ban she, 2002). (Gu wen jing dian yi cong). 志怪选 |
Publication / Yan18 |