# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2002 |
Liu, Yiqing. Propos et anecdotes sur la vie selon le tao / Liu Yiqing ; précédé de Jardin d'anecdotes / par Liu Xiang ; trad. du chinois et présentés par Jacques Pimpaneau. (Arles : P. Picquier, 2002). (Picquier poche ; 175). |
Publication / Pim33 |
2 |
2002 |
Lu, Xun. The new-year sacrifice and other stories = Zhu fu ji qi ta. Original Chinese text by Lu Xun ; translated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang. (Xianggang : Zhong wen da xue chu ban she, 2002). (Bilingual series on modern Chinese literature = Zhongguo xian dai wen xue Zhong Ying dui zhao xi lie). Übersetzung von Lu, Xun. Zhu fu. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1933). 祝福 |
Publication / Yan67 |
3 |
2002 |
Ting, K.H. [Ding, Guangxun]. A Chinese contribution to ecumenical theology : selected writings of bishop K.H. Ting. Ed. by Janice and Philip Wickeri. (Geneva : World Council of Churches Publications, 2002). |
Publication / Din5 |
4 |
2002 |
Packard, George P. Edwin O. Reischauer : historican, missionary, prophet. In : The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan ; 4th ser., vol. 17 (2002-2003). |
Publication / Rei20 |
5 |
2002 |
Wright, Mary Clabaugh. Tongzhi zhong xing : Zhongguo bao shou zhu yi de zui hou di kang, 1862-1874. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2002). Übersetzung von Wright, Mary Clabaugh. The last stand of Chinese conservatism : the T'ung-chih restoration, 1862-1874. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1957). (Stanford studies in history, economics, and political science ; 13). [Tongzhi]. 同治中兴 : 中囯保守主义的最后抵抗 1862-1874 |
Publication / Wri4 |
6 |
2002 |
Liu, Ching-chih. The role of Hong Kong in translation in the new millennium. In : Translation quarterly ; no 24 (2002). |
Publication / LiuC1 |
7 |
2002 |
Lloyd, Geoffrey ; Sivin, Nathan. The way and the word : science and medicine in early China and Greece. (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2002). |
Publication / Siv6 |
8 |
2002 |
Brady, Anne-Marie. Friend of China - the myth of Rewi Alley. (London: CurzonRoutledge, 2002). |
Publication / Alley3 |
9 |
2002 |
The Ch'ing dynasty to 1800. Ed. by Willard J. Peterson. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002). (The Cambridge history of China ; vol. 9). [Qing]. |
Publication / Cam6 |
10 |
2002 |
Masterpieces by modern Chinese fiction writers = Zhongguo xian dai ming jia duan pian xiao shuo xuan. Written by Lao She and others ; transl. by Sidney Shapiro and others. (Beijing : Wai wen chu ban she, 2002). |
Publication / Shap5 |
11 |
2002 |
Deng, Rong. Deng Xiaoping and the cultural revolution : a daughter recalls the critical years. Transl. by Sidney Shapiro. (Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, 2002). [Wo de fu qin Deng Xiaoping : wen ge sui yue]. |
Publication / Shap11 |
12 |
2002 |
Scalapino, Robert A. Meiguo yu Ya zhou : Sikalabinnuo Beijing da xue yan jian ji. = The United States and Asia : lectures at Peking University. (Beijing : Beijing da xue chu ban she, 2002). 美國與亞洲 : 斯卡拉賓諾北京大學演講集 |
Publication / Scal17 |
13 |
2002 |
Gaojialong [Cochran, Sherman]. Da gong si yu guan xi wang : Zhongguo jing nei de xi fang, Riben he Hua shang da qi ye (1880-1937). Cheng linsun yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai she hui ke xue yuan chu ban she, 2002). (She hui ke xue wen ku. Yi cong ; 1). Übersetzung von Cochran, Sherman. Encountering Chinese networks : Western, Japanese, and Chinese corporations in China, 1880-1937. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2000). |
Publication / Coch9 |
14 |
2002 |
Rethinking confucianism : past and present in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Ed. by Benjamin A. Elman, John B. Duncan and Herman Ooms. (Los Angeles, Calif. : University of California, International Institute, 2002). (Asia Pacific monograph series). |
Publication / Elm3 |
15 |
2002 |
Unger, Jonathan. The transformation of rural China. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2002). (Asia and the Pacific). |
Publication / Ung2 |
16 |
2002 |
Du, Fu. The selected poems of Du Fu. [Compiled and translated by] Buton Watson. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2002). (Translations from the Asian classics). |
Publication / Watt11 |
17 |
2002 |
[Scott, John]. Eguo san du kong jian de wai jiao zheng ce. Sikete zhu ; Fu Lei yi. (Shenyang : Liaoning jiao yu chu ban she, 2002). (Fu Lei quan ji ; 14). Übersetzung von Scott, John. Europe in revolution. Chapter 5. (Boston : H. Mifflin, 1945). [Keine frühere Übersetzung gefunden]. 俄国三度空间的外交政策 |
Publication / Fu5 |
18 |
2002 |
Nathan, Andrew J. ; Gilley, Bruce. China's new rulers : the secret files. (New York, N.Y. : New York Review Books ; London : Granta Books, 2002). [Rev. and updated ed. (New York, N.Y. : New York Review Books, 2003)]. |
Publication / Nat9 |
19 |
2002 |
Sagacious monks and bloodthirsty warriors : Chinese views of Japan in the Ming-Qing period. Joshua A. Fogel, editor. (Norwalk, Ct. : EastBridge, 2002). (Signature books). |
Publication / Fog7 |
20 |
2002 |
Yip, Wai-lim. Dao jia mei xue yu xi fang wen hua. Ye Weilian jiang yan. (Beijing : Beijing da xue chu ban she, 2002). (Bei da xue shu jiang yan cong shu ; 19). [Daoist aesthetics and Western culture]. 道家美学与西方文化 |
Publication / Yip18 |