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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2000
Fei Zhengqing de Zhongguo shi jie : tong shi dai ren de hui yi. Baoluo, Kewen Moer, Gedeman [Merle Goldman] zhu bian ; Zhu Zhenghui, Chen Yan, Zhang Xiaoyang yi ; Jin Guangyao jiao yi. (Shanghai : Dong fang chu ban zhong xin, 2000). Übersetzung von Fairbank remembered. Compiled by Paul A. Cohen and Merle Goldman. (Cambridge, Mass. ; London : John K. Fairbank Center for East Asian Research ; Harvard University Press, 1992).
费正清的中国世界 : 同时代人的回忆 / 保罗
Publication / GolM16
2 2000
[Grimm, Jacob ; Grimm, Wilhelm]. Hui gu niang. Gelin xiong di zhu ; Yang Wuneng, Yang Yue yi. (Taibei : Guo ji shao nian cun, 2000). (Gelin tong hua quan ji ; 2). Übersetzung von Aschenputtel.
Publication / YanW5
3 2000
[Grimm, Jacob ; Grimm, Wilhelm]. Jing bian de mu e nü. Gelin xiong di zhu ; Yang Wuneng, Yang Yue yi. (Taibei : Guo ji shao nian cun, 2000). (Gelin tong hua quan ji ; 7). Übersetzung von Gänsehirtin am Brunnen.
Publication / YanW7
4 2000
Harrell, Stevan. Tian ye zhong de zu qun guan xi yu min zu ren tong : Zhongguo xi nan Yi zu she qu kao cha yan jiu = Field studies of ethnic identity : Yi communities of Southwest China. Sidiwen Haorei zhu ; Bamoayi, Qumutiexi yi. (Nanning : Guangxi ren min chu ban she, 2000).
田野中的族群关系与民族认同 : 中国西南彝族社区考察硏究
Publication / HarS5
5 2000
Harrell, Stevan ; Bamo, Qubumo ; Ma, Erzi. Mountain patterns : the survival of Nuosu culture in China. Photographs by Zhong Dakun. (Seattle, Wash. : Univesity of Washington Press, 2000).
Publication / HarS6
6 2000
Golvers, Noël. Jesuit cartographers in China : Francesco Brancati, S.J. and the map (1661 ?) of Sungchiang prefecture (Shanghai). In : Imago mundi ; vol. 52 (2000).
Publication / GolN1
7 2000
Varo, Francisco. Francisco Varo's grammar of the mandarin language, 1703 : an English translation of 'Arte de la lengua Mandarina'. [Ed. by] W. South Coblin, Joseph A. Levi ; with an introd. by Sandra Breitenbach. (Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : Benjamins, 2000). (Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series Studies in the history of the language sciences ; vol. 93).
Publication / Cob9
8 2000
Mallory, J.P. ; Mair, Victor H. The Tarim mummies : ancient China and the mystery of the earliest peoples from the West. (London : Thames & Hudson, 2000). [Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiyu].
Publication / Mair7
9 2000
The shorter Columbia anthology of traditional Chinese literature. Victor H. Mair, editor. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2000). (Translations from the Asian classics).
Publication / Mair20
10 2000
Pu, Songling. Liao zhai zhi yi xuan. Dannisi Ma'er, Weikeduo Ma'er yi. (Beijing : Wai wen chu ban she, 2000). (FLP Han Ying dui zhao jing dian du ben. Gu dian jing hua ; 3). Übersetzung von Pu, Songling. Strange tales from make-do studio. Translated by Denis C. & Victor H. Mair. (Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, Guo ji shu dian, 1989). Übersetzung von Pu, Songling. Liao zhai zhi yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1765). 聊斋志异
Publication / Mair33
11 2000
[Mair, Victor H.]. Hui hua yu biao yan : Zhongguo de kan tu jiang gu shi he ta de Yindu qi yuan. Mei Weiheng zhu ; Wang Banwei, Rong Xijiang, Qian Wenzhong yi. (Beijing : Beijing Yanshan chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Mair, Victor H. Painting and performance : Chinese picture recitation and its Indian genesis. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawaii Press, 1988). [Bian wen].
绘画与表演 : 中国的看图讲故事和它的印度起源
Publication / Mair34
12 2000
[Zweig, Stefan]. Ye wei mo sheng nü zi de lai xin. Chuweige zhu ; Zhang Yushu yi. (Taibei : Zhi wen chu ban she, 2000). (Xin chao wen ku ; 406). Übersetzungen von Kurzgeschichten von Stefan Zweig.
Publication / Zwe1
13 2000
Xu, Zhentao ; Pankenier, David W. ; Jiang, Yaotiao. East Asian archaeoastronomy : historical records of astronomical observations of China, Japan and Korea. (Amsterdam : Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 2000). (Earth Space Institute book series ; vol. 5).
Publication / Pank2
14 2000
[Platon]. Fei duo. Yang Jiang yi. (Shenyang : Liaoning ren min chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Platon. Phaidon.
Publication / YanJ1
15 2000
Young, Graham. In memoriam Bill Brugger 1941-1999. In : China journal ; no 43 (2000).
Publication / Bru3
16 2000
Watson, Andrew. In memory of Bill Brugger (1941-1999). In : The China quarterly ; no 161 (2000).
Publication / Bru4
17 2000
Nation work : Asian elites and national identities. Ed. by Timothy Brook and Andre Schmid. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan Press, 2000).
Publication / Bro7
18 2000
Opium regimes : China, Britain, and Japan, 1839-1952. Ed. by Timothy Brook and Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2000).
Publication / Bro8
19 2000
Xin Fa Han ci dian = Nouveau dictionnaire français-chinois. Zhang Yinde zhu bian ; Zhou Kexi fu zhu bian. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 2000).
Publication / ZhoK1
20 2000
Link, E. Perry. The uses of literature : life in the socialist Chinese literary system. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2000).
Publication / Link4

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