# | Year | Text |
1 | 1990 |
Liu, Xiaobo. Yi ge fan chuan tong zhu yi zhe de fan xing [ID D18348].
Liu schreibt : After Lu Xun had transcended Chinese reality and culture by means of critique, he was utterly cut off. Unable to endure the confrontation with the unknown, with the loneliness and terror of the grave by himself, and unwilling to carry on a transcendental dialogue with himself under the gaze of God, the traditional utilitarian personality was reborn within him. Lacking transcendental values, Lu Xun could only fall into decadence. He desired only to 'rebel against the darkness' which surrounded him, but was unable to transcend darkness. Although deeply influenced by Nietzsche, Lu Xun's greates difference from Nietzsche was this : after his disillusionment with humanity, with Western culture and with himself, Nietzsche, fortified by his reference to the 'Übermensch' who transcends all, moved toward the elevation of individual life. But after his disillusionment with the Chinese, with Chinese culture and with himself, Lu Xun never found a frame of reference for transcendental values, turning back insead to the reality he had completely abandoned. |
2 | 1990-1992 |
Vincent Shen ist Direktor der Graduate School of Philosophy der National Chengchi University.
3 | 1990- |
Vincent Shen ist Mitglied des Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington D.C.
4 | 1990 |
Myron L. Cohen macht Feldforschung in Shengenglang, Shanghai und Dadingqiao, Meishan, Sichuan.
5 | 1990 |
Chen, Qineng. Recent studies of Max Weber in the People's republic of China. [Referat Symposium in Bad Homburg].
Chen schreibt über Webers 'Konfuzianismus und Taoismus' : As a comparative study of religion, the books was aimed at analysing why that capitalism 'did not take place' in China. However, Weber examined mostly orthodox confucian political thoughts, which were not comprehensive confucianism. Recent cultural interpretations of the economic miracles in East Asia show that, to analyse the confucian capitalism in East Asia, one must start with pritivie confucian thoughts (before the Qin dynasty) in order to expose the intrinsic links between confucian ethic and Oriental capitalism. Surely this opinion is not final. Many problems need more discussion. For example, did Weber really treat confucian ethic as the fundamental reason that inhibited capitalism to take place in China ? Some scholars think that, the conclusion of the 'Confucianims and taoism' is that on the special sociological foundation in China, the confucian ethic was not agreeable with capitalist spirit. This is one of the reasons that modern capitalism in the western style did not develop in China. Only one of the reasons. The most important is, that Weber did not intend to explain why that capitalism did not develop in China, but to verify his proposition on the protestant ethic from the angel of China. |
6 | 1990 |
Wolfgang Behr studiert russische Sprache am Staatlichen Fremdspracheninstitut (Moskauer Staatliche Linguistische Universität) in Moskau und erhält das Russian Language Scholarship Course Certificate.
7 | 1990-1993 |
Albert E. Dien ist Direktor des Stanford East Asian National Resource Center.
8 | 1990-1993 |
Lothar von Falkenhausen ist Assistant Professor am Department of the History of Art der University of California, Riverside.
9 | 1990-1991 |
Lothar von Falkenhausen ist Research Scholar am Institute of Archaeology der Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.
10 | 1990-1995 |
Stephan Feuchtwang ist Reader In Sociology and Social Anthropology an der City University, London.
11 | 1990-1995 |
Victor C. Falkenheim ist Direktor des Asian Business Studies Program.
12 | 1990-1996 |
Mark Selden ist Vorsteher des Sociology Department, The State University of New York, Binghamton.
13 | 1990- |
Mark Selden ist Series Editor von Asia and the Pacific.
14 | 1990- |
Günter Wohlfart ist Vorstandsmitglied der Gesellschaft für asiatische Philosophie.
15 | 1990 |
Dru C. Gladney erhält das Russisch-Diplom der Princeton University.
16 | 1990 |
Dru C. Gladney ist Berater des Projektes 'China's grasslands, economy and ecology' der National Academy of Sciences und des Committee on Scholarly Exchange with the People's Republic of China.
17 | 1990-1994 |
Dru C. Gladney ist Assistant Professor am Anthropology Department der University of Southern California.
18 | 1990 |
Cheng, Zhimin. Jue dui zhu ti de jian gou [ID D19569].
Liang Zhixue ; Shen Zhen : Cheng Zhimin arbeitet heraus, dass Fichtes System ein in sich geschlossenes Ganzes ist, indem das selbständig setzende Ich zu allem, und alles zu diesem absoluten Ich führt, und dass diese Entfaltung des Ich sich in den verschiedenen Gebieten des gesellschaftlichen Lebens manifestiert. |
19 | 1990-1994 |
Stephen Owen ist Vorsteher des Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations der Harvard University.
20 | 1990 |
Richard Baum ist Visiting Scholar am Sinologisch Instituut der Universität Leiden.