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Mao, Dun. Andeliefu [ID D37670].
Mao Dun argued that the defeatist tone in Leonid Nikolaevich Andreyev's works was the natural flavor of literature after great changes and calamities. He was for him the spokesman of his age, when the boredom, disappointment and despondency of young people in Russia reached its peak, especially after their defeat in the Russo-Japanese war in 1904.
Mao Dun schreibt über To the stars : drama in four acts von Leonid Andreyev : "To the stars asks stoically for the meaning of life, but the whole play is steeped in pessimism, offering no solution. Look at the astronomer in the play. He detests the life of the common people, he says that they are like wax men, lifeless and soulless. He researches in astronomy, and feels the world beyond this world in full of wonderment, and that affairs in this world cannot be compared to it. He says : 'In our world someone dies every second, and in the universe probably a world is destroyed every second. How can I cry and fall into despair on account of the death of one man ?' So he is practically unmoved by the death of his own son. But he is unable to alleviate his wife's sorrow for her son, or his daughter-in-law's sorrow for her husband. Andreyev announces through this play the conflicts between emotion and ideals in life. The astronomer's solution is beyond normal thinking. What he seeks is an abstract world, one that not everybody can understand."

Mentioned People (2)

Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich  (Orel, Russland 1871-1919 Mustamäki, Finnland) : Russischer Schriftsteller, Dichter, Dramatiker

Mao, Dun  (Wuzhen, Zhejiang 1896-1981 Beijing) : Schriftsteller, Übersetzer


Literature : China / Literature : Occident : Russia / Periods : China : Republic (1912-1949) / Translator

Documents (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1988 Ng, Mau-sang. The Russian hero in modern Chinese fiction. (Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press, 1988). (SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture). S. 76, S. 160. Publication / Ng1
  • Source: [Gorky, Maksim]. You huan yu sheng. Wu Shou yi. In : Dong fang za zhi ; nos 1-4 (1907). = Übersetzung von Gorky, Maksim. Kain i Artem. (1898). In : Mir Boschi ; Jan. (1899). = In : Rasskazy. (S.-Peterburg : Izd. T-va Znanie, 1901). = Kain und Artem. (Berlin : Schreiter, 1900). = Cain et Artème : nouveaux récits de la vie des vagabonds. (Paris : Perrin, 1902).= Cain and Artyom. In : The individualist, Cain and Arteme, A strange companion. (London : Maclaren, 1906). (Gork204, Publication)
  • Source: [Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich]. Chi tong. Zhou Zuoren yi. In : Xin qing nian ; vol. 7, no 1 (1919). Übersetzung von Andreyev, Leonid. Ben Tobit. In : Nizhegorodskii sbornik (St Peterburg 1905). = Ben Tobit. In : Andreyev, Leonid. Judas Iscariot. (London : F. Griffiths, 1910).
    齒痛 (And15, Publication)
  • Source: Xie, Liuyi. Eguo zhi min zhong xiao shuo jia. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 11, no 8 (1920). [Artikel über russische Literatur]. (XieL1, Publication)
  • Source: Mao, Dun. Andeliefu. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 11, no 1 (1920). In : Dong fang za zhi ; vol. 17, no 10 (1920). [Betr. Leonid Nikolaevich Andreyev]. (And3, Publication)
  • Source: Shen, Ying. Eluosi ming jia duan pian xiao shuo. (Beijing : Xin Zhongguo za zhi she, 1920). [Russische Short stories].
    [Enthält] : Qu, Qiubai. Lun Puxijin de bian er jin xiao shuo ji. [Artikel über Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin].
    论普希金的〈弁尔 金小说集〉 (Pus87, Publication)
  • Source: Shen, Yanbing [Mao, Dun]. Tuosituo yi fu si ji zai Eguo wen xue shi shang de di wei. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 13, no 1 (1922). [Artikel über Fyodor Dostoyevsky]. (Dost5, Publication)
  • Source: Shen, Bing [Mao, Dun]. Tuosituo yi fu si ji de si xiang. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 13, no 1 (1922). [Artikel über Fyodor Dostoyevsky]. (Dost6, Publication)
  • Source: Qu, Qiubai. Hui se ma yu Eguo she hui yun dong. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 14, no 11 (1923). [Savinkov, Boris Viktorovich. The pale horse and the Russian social movement].
    灰色馬 與 俄国社会运动史话 (QuQ5, Publication)
  • Source: Zheng, Zhenduo. Guan yu Eguo wen xue yan jiu de zhong yao shu ji jie shao. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 14, no 8 (1923). [Erste systematische Abhandlung über russische Literatur. Basiert auf Baring, Maurice. An outline history of Russian literature. (New York, N.Y. : H. Holt, 1915)]. (ZheZ4, Publication)
  • Source: Yu, Pingbo. Ba 'Hui se ma' yi ben. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 14, no 10 (1923). [Artikel über Savinkov, Boris Viktorovich. Hui se ma]. (YuPi1, Publication)
  • Source: Shen, Yanbing [Mao, Dun]. Dujieniefu. In : Mao, Dun ; Hu Yuzhi ; Deng Zemin. Jin dai Eguo wen xue jia lun. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1923). [Artikel über Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev].
    近代俄國文學家論 (Turg14, Publication)
  • Source: Lu, Xun. Tuosituo yi fu si ji de shi. (1936). In : Lu Yun quan ji ; vol. 7 (1981). [Abhandlung über Leo Tolstoy]. (LuX177, Publication)
  • Source: [Kampf, Leopold]. Ye wei yang. Ba Jin yi. In : Ba, Jin. Men kan. (Shanghai : Wen hua sheng huo chu ban she, 1936). Übersetzung von Kampf, Leopod. Am Vorabend : Drama in drei Akten. (Berlin : Schuster & Loeffler, 1905). = On the eve : a drama in three acts. (New York, N.Y. : Wilshire Book Co., 1907).
    夜未央 / 門檻 (Kam3, Publication)
  • Source: Ba, Jin. Guan yu wo de duan pian xiao shuo. In : Ba, Jin. Ba Jin wen ji. Vol. 7 : Duan pian xiao shuo ji. (Jiulong : Jin dai tu shu gong si, 1959). [Betr. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev]. (Turg12, Publication)
  • Source: Guo, Moruo. Gu hong – zhi Cheng Fangwu de yi feng xin. In : Guo Moruo wen ji ; vol. 10 (1959). [Enthält einen Brief von Guo Moruo an Cheng Fangwu über Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev].
    孤鴻 (Turg13, Publication)
  • Source: [Herzen, Aleksandr]. Wang shi yu sui xiang. He'ercen zhu ; Ba Jin yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1979). Übersetzung von Herzen, Aleksandr. Byloe i dumy. (Berlin : Slovo, 1921). = (Moscow : Academy of Science, 1956). = My past and thoughts : the memoirs of Alexander Herzen. Transl. by Constance Garnett. (London : Chatto & Windus, 1924).
    往事与随想 (Herz1, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)