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Li, Dazhao. Fa O ke ming zhi bi jiao guan [ID D19727].
Li schreibt : From the point of view of the history of civilizations, any particular national civilization has its period of flourishing and its period of decline. The counries of Europe, like France and England, have reached a period of maturity in civilization. They no longer have the strength to advance any further. German civilization is today like the sun in the heavens controlling the forces of the world... [but] according to the history of the past, a period of flourishing is followed by a period of decline. Even though Russia geographically occupies a position on the European continent, in comparison with the other countries of Europe the rate of progress of Russian civilization has been slow for the past three centuries. History tells us that the Mongolian invasions stopped the growth of Russian civilization, caused it to return to barbarism and stagnate. Therefore the European Renaissance had no influence on Russia and Russia became completely isolated from European civilization. Because of this isolation, Russia's progress in civilization was comparatively slow with respect to the other nations of Europe, and just because of its comparative slowness in the evolution of civilization there existed surplus energy for development.

Mentioned People (1)

Li, Dazhao  (Leting, Hebei 1889-1927 Beijing, Hinrichtung) : Professor für Geschichte und Bibliothekar Beijing Universität, Mitbegründer der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas, Marxist


History : China - Europe : General

Documents (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1967 Meisner, Maurice. Li Ta-chao and the origins of Chinese marxism. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1967). [Li Dazhao]. S. 65. Publication / MeiM1
  • Source: Zhu, Zhixin. Deyizhi she hui ge ming jia xiao zhuan. In : Min bao ; no 2-3 (Jan., Juni 1906). [Kurzbiographien von deutschen Revolutionären. Lebenslauf von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels, Vorstellung des Kommunistischen Manifests als erste Teilübersetzung und des Kapitalismus].
    德意志革命家小傳 (Marx31, Publication)
  • Source: [Engels, Friedrich]. Jia ting, si you zhi he guo jia de qi yuan. In : Tian yi bao (1908). Übersetzung von Engels, Friedrich. Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staats. (Hottingen-Zürich : Schweizerische Genossenschaftsbuchdruckerei, 1884). [4. erg. Aufl. (Stuttgart : Dietz, 1892)].
    家庭, 私有制和国家的起源 (Eng5, Publication)
  • Source: Li, Dazhao. Fa O ke ming zhi bi jiao guan. In : Yan zhi ji kan ; no 3 (July 1918). [Vergleich der französischen und russischen Revolution]. (LiDa1, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Li, Dazhao
  • Person: Meisner, Maurice J.