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Lloyd, Geoffrey

(Swansea, Wales 1933-) : Professor of Ancient Philosophy and Science, University of Cambridge ; Senior Scholar in Residence, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge

Name Alternative(s)

Lloyd, Geoffrey Ernest Richard Sir
Lloyd, G.E.R.


Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : Europe : Great Britain

Chronology Entries (27)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1954 Geoffrey Lloyd beendet sein Studium Classics, Philosophy und English literature am King's College, Cambridge.
2 1954-1955 Geoffrey Lloyd lernt modernes Griechisch und das Instrument Baouzouki in Athen.
3 1958-1960 Geoffrey Lloyd leistet Militärdienst in Zypern.
4 1960-1965 Geoffrey Lloyd ist Assistant dann Senior Tutor am King's College, Cambridge und unterrichtet Structural Anthropology.
5 1965 Geoffrey Lloyd wird Assistant Lecturer am King's College, Cambridge.
6 1968-1969 Geoffrey Lloyd reist in Amerika um die Situation der amerikanischen Campus zu untersuchen.
7 1981 Geoffrey Lloyd ist Fellow der Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in Tokyo.
8 1981 Geoffrey Lloyd ist Bonsall Professor an der Stanford University.
9 1983-???? Geoffrey Lloyd ist Professor of Ancient Philosophy and Science am Darwin College.
10 1983 Geoffrey Lloyd wird Fellow der British Academy.
11 1984 Geoffrey Lloyd ist Sather Professor an der University of California, Berkeley.
12 1987 Geoffrey Lloyd erhält die George Sarton Medal der History of Science Society.
13 1987 Geoffrey Lloyd ist Visiting Professor an der Beijing-Universität und beginnt klassisches Chinesisch zu lernen.
14 1989-2000 Geoffrey Lloyd ist Master des Darwin College.
15 1990-1996 Geoffrey Lloyd ist A.D. White Professor an der Cornell University, Ithaca N.Y.
16 1991- Geoffrey Lloyd ist Honorary Fellow des King's College in Cambridge.
17 1992-2002 Geoffrey Lloyd ist Chairman of the East Asian History of Science Trust des Needham Research Institute.
18 1995 Geoffrey Lloyd wird Honorary Foreign Member der American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
19 1995 Geoffrey Lloyd wird Mitglied der International Academy for the History of Science.
20 1997 Geoffrey Lloyd wird zum Ritter geschlagen für 'services to the history of thought'.
21 2000- Geoffrey Lloyd ist Honorary Fellow des Darwin College.
22 2000- ? Geoffrey Lloyd ist Senior Scholar in Residence des Needham Research Institute.
23 2001 Geoffrey Lloyd ist Zhu Kezhen Visiting Professor in the History of Science am Institute for the History of Natural Science in Beijing.
24 2003 Geoffrey Lloyd erhält den Honorary D.Litt der Universität von Athen.
25 2006 Geoffrey Lloyd ist Hood Professor am Department of Philosophy der University of Auckland.
26 2007 Geoffrey Lloyd erhält die Kenyon Medal for Classical Scholarship der British Acadeym.
27 ????-???? Geoffrey Lloyd studiert Mathematics und Classics, im letzten Jahr History am Charterhouse, Godalming, Surrey.

Bibliography (8)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1966 Lloyd, G[eoffrey] E.R. Polarity and analogy : two types of argumentation in early Greek thought. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1966). [Diss. Cambridge Univ., 1966]. Publication / LloG1
2 1990 Lloyd, G[eoffrey] E.R. Demystifying mentalities. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990). (themes in the social sciences). Publication / LloG2
3 1996 Lloyd, G[eoffrey] E.R. Adversaries and authorities : investigations into ancient Greek and Chinese science. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996). (Ideas in context ; 42). Publication / LloG5
4 2002 Lloyd, Geoffrey ; Sivin, Nathan. The way and the word : science and medicine in early China and Greece. (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2002). Publication / Siv6
5 2004 Lloyd, G[eoffrey] E.R. Ancient worlds, modern reflections : philosophical perspectives on Greek and Chinese science and culture. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2004). Publication / LloG3
6 2005 Lloyd, G[eoffrey] E.R. The delusions of invulnerability : wisdom and morality in ancient Greece, China, and today. (London : Duckworth, 2005). (Classical inter/faces). Publication / LloG6
7 2006 Lloyd, G[eoffrey] E.R. Principles and practices in ancient Greek and Chinese science. (Aldershot, Hampshire : Ashgate/Varorium, 2006). (Variorum collected studies series ; CS849). Publication / LloG7
8 2008 Lloyd, G[eoffrey] E.R. Gu dai shi jie de xian dai si kao : tou shi Xila, Zhongguo de ke xue yu wen hua. Laoaide zhu ; Niu Weixing yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai ke ji jiao yu chu ban she, 2008). (Zhe ren shi cong shu. Ke xue shi yu ke xue wen hua xi lie. = Philosopher's stone series). Übersetzung von Lloyd, G[eoffrey] E.R. Ancient worlds, modern reflections : philosophical perspectives on Greek and Chinese science and culture. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2004).
Publication / LloG8

Secondary Literature (3)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2009 G.E.R. Lloyd : http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enwiki/4312226. Web / LlG1
2 2009 Professor Sir Geoffrey Lloyd : http://www.nri.org.uk/lloyd.html. Web / LlG2
3 2009 Geoffrey Lloyd interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 7th June 2005 : https://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/104792. Publication / LlG3