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Cahill, James

(Fort Bragg, Calif. 1926-2014 Berkeley, Calif.) : Professor of the History of Art, University of California, Berkeley

Name Alternative(s)

Cahill, James Francis
Gao, Juhan


Art : General / Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : United States of America

Chronology Entries (16)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1950 James Cahill erhält den B.A. in Oriental Languages der University of California, Berkeley.
2 1952 James Cahill erhält den M.A. in Oriental Languages der University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
3 1953 James Cahill ist fellow am Metropolitan Museum in New York, N.Y.
4 1954-1955 James Cahill studiert Kunstgeschichte an der Kyoto Universität.
5 1956 James Cahill arbeitet mit Osvald Sirén zusammen an Chinese painting : leading masters and principles in Stockholm.
6 1956-1965 James Cahill ist Kurator für chinesische Kunst an der Freer Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.
7 1958 James Cahill promoviert in Kunstgeschichte an der University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
8 1965-1995 James Cahill ist Professor of the History of Art der University of California, Berkeley.
9 1973 James Cahill reist als Mitglied der Chinese Archaeology Delegation nach China.
10 1977- James Cahill hält sich öfters in China auf. Er forscht, gibt Vorlesungen an Kunstakademien und Universitäten und organisiert Tagungen. Er ist Gastprofessor der Fudan-Universität in Shanghai, der China Academy of Arts in Hangzhou (Zhejiang), der Shanghai Normal University und der Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.
11 1977 James Cahill ist Leiter der Old Chinese Paintings Delegation, die einen Monat lang Sammlungen alter Malereien in China besucht.
12 1978-1979 James Cahill ist Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry and der Harvard University.
13 1982 James Cahill erhält den College Art Association's Morey Prize für sein Buch The compelling image.
14 1982-1990 James Cahill ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von Early China.
  • Document: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
15 1995 James Cahill erhält von der College Art Association den Lifetime Distinguished Teaching of Art History award.
16 1998 James Cahill ist Gastprofessor an der University of Chicago.

Bibliography (36)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1958 Cahill, James. Wu Chen, a Chinese landscapist and bamboo painter of the fourteenth century. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1969). Diss. Univ. of Michigan, 1958. Publication / Cah2
2 1960 Cahill, James. Chinese painting. (Genève : Skira, 1960). (Treasures of Asia ; 1).
Cahill, James. Chinesische Malerei. (Stuttgart : E. Klett, 1979). (Die Kunstschätze Asiens).
Publication / Cah18
3 1960 Cahill, James. Die Kunstschätze Asiens : Sammlung. Hrsg. von Albert Skira. (Genève : Skira, 1960). (Die Malerei in Asien). Publication / Cah37
4 1961 Cahill, James. Chinese paintings, XI-XIV centuries. (London : Elek Books, 1961). (Art of the East library).
Cahill, James Chinesische Malerei 11.-14. Jahrhundert. (Hannover : Schmidt-Küster, 1961). (Kunst des Fernen Ostens).
Publication / Cah20
5 1962 Cahill, James. The art of Southern Sung China : [exhibition] Asia House, 1962. Text and catalogue by James Cahill. (New York, N.Y. : Asia Society ; H.N. Abrams, 1962). [Song]. Publication / Cah17
6 1967 Cahill, James. Fantastics and eccentrics in Chinese painting :[catalogue of an exhibition]. (New York, N.Y. : Asia House Gallery, 1967). (An Asia House Gallery publication). Publication / Cah9
7 1967-1969 Barnard, Noël ; Pope, J.A. ; Gettens, R.J. ; Cahill, James. Freer Chinese bronzes. Vol. 1-2. (Washington D.C. : Freer Gallery of Art, 1967-1969). (Oriental studies / Shmithsonian Institution ; no 7). Vol. 1 : Catalog by James Cahill. Vol. 2 : Technical studies by Rutherford J. Gettens. Publication / Cah10
8 1971 The restless landscape : Chinese painting of the late Ming period. James Cahill, ed. (Berkeley, Calif. : University Art Museum, 1971). Publication / Cah13
9 1976 Cahill, James. Hills beyond a river : Chinese painting of the Yüan dynasty, 1279-1368. (New York, N.Y. : Weatherhill, 1976). (A history of later Chinese painting, 1279-1950 ; vol. 1). Publication / Cah22
10 1978 Cahill, James. Parting at the shore : Chinese painting of the early and middle Ming dynasty, 1368-1580. (New York, N.Y. : Westherhill, 1978). (A history of later Chinese painting, 1279-1950 ; vol. 2). Publication / Cah1
11 1980 Traditional and contemporary painting in China : a report of the visit of the Chinese Painting Delegation to the People's Republic of China. (Washington D.C. : National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China, 1980). [James Cahill ist Mitarbeiter]. Publication / Cah5
12 1980 Cahill, James. An index of early Chinese painters and paintings : T'ang, Sung, and Yüan. Incorporating the work of Osvald Sirén and Ellen Johnston Laing. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1980). [Tang, Song, Yuan]. Publication / Cah24
13 1981 Shadows of Mt. Huang : Chinese painting and printing of the Anhui School. James Cahill, ed. (Berkeley, Calif. : University Art Museum, 1981). Publication / Cah12
14 1982 Cahill, James. The compelling image : nature and style in seventeenth-century Chinese painting. (Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1982). (The Charles Eliot Norton lectures ; 1979). Publication / Cah6
15 1982 Cahill, James. Sôgen-ga : 12th-14th century Chinese paintings as collected and appreciated in Japan. (Berkeley, Calif. : University Art Museum, 1982). Publication / Cah15
16 1982 Cahill, James. The distant mountains : Chinese painting of the late Ming dynasty, 1570-1644. (New York, N.Y. : Weatherhill, 1982). Publication / Cah21
17 1983 Contemporary Chinese painting : an exhibition from the People's Republic of China. Organized by Lucy Lim ; in cooperation with the Chinese Artists' Association of the People's Republic of China ; essays contributed by James Cahill [et al.]. (San Francisco : Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco, 1983). Publication / Cah8
18 1985 Cahill, James. Zhongguo hui hua shi. James Cahill yuan zhu ; Li Yu yi. Vol. 1-2. (Taibei : Xiong shi tu shu gu fen you xian gong si, 1985). = Vol. 1-5. (Taibei : Sciong shi mei shu, 1991). Übersetzung von Cahill, James. Chinese painting. (Genève : Skira, 1960). (Treasures of Asia ; 1). Publication / Cah28
19 1987 [Cahill, James]. Zhongguo ming hua ji cui. Zhanmusi Kaxi'er zhu ; Zhu Yong yi. (Chengdu : Sichuan mei shu chu ban she, 1987). Übersetzung von Cahill, James. Chinese painting. (Genève : Skira, 1960). (Treasures of Asia ; 1). Publication / Cah29
20 1988 Twentieth-century Chinese painting. Ed., Mayching Kao ; contributors, James Cahill [et al.]. (Hong Kong ; Oxford : Oxford University Press in ass. with Andamans East International, 1988). Publication / Cah16
21 1988 Cahill, James. Three alternative histories of Chinese painting. (Lawrence, Kan. : Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, 1988). (The Franklin D. Murphy lectures ; 9). Publication / Cah23
22 1989 Wu Guanzhong : a contemporary Chinese artist = Wu Guanzhong hua zhan. Lucy Lim, editor ; foreword by Xiong Bingming ; introd. by Michael Sullivan ; essays by Richard Barnhart, James Cahill, Chu-tsing Li. (San Francisco : Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco, 1989). Publication / Cah4
23 1989 Artists and patrons : some social and economic aspects of Chinese painting. Ed. by Chu-tsing Li ; co-ed., James Cahill, Wai-kam Ho ; contributers, Claudia Brown [et al.]. (Lawrence, Kan. : University of Kansas, Kress Foundation Dept. of Art History ; Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art ; Kansas City in ass. with University of Washington Press, 1989). Publication / Cah7
24 1991 Cahill, James. New dimensions in Chinese ink painting : works from the collection of John and Alice Z. Berninghausen : [exhibition]. Essay by James Cahill ; introd. by Jen-mei Ma. (Middlebury, Vt. : Christian A. Johnson Memorial Gallery, Middlebury College, 1991). Publication / Cah26
25 1994 Cahill, James. The painter's practice : how artists lived and worked in traditional China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1994). (Bampton lectures in America). Publication / Cah27
26 1994 Yi qu yu ji zhu : Ming Qing hui hua tou xi guo ji xue shu tao lun hui, te zhan tu lu = New interpretations of Ming & Qing paintings : [exhibition Beijing, 1994]. [Ed. Richard Ellis Vinograd, James Cahill, Xue Yongnian]. (Shanghai : Shanghai shu hua chu ban she, 1994).
意趣与机杼 : 明清绘画透析国际学术讨论会特展图录
Publication / Cah30
27 1994 [Cahill, James]. Ge jiang shan se : Yuan dai hui hua, 1279-1368. Gao Juhan. (Taibei : Shi tou chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 1994). Übersetzung von Cahill, James. Hills beyond a river : Chinese painting of the Yüan dynasty, 1279-1368. (New York, N.Y. : Weatherhill, 1976). (A history of later Chinese painting, 1279-1950 ; vol. 1). Publication / Cah33
28 1994 [Cahill, James]. Qi shi han ren : shi qi shi ji Zhongguo hui hua zhong de zi ran yu feng ge. (Taibei : Shi tou chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 1994). = (Shanghai : Shanghai shu hua chu ban she, 2003). Übersetzung von Cahill, James. The compelling image : nature and style in seventeenth-century Chinese painting. (Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1982). (The Charles Eliot Norton lectures ; 1979). Publication / Cah19
29 1996 Cahill, James. The lyric journey : poetic painting in China and Japan. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1996). (The Edwin O. Reischauer lectures, 1993). Publication / Cah25
30 1997 Three thousand years of Chinese painting. Richard Barnhart, Yang Xin, Nie Chongzheng, James Cahill, Lang Shaojun, and Wu Hung. (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press ; Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, 1997). (The culture & civilization of China). Publication / Cah14
31 1997 Zhongguo hui hua san qian nian. Yang Xin [et al.]. (Beijing : Wai wen chu ban seh ; Niuheiwen ; Lundun : Yelu da xue chu ban she, 1997). Übersetzung von Three thousand years of Chinese painting. Richard Barnhart, Yang Xin, Nie Chongzheng, James Cahill, Lang Shaojun, and Wu Hung. (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press ; Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, 1997). (The culture & civilization of China).
Publication / Cah32
32 1997 [Cahill, James]. Jiang an song bie : Ming dai chu qi yu zhong qi hui hua, 1368-1580. Gao Juhan. (Taibei : Shi tou chu ban gongsi, 1997). Übersetzung von Cahill, James. Parting at the shore : Chinese painting of the early and middle Ming dynasty, 1368-1580. (New York, N.Y. : Westherhill, 1978). (A history of later Chinese painting, 1279-1950 ; vol. 2). Publication / Cah34
33 1997 [Cahill, James]. Shan wai shan : wan Ming hui hua, 1570-1644. Gao Juhan. (Taibei : Shi tou chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 1997). Übersetzung von Cahill, James. The distant mountains : Chinese painting of the late Ming dynasty, 1570-1644. (New York, N.Y. : Weatherhill, 1982). Publication / Cah35
34 1999 Cahill, James. The case against riverbank : an indictment in fourteen counts. In : Issues of authenticity in Chinese painting. (New York, N.Y. : Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999). Publication / Cah36
35 2001 Yue mu : Zhongguo wan qi shu hua : [exhibition] = Enchanting images : late Chinese painting and calligraphy from the Shi tou shu wu collection. Zhuan wen zhuan shu Shi Shouqian, Fu Shen, Gao Juhan [James Cahill]. Vol. 1-2. (Taibei : Shi tou chu ban you xian gong si, 2001).
悦目 : 中國晚期書畫
Publication / Cah31
36 2006 Le palais du printemps : peintures érotiques de Chine : [exposition] : Musée Cernuschi, Musée des Arts de l'Asie de la Ville de Paris, 3 février-7 mai 2006. [Auteurs James Cahill et al.]. (Paris : Paris Musées ; Suilly-la-Tour : Findakly, 2006). Publication / Cah11