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Halcombe, Charles J.H.

(1865-) : Englischer Seemann, Autor


Index of Names : Occident / Literature : Occident : Great Britain

Bibliography (3)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1894 Halcombe, Charles J.H. Called out ; or, The Chung Wang's daughter, an Anglo-Chinese romance. (Hongkong : Hongkong Daily Press Office, 1894). Publication / HalC2
2 1896 Halcombe, Charles J.H. The mystic flowery land : a personal narrative. With notes by the author and numerous illustrations. (London : Luzac, 1896). [2nd rev. ed. The mystic flowery land : being a true description of an Englishmans travels and adventures in China. (London : Luzac, 1899)].
Publication / HalC1
3 1906 Halcombe, Charles J.H. Children of far Cathay : a social and political novel. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong Daily Press Office, 1906).
Publication / HalC3