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Wright, Arthur F.

(Portland, Oregon 1913-1976 Guilford, Conn.) : Professor of History Yale University, Stanford University

Name Alternative(s)

Wright, Arthur Frederick


History : General / Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : United States of America

Chronology Entries (32)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1935 Arthur F. Wright erhält den B.A. der Stanford University.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
2 1937 Arthur F. Wright erhält den B.Litt. der University of Oxford.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
3 1937-1940 Arthur F. Wright studiert chinesische und japanische Sprache und nimmt Vorlesungen in Ästhetik, Soziologie und Religion an der Harvard University.
  • Document: Spence, Jonathan D. Chinese roundabout : essays in history and culture. (New York, N.Y. : W.W. Norton, 1992). (Spe1, Publication)
4 1940 Heirat von Arthur F. Wright und Mary Wright in Washington, D.C.
5 1940 Arthur F. Wright erhält den M.A. der Harvard University.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
6 1940-1941 Arthur F. Wright und Mary Wright forschen an der Universität Kyoto.
  • Document: Fairbank, John K. ; Spence, Jonathan ; Twitchett, Denis. Arthur Frederick Wright (1913-1976). In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 36, no 3 (1977). (Fair20, Publication)
  • Person: Wright, Mary
7 1941-1942 Arthur F. Wright und Mary Wright forschen für die Dissertation in Beijing.
  • Document: Fairbank, John K. ; Spence, Jonathan ; Twitchett, Denis. Arthur Frederick Wright (1913-1976). In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 36, no 3 (1977). (Fair20, Publication)
  • Document: Spence, Jonathan D. Chinese roundabout : essays in history and culture. (New York, N.Y. : W.W. Norton, 1992). (Spe1, Publication)
  • Person: Wright, Mary
8 1943-1945 Arthur F. Wright und Mary Wright werden von den Japanern in Weixin (Shandong) interniert.
  • Document: Spence, Jonathan D. Chinese roundabout : essays in history and culture. (New York, N.Y. : W.W. Norton, 1992). (Spe1, Publication)
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
  • Person: Wright, Mary
9 1945-1947 Arthur F. Wright und Mary Wright forschen in Beijing. Sie sammeln im Auftrag des Hoover Institute der Stanford University Material über die Volksrevolution.
10 1946 Arthur F. Wright und Mary Wright reisen nach Yan'an (Shaanxi), besuchen Schulen, Spitäler und Gefängnisse und treffen Mao Zedong und Zhu De.
  • Document: Spence, Jonathan D. Chinese roundabout : essays in history and culture. (New York, N.Y. : W.W. Norton, 1992). (Spe1, Publication)
  • Person: Mao, Zedong
  • Person: Wright, Mary
  • Person: Zhu, De
11 1947 Arthur F. Wright und Mary Wright kehren nach Amerika zurück.
12 1947 Arthur F. Wright promoviert an der Harvard University.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
13 1947-1949 Arthur F. Wright und Mary Wright halten sich in Stanford auf. Arthur F. Wright ist Dozent für Geschichte an der Stanford University.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
  • Person: Wright, Mary
14 1950 Arthur F. Wright ist Vorsitzender des Program Committee der Far Eastern Association (Association for Asian Studies) und Associate editor des The Far Eastern quarterly.
  • Document: Fairbank, John K. ; Spence, Jonathan ; Twitchett, Denis. Arthur Frederick Wright (1913-1976). In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 36, no 3 (1977). (Fair20, Publication)
  • Document: Association for Asian Studies / Journal of Asian studies : http://www.aasianst.org/. (AAS, Web)
15 1951-1955 Arthur F. Wright ist Herausgeber des Journal of Asian studies.
  • Document: Fairbank, John K. ; Spence, Jonathan ; Twitchett, Denis. Arthur Frederick Wright (1913-1976). In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 36, no 3 (1977). (Fair20, Publication)
16 1951-1954 Arthur F. Wright forscht in Kyoto.
  • Document: Fairbank, John K. ; Spence, Jonathan ; Twitchett, Denis. Arthur Frederick Wright (1913-1976). In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 36, no 3 (1977). (Fair20, Publication)
17 1952 Arthur F. Wright wird Mitglied der American Oriental Society.
18 1955-1958 Arthur F. Wright ist Direktor der Association for Asian Studies.
  • Document: Fairbank, John K. ; Spence, Jonathan ; Twitchett, Denis. Arthur Frederick Wright (1913-1976). In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 36, no 3 (1977). (Fair20, Publication)
19 1959 Arthur F. Wright erhält den Ehren M.A. der Yale University.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
20 1959-1961 Arthur F. Wright ist Professor of History der Yale University.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
21 1960-1962 Arthur F. Wright ist fellow des Trumbull College, Yale University.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
22 1961-1965 Arthur F. Wright ist Sekretär des Concilium on International Studies.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
23 1961-1976 Arthur F. Wright ist Charles Seymour Professor of History der Yale University und fellow des Morse College, New Havan, Conn.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
24 1962-1963 Arthur F. Wright gibt Gastvorlesungen in London.
  • Document: Fairbank, John K. ; Spence, Jonathan ; Twitchett, Denis. Arthur Frederick Wright (1913-1976). In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 36, no 3 (1977). (Fair20, Publication)
25 1962-1965 Arthur F. Wright ist Leiter des Committee on International Scholarly Liaison und Sekretär des Concilium in International and Area Studies.
  • Document: Fairbank, John K. ; Spence, Jonathan ; Twitchett, Denis. Arthur Frederick Wright (1913-1976). In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 36, no 3 (1977). (Fair20, Publication)
26 1963 Arthur F. Wright ist Vizepräsident der Association for Asian Studies.
27 1964-1973 Arthur F. Wright ist Vorsitzender des American Council of Learned Societies.
  • Document: Fairbank, John K. ; Spence, Jonathan ; Twitchett, Denis. Arthur Frederick Wright (1913-1976). In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 36, no 3 (1977). (Fair20, Publication)
28 1964 Arthur F. Wright ist Präsident der Association for Asian Studies.
29 1965-1968 Arthur F. Wright ist Vize-Vorsitzender des Concilium in International Studies.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
30 1965 Arthur F. Wright ist Direktor der Association for Asian Studies.
31 1971-1976 Arthur F. Wright ist Professor für East Asian Languages and Literatures der Yale University.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)
32 1972-1973 Arthur F. Wright ist Vorsitzender des Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures der Yale University.
  • Document: Yale University und Archiv (Yal, Organisation)

Bibliography (14)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1948 Wright, Arthur F. Fo-t'u-têng : a biography. In : Harvard journal of Asiatic studies ; vol. 11, nos 3-4 (1948). Diss. Harvard Univ., 1947. [Fotudeng]. Publication / Wri11
2 1951 Wright, Arthur F. ; Wilhelm, Hellmut ; Schwartz, Benjamin. Chinese reactions to imported ideas : a symposium. In : Journal of the history of ideas ; vol. 12, no 1 (1951). Publication / Wri18
3 1953 Studies in Chinese thought. Ed. by Arthur F. Wright ; with contributions by Derk Bodde [et al.]. (Menasha, Wisc. : American Anthropological Association, 1953). (American anthropologist ; N.S. vol. 55, no 5, pt. 2). Publication / Wri14
4 1957 Wright, Arthur F. Ernest Richard Hughes, 1883-1956. In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 16, no 2 (1957). Publication / Hug2
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Hughes, Ernest Richard
5 1959 Wright, Arthur F. Buddhism in Chinese history. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1959). (Stanford studies in the civilizations of Eastern Asia). Publication / Wri7
6 1959 Confucianism in action. Ed. by David S. Nivison and Arthur F. Wright ; with contributions by Wm. Theodore de Bary [et al.]. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1959). Publication / Wri13
7 1960 Wright, Arthur F. The confucian persuasion. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1960). (Stanford studies in the civlizations of Eastern Asia). Publication / Wri16
8 1962 Confucian personalities. Ed. by Arthur F. Wright and Denis Twitchett ; with contributions of Albert E. Dien. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1962). (Stanford studies in the civilizations of Eastern Asia). Publication / Twi10
9 1964 Confucianism and Chinese civilization. Ed., with an introd. by Arthur F. Wright. (New York, N.Y. : Atheneum, 1964). (Atheneum paperbacks ; 64). Publication / Wri12
10 1967 Balazs, Etienne. Chinese civilization and bureaucracy : variations on a theme. Transl. by H.M. Wright ; ed. by Arthur F. Wright. (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1967). Publication / Bal12
11 1973 Perspectives of the T'ang. Ed. by Arthur F. Wright and Denis Twitchett. (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1973). Publication / Wri6
12 1973 Wright, Arthur F. Zhongguo li shi ren wu lun ji. Zhong yang yan jiu yuan Zhong Mei ren wen she hui ke xue he zuo wei yuan hui bian yi. (Taipei : Zhongshan xue shu wen hua ji jin dong shi hui chu ban, 1973). Übersetzung von Confucian personalities. Ed. by Arthur F. Wright and Denis Twitchett ; with contributions of Albert E. Dien. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1962). (Stanford studies in the civilizations of Eastern Asia).
Publication / Wri9
13 1978 Wright, Arthur F. The Sui dynasty. (New York, N.Y. : Knopf, 1978). Publication / Wri8
14 1990 Tang shi lun wen xuan ji. Arthur F. Wright teng chu ; Tao Jinsheng deng yi ; Guo li bian yi guan zhu bian. (Taibei : You shi wen hua shi ye gong si, 1990). Übersetzung von Perspectives of the T'ang. Ed. by Arthur F. Wright and Denis Twitchett. (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1973).
Publication / Wri15

Secondary Literature (2)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1977 Fairbank, John K. ; Spence, Jonathan ; Twitchett, Denis. Arthur Frederick Wright (1913-1976). In : Journal of Asian studies ; vol. 36, no 3 (1977). Publication / Fair20
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
2 1992 Spence, Jonathan D. Chinese roundabout : essays in history and culture. (New York, N.Y. : W.W. Norton, 1992). Publication / Spe1
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Spence, Jonathan D.