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Cave, Edward

(1691-1754) : Drucker, Verleger, Redaktor, Gründer des The Gentleman's Magazine


Bibliography / Bibliophilism / Library Science / History of Media / Index of Names : Occident

Chronology Entries (1)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1735-1742 The Gentleman's Magazine ; vol. 5-15 (1735-1742).
Enthält Eintragungen über Du Halde's History of China [ID D26919].
Edward Cave issued proposals of a 'just translation' in English, to be entitled Description of China. The work was laborious and took time, but the readers of the Magazine were kept informed of its progress. In March 1737 the Description of China began to appear in weekly numbers, and there followed a heated controversy. In March the magazine pointed out that Richard Brookes edition had left out several moral tales. In a 'Letter to the Public' John Watts justified his omissions and gave some instances of the blunders and inaccuracies in Edward Cave's edition. Such attacks and counter-attacks continued until 1742, when, on the completion of his two volumes, Cave demonstrated once more how much his translation excelled that of Watts.
Letter to the editor about 'Description of China'. In : The Gentleman’s Magazine ; vol. 6 (1736).
"The more I read the Original, the more I admire it ; and wish, for the Benefit of the Publick, your Version was publish'd. What a rich and lovely Country does it represent to us ? How populous and full of glorious Cities ? What a number of surprising and magnificent Works ? What Industry and Genius in the People for mechanic Arts ? But above all, what admirable Maxims in Government and Morality ; wherein the Chinese wisely place the Top of all Sciences ? I am perswaded, no Nation ever had more sublime Notions of Moral Virtue, or produced such a number of illustrious instances in the several Branches of it, as the Chinese, who take more than ordinary Care to record them, for the Instruction of the Publick."
  • Document: The vision of China in the English literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Ed. by Adrian Hsia. (Hong Kong : Chinese University press, 1998).
    [Enthält] :
    Qian, Zhongshu. China in the English literature of the seventeenth century. In : Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography ; vol. 1 (1940).
    Fan, Cunzhong. The beginnings of the influence of Chinese culture in England. In : Wai guo yu ; no 6 (1982).
    Chen, Shouyi. John Webb : a forgotten page in the early history of sinology in Europe. In : The Chinese social and political review ; vol. 19 (1935-1936).
    Qian, Zhongshu. China in the English literature of the eighteenth century. In : Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography ; vol. 2 (1941).
    Chen, Shouyi. Daniel Defoe, China's severe critic. In : Nankai social and economic quarterly ; vol. 8 (1935).
    Fan, Cunzhong. Chinese fables and anti-Walpole journalism. In : The review of English studies ; vol. 25 (1949).
    Fan, Cunzhong. Dr. Johnson and Chinese culture. In : Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography ; vol. 5 (1945).
    Chen, Shouyi. Oliver Goldsmith and his Chinese letters. In : T'ien hsia monthly ; vol. 8 (1939).
    Chen, Shouyi. Thomas Percy and his Chinese studies. In : The Chinese social and political science review ; vol. 20 (1936-1937).
    Fan, Cunzhong. William Jones's Chinese studies. In : The review of English studies ; vol. 22 (1946).
    Chen, Shouyi. The Chinese garden in eighteenth century England. In : T'ien hsia monthly ; vol. 2 (1936).
    Chen, Shouyi. The Chinese orphan : a Yuan play. In : T'ien hsia monthly ; vol. 4 (1936). [Ji, Junxiang. Zhao shi gu'er].
    Hsia, Adrian. The orphan of the house Zhao in French, English, German, and Hong Kong literature. In : Comparative literature studies ; vol. 25 (1988). [Ji, Junxiang. Zhao shi gu'er]. S. 266-267. (Hsia8, Publication)
  • Person: Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste
  • Person: Watts, John

Bibliography (3)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1731-1907 The Gentleman’s Magazine. [Gegründet von Edward Cave]. (London : 1731-1907). [Enthält Eintragungen über China].
Publication / Cave1
2 1735 Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste. Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique et physique de l'empire de Chine et de la Tartarie chinois enrichie de cartes générales et particulières et ornée d'un grand nombre de figures et de vignettes gravées en taille douce. T. 1-4. (Paris : G. Le Mercier, 1735 ; La Haye : H. Scheurleer, 1736).
Index in : Cordier, Henri. Bibliotheca sinica : dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à l'empire chinois. T. 1, S. 46-47.
Author index to the Bibliotheca sinica of Henri Cordier. Compiled, issued, and distributed by the East Asiatic Library, Columbia Universities Libraries. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University, 1953).
[Enthält u.a.] :
Régis, Jean-Baptiste. Observations géographiques & historiques sur la carte du Thibet, contenant les terres du Grand Lama, & des pays voisins qui en dépendent jusqu'à la sourve du Gange, tirées des mémoires du père Régis.
Prémare, Joseph Henri-Marie de. Tchao-chi-cou-eulh, ou l'Orphelin de la maison de Tchao : tragédie chinoise.
Bouvet, Joachim. Journal de voyage de Canton.
Gerbillon, Jean-François. [Huit voyages en Tartarie 1688, 1689, 1691, 1692, 1696, 1697, 1698].
Karten von Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville.
Vol. 1 : http://www.archive.org/details/descriptiongog01duha.
. 2 : http://www.archive.org/details/descriptiongog02duha.
. 3 : http://www.archive.org/details/descriptiongog03duha.
. 4 : http://www.archive.org/details/descriptiongog04duha.
Publication / Du H-Mart-Régi1
3 1738-1741 Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste. A description of the empire of China and Chinese-Tartary : together with the kingdoms of Korea, and Tibet : containing the geography and history (natural as well as civil) of those countries. From the French ; with notes geographical, historical, and critical ; and other improvements, particularly in the maps, by the translator [Edward Cave]. Vol. 1-2. (London : Printed by T. Gardner for Edward Cave, 1738-1741). [Maps signed by Emanuel Bowen]. Übersetzung von Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste. Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique et physique de l'empire de Chine et de la Tartarie chinois enrichie de cartes générales et particulières et ornée d'un grand nombre de figures et de vignettes gravées en taille douce. T. 1-4. (Paris : G. Le Mercier, 1735 ; La Haye : H. Scheurleer, 1736).
Publication / DuH12