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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2015
Builder of the Chinese church : pioneer protestant missionaries and Chinese Church leaders. Ed. by G. Wright Doyle. (Cambridge : Lutterworth Press, 2015). (Studies in Chinese Christianity).
Publication / Doyle1
2 2015
Heinzig, Dieter. The Soviet Union and communist China 1945-1950 : the arduous road to the alliance. (London : Routledge, 2015).
Publication / cHIrUS7
3 2015
Morper, Cornelia ; Röll, Josef H. Chinesische Schätze im Graf-Luxburg-Museum, Schloss Aschach : Auswahlkatalog. (Dettelbach a.M. : Röll, 2015).
Publication / MorpC2
[Lewis, Sinclair]. Da jie. Liuyisi ; Li Jingxiang yi. (Shanghai : Qi ming shu ju, 1939). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu). Übersetzung von Lewis, Sinclair. Main Street : the story of Carol Kennicott. (New York, N.Y. : Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920).
Publication / LewS4
[Lewis, Sinclair]. Luyishi 1930 = Sinclair Lewis 1930. Nuobeier wen xue jiang quan ji bian yi wei yuan hui bian yi. Vol. 1-3. (Taibei : Jiu wu wen hua chu ban, 1981-1982). (Nuobeier wen xue jiang xuan ji ; 33-35).
[Enthält] :
[Lewis, Sinclair]. Da jie. Luishi. Übersetzung von Lewis, Sinclair. Main Street : the story of Carol Kennicott. (New York, N.Y. : Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920). 大街
[Lewis, Sinclair]. Luishi. Babite. Übersetzung von Lewis, Sinclair. Babbitt. (New York, N.Y. ; Harcourt, Brace, 1922).巴比特
Publication / LewS7
6 2015
Swift, John N. Jack London's "The unparalleled invasion" : germ warfare, eugenics, and cultural hygiene. In : American literary realism ; vol. 35, no 1 (2002).
Publication / Lond5
[MacLean, Alistair]. Ma xi ban. Maikelin zhuan ; Qin Zhaoqi yi. (Taibei : De chang, 1976). (De chang yi cong). Übersetzung von MacLean, Alistair. Circus. (London : Collins, 1975).
Publication / MacL6
[Michener, James A.]. Bai nian. Zhanmusi A. Miqiena zhu ; Pang Bo yi ; Zhu Zhongxue jiao. (Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 1976). Übersetzung von Michener, James A. Centennial. (New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1974).
Publication / MichJ2
Theodor August Christian Sørensen : http://www.cyclopaedia.de/wiki/Theo_S%C3%B8rensen
Publication / Sore3
Roerich, Nikolaj Konstantinovic. Altai-Himalaya : a travel diary. With 20 reproductions from paintings. (London : Jarrolds, 1930).
Publication / Roer1
Grimm, Irmgard. Grimm - Erinnerungen aus meinem bunten Leben. (Hannover : Selbstverlag, 1992). [Leben in Beijing und Tianjin].
Publication / GriI1
[Thurber, James]. Saibo yu yan. Zhanmusi Saibo zhu ; Chen Cangduo yi. (Taibei : Han yi se yan, 1991). (Cheng ren tong hua ; 2). [Übersetzung der Fabeln von Thurber].
Publication / Thur4
You, Shunzhao. Essays on the Chinese language by contemporary Chinese scholars : Han yu shi lun. (Paris : Ed. langages croisés, 1993). [Text in Englisch und Chinesisch].
Publication / YouS4
Orientaliska studier. Stockholm : Foreningen for Orientaliska studier, 1969-) [Unregelmässig].
Publication / OrSt1
15 2015
Braga, J[osé] P[edro]. The rights of aliens in Hongkong : being a record of the discussion carried on through the medium of the public press as to the employment of aliens in the Colony. (Hong Kong : Noronha, 1895).
Publication / Braga1
Xia, Zhiyan. The coldest winter in Peking : a novel from inside China. Transl. from the Chinese by Liang-lao Dee. (Garden City N.Y. : Doubleday, 1978). Übersetzung von Xia, Zhiyan. Beijing zui han leng di dong tian. (Taibei : Shi guang chu ban she you xian gong si, 1977). (Shi guang cong shu ; 1). 北京最寒冷的冬天
Publication / XiaZ2
Lu, Wenfu. Vita e passione di un gastronomo cinese. Trad. e nota sull'autore di Cristina Pisciotta. (Parma : Guanda, 1991). (Narratori della fenice). Übersetzung von Lu, Wenfu. Mei shi jia. (Chengdu : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1983). 美食家
Publication / LiuW4
18 2016
Widmer, Ellen B. Fiction's family : Zhan Yi, Zhan Kai, and the business of women in late Qing China. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University, 2016). (Asia Center publication series).
Publication / WidE7
19 2016
Widmer, Ellen B. Wan Ming yi jiang cai nü de shu xie, yue du, lü xing. (Shanghai : Fudan University Press, 2016). [Talented women of the late Ming on, their writings, readings, and travels].
Publication / WidE8
20 2016
Isaac Taylor Headland papers.
Publication / Head1

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