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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2014
Welthy Honsinger Fisher : 1879-1980.
Publication / FishW1
2 2014
Bei, Dao [Beidao]. At the sky's edge : poems 1991-1996. Transl. by David Hinton ; foreword by Michael Palmer. (New York, N.Y. : New Directions, 2001). (New Directions book ; 934).
Publication / Hint2
3 2014
Bellew, Henry Walter. Kashmir and Kashghar : a narrative of the journey of the embassy to Kashghar in 1873-74. (London : Trübner, 1875). [Xinjiang]. [Second Yarkand Mission led by Thomas Douglas Forsyth].
Publication / BellH1
4 2014
Wang, Wei. Two poems. Translated from the Chinese by Witter Bynner and Kiang Ganghu. (Pittsburgh : Laboratory Press, 1923). (Students' Projet (Carnegie Institute of Technology Laboratory Press) ; Specimen, no. 5).
Publication / Byn8
5 2014
Tu, Fu [Du, Fu]. A drawing of a horse by General Ts'ao Secretary Wei Feng's house. Translated from the Chinese by Witter Bynner and Kiang Ganghu. (Pittsburgh : Laboratory Press, 1931). (Students' Projet (Carnegie Institute of Technology Laboratory Press) ; Specimen, no. 112).
Publication / Byn13
[Adams, Douglas]. Zai jian, yin he. Daogelasi Yadangshi yuan zhu ; Wu Jihuan yi. (Taibei : Huang guan, 1983). (Dang dai ming zhu jing xuan ; 153). Übersetzung von Adams, Douglas. Life, the universe and everything. (London : Pan Books, 1982).
Publication / Ada1
[Ambler, Eric]. Jian die mu zhi ming. Airuike Anbule zhu ; Wu Wen yi. (Taibei : Huang guan wen hua, 1998). (Shi jie shi da jian die xiao shuo jing dian ; 4. Huang guang cong shu ; 2828). Übersetzung von Ambler, Eric. Epitaph for a spy. (London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1938).
Publication / AmbE2
[Crichton, Michael]. Zhu luo ji zhi mi. Kelaidun zhu ; Deng Bingbing yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1996). Übersetzung von Crichton, Michael. Jurassic Park : a novel. (New York, N.Y. : Alfred A. Knopf, 1990).
Publication / Cri28
[Francis, Dick]. Bang jia. Fulangxisi. (Chongqing : Chongqing chu ban she, 1988). Übersetzung von Francis, Dick. The danger. (London : M. Joseph, 1983).
Publication / FraD1
10 2015
Lockard, Joe ; Qin, Dan. Translation ideologies of American literature in China. [Not yet publ.].
Publication / Lond7
11 2015-
Bibliography of Asian studies.
Publication / BoAS
12 2015
Göran Malmqvist : https://www.soas.ac.uk/china-institute/events/seminars/09feb2015-reflections-on-the-craft-of-translation.html.
Publication / Malm1
13 2015
Embassy of Finland, Beijing :
Publication / Fin1
14 2015
A brief history of Sino-Norwegian diplomatic relations.
Publication / Norw1
15 2015
Gotheborg and the Swedish East India Company : trading to China 1731-1813.
Publication / Schwe3
16 2015
Grace Thompson Seton : Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, Northampton, MA :
Publication / Set1
17 2015
Mende, Erling von
Publication / Men
18 2015
Fredrick Franson : http://www.bu.edu/missiology/missionary-biography/e-f/franson-frederick-1852-1908/
Publication / Frans1
19 2015
Frank B. Forbes : Forbes family papers, Correspondence
Publication / forF1
20 2015
Orvar Karlbeck : http://gotheborg.com/glossary/karlbeck.shtml.
Publication / Karo1

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