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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2012
Davies, John Paton. China hand : an autobiography. (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012).
Publication / DavJP2
2 2012
Mansfield Freeman (1895-1992) : http://archive.is/L3qE.
Publication / FreeM1
3 2012
Lu, Suping. A mission under duress : the Nanjing massacre and post-massacre social conditions documented by American diplomats. (Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, 2012).
Publication / LuS3
4 2012
Jacobs, J. Bruce. Democratizing Taiwan. (Leiden : Brill, 2012).
Publication / JacB6
5 2012
The history of Western medicine in China. Indiana University, Library, Bloomington 2012 :
Publication / WMC
6 2012
Wallace, Edward Wilson : https://www.archeion.ca/wallace-edward-wilson-1880-1941.
Publication / Wall5
7 2012
Waldminghaus, Hartmut. Dr. Otto Hueck (1888 – 1985).
Publication / Hue2
8 2012
Platt, Stephen R. Autumn in the heavenly kingdom : China, the West, and the epic story of the Taiping civil war. (New York, N.Y. : A. A. Knopf, 2012).
Publication / Platt2
9 2012
Sibre, Olivier. Le Saint-siège et l'Extrême-Orient (Chine, Corée, Japon) : de Léon XII à Pie XII (1880–1952). (Rome : École Française de Rome, 2012).
Publication / SibO1
10 2012
Bays, Daniel H. A new history of Christianity in China. (Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).
Publication / Bays1
11 2012
Yang Fenggang. Religion in China : survival and revival under communist rule. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012).
Publication / YangF1
12 2012
Schmidt, Dirk ; Heilmann, Sebastian. Aussenpolitik und Aussenwirtschaft der Volksrepublik China. (Wiesbaden : Springer, 2012).
Publication / HS7
13 2012
German foreign relations and military activities in China, 1919-1935. (Famington Hills, Mich. : Gale, 2012).
Publication / German1
14 2012
Meng, Lingqi. Der Wandel der chinesischen aussenpolitischen Interessenstruktur seit 1949. (Wiesbaden : Springer, 2012). Diss. Univ. München, 2011.
Publication / MengLi1
[Lang, Andrew]. Zi se tong hua. Langge ; Zhou Wenhui, Chen Qun yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai ke xue pu yi chu ban she, 1997). (Andelu Langge cai se tong hua quan ji). Übersetzung von Lang, Andrew. The violet fairy book. (London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1901).
Publication / LanA22
16 2012
MacMaster Library, The Bertrand Russell Archives, Hamilton, Canada
Organisation / MML
17 2012
[Eames, Elizabeth Ramsden]. Luosu yu qi tong dai ren de dui hua. Yilishabai R. Aimusi zhu ; Yu Hai, Huang Weili deng yi ; Xie Xialing jiao. (Kunming : Yunnan ren min chu ban she, 1993. Übersetzung von Eames, Elizabeth Ramsden. Bertrand Russell's dialogue with his contemporaries. (Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press, 1989).
Publication / Russ270
18 2012
Zhang, Songnian [Zhang, Shenfu]. Shi pian Luosu ji kan zhu zuo mu lu. In : Xin qing nian ; vol. 8, no 3 (1920). [Bibliography of Bertrand Russell’s published writings].
Publication / Russ323
19 2012
Chronology of John Dewey's life and work. http://www.siuc.edu/~deweyctr/pdf/CHRONO.pdf.
Web / DewJ8
20 2012
Ethik-Zentrum Universität Zürich
Organisation / EZ

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