# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
2010 |
Morelli, Paolo. Leopardi cinese : http://ilgiardinodigiacomo.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!D4CBCC966E911A11!519.entry. |
Web / LeoG4 |
2 |
2010 |
Vacca, Giovanni. La Cina e il Giappone. (Torino : Unione Tip.-Editrice, 1936). (Geografia universale illustrata ; vol. 4 (1936), S. 835-1279). |
Publication / Vac2 |
3 |
2010 |
Aubin, Françoise. Walther Heissig (5 décembre 1913-5 septembre 2005). In : Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines ; no 36-37 (2006). : http://emscat.revues.org/index1015.html. |
Web / HeiW1 |
4 |
2010 |
Sagaster, Klaus |
Person / SagK1 |
5 |
2010 |
Liste des étudiants de l'Institut franco-chinois de Lyon (IFCL) : http://www.bm-lyon.fr/trouver/Fonds_chinois/ressources/IFCL-Liste-etudiants.pdf. |
Web / IFCL |
6 |
2010 |
Giuseppe Tucci : http://www.umass.edu/wsp/sinology/persons/tucci.html. |
Web / Tuc34 |
7 |
2010 |
Corradini, Piero : http://www.accademiapontaniana.it/italiano/corradpi.pdf. |
Person / Corr |
8 |
2010 |
Fosco Maraini. In : The Independent ; Saturday, 19 June (2004) : http://www.independent.co.uk/news/obituaries/fosco-maraini-730603.html. http://www.photomuseum.it/img_gallery/Fosco_Maraini/Fosco%20Maraini3.html. http://www.vieusseux.firenze.it/romantico/vieusseux_asia/fosco_maraini.html. |
Web / MarF |
9 |
2010 |
Gnoli, Gherardo. Luciano Petech : http://www.ippolito-desideri.net/Petech.html. |
Web / PL1 |
10 |
2010 |
Philosophisches Seminar Zürich |
Organisation / PSZ |
11 |
2010 |
Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Università di Roma |
Publication / IsMEO |
12 |
2010 |
Torri, Michelguglielmo. Giorgio Borsa (1912-2002) : in ricordo dell'amico e del maestro. http://italindia.it/files/GIORGIO%20BORSA.pdf. |
Web / BorG3 |
13 |
2010 |
Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale di Milano |
Organisation / ISPI |
14 |
2010 |
Lanciotti, Lionello |
Person / Lanc |
15 |
2010 |
Li, Ruru. Hamlet in China : translation, interpretation and performance : http://web.mit.edu/shakespeare/asia/essays/RuruLi.html. |
Web / Shak13 |
16 |
2010 |
Santangelo, Paolo |
Person / Sant |
17 |
2010 |
D.C. Lau : http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/rct/30th/bio/dcl.html. The passing of Professor D.C. Lau. In : CUHK e-newsletter / Chinese University of Hong Kong : http://mmlab.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/eNewsASP/app/article.aspx?appid=17. |
Web / Lau2 |
18 |
2010 |
Hong Kong Film Archive : http://ipac.hkfa.lcsd.gov.hk/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=#focus. The Chinese mirror : a journal of Chinese film history : Chinese language films from foreign literary sources. http://www.chinesemirror.com/index/chinese-language-films-foreign-literary-sources.html. |
Web / Film |
19 |
2010 |
Huang, Alexander C.Y. Shakespeare bunt geschminkt : die chinesische Shakespeare-Werkstatt. http://www.personal.psu.edu/ach13/Publications/Huang-Erinnerung-sm.pdf. |
Publication / Shak196 |
20 |
Proust, Marcel. A la recherche du temps perdu. 8 vol. in 13. (Paris : Ed. de La nouvelle revue française ; Paris : B. Grasset, 1913-1927). |
Publication / Prou2 |