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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2006
University of British Columbia
Organisation / UBC
2 2006
Perkins, Dwight H.
Publication / Perk
3 2006
Brook, Timothy
Publication / Bro
4 2007
Zhongguo shang gu shi shi jie mi : tian wen kao gu xue yan jiu = Revealing the secrets of ancient Chinese history : research in archaeoastronomy. (Shanghai : Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2007).
中國上古史實揭密: 天文考古學研究
Publication / Pank5
5 2007
Madsen, Richard
Publication / Mad
6 2007
Whyte, Martin King
Person / Why
7 2007
Zhang, Yi. Rezeptionsgeschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur in China von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. (Bern : P. Lang, 2007). (Deutsch-ostasiatische Studien zur interkulturellen Literaturwissenschaft ; Bd. 5).
Publication / ZhaYi2
8 2007
Taiwan in the 21st century. Ed. by Robert Ash and J. Megan Greene. (New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2007). (Politics in Asia series).
Publication / Ash8
9 2007
Thinking with cases : specialist knowledge in Chinese cultural history. Charlotte Furth, Judith T. Zeitlin, and Ping-chen Hsiung, editors. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, 2007).
Publication / Zei1
10 2007
Zeitlin, Judith T. The phantom heroine : ghosts and gender in seventeenth-century Chinese literature. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, 2007).
Publication / Zei3
11 2007
Benton, Gregor. Chinese migrants and internationalism : forgotten histories, 1917-1945. (New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2007). (Chinese worlds).
Publication / Bent9
12 2007
Schinzel-Lang, Walter. Fundierte Kenntnisse oder phantasievolle Ahnungslosigkeit ? : die Verwendung der chinesischen Sprache durch Karl May : http://karlmay.leo.org/kmg/seklit/JbKMG/1991/287.htm.
Web / Schin1
13 2007
Crespigny, Rafe de. A biographical dictionary of later Han to the Three kingdoms (23-220 AD). (Leiden : Brill, 2007). (Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental Studies ; Abt. 4, Bd. 19).
Publication / Cres5
14 2007
Dikötter, Frank. China cosmopolitan : the age of openness before Mao. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 2007).
Publication / Dik1
15 2007
Cultures of confinement : a history of the prison in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Frank Dikötter and Ian Brown, editors. (Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2007).
Publication / Dik6
16 2007
Dikötter, Frank. Exotic commodities : modern objects and everyday life in China. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2007). = Dikötter, Frank. Things modern : material culture and everyday life in China. (London : Hurst, 2007).
Publication / Dik7
17 2007
Clunas, Craig. Empire of great brightness : visual and material cultures of Ming China, 1368-1644. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawaii Press, 2007).
Publication / CluC11
18 2007
Böspflug, Katja. Nachlass Eduard Huber (1879-1914), Ms.N.95, ZHB Luzern : Konzept zur Ershliessung des Nachlasses und zur Konservierung und Reproduktion der darin enthaltenen Sammlung von Stereo-Glasplatten. (Chur : Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, 2007). M.A. HTW Chur, 2007.
Publication / Bös2
19 2007
Wang, Gungwu. Divided China : preparing for reunification, 883-947. 2nd rev. ed. (Singapore : World Scientific Publications, 2007). [1st ed. 1963]. Wang, Gungwu. The structure of power in North China during the Five dynasties.
Publication / WangG20
20 2007
Interpreting China's development. Ed. by Wang Gungwu and John Wong. (London : World Scientific, 2007).
Publication / WangG25

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