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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2005
[Lau, Joseph S.M.]. Ji liu dao ying. Liu Shaoming zhu. (Xianggang : Tian di tu shu you xian gong si, 2005). (Xianggang wen xue ping lun jing xuan). [Literaturgeschichte von Hong Kong].
Publication / LauJ11
2 2005
Zen texts. Transl. from the Chinese by John R. McRae. (Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005). (BDK English tripitika ; 73-3, 98-8, 98-9, 104-1).
Publication / McR5
3 2005
Liu, Cary Y. ; Nylan, Michael ; Barbieri-Low, Anthony. Recarving China's past : art, archaeology, and architecture of the 'Wu family shrines'. [Ed. by] Naomi Noble Richard ; with a keynote essay by Michael Loewe and contributions by Susan L. Beningson [et al.]. (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Art Museum ; New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2005).
Publication / Nyl5
4 2005
Claudel, Paul. Correspondance consulaire de Chine, 1896-1909. Introd. par Jacques Houriez ; établissement du texte et annotation par Andrée Hirschi ; index par Nicole Bertin et Maryse Bazaud. (Besançon : Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2005). (Centre Jacques-Petit ; no 106. Annales littéraires de l'Université de Franche-Comté ; no 780).
Publication / Clau7
5 2005
Metaphilosophy & Chinese thought : interpreting David Hall. Ed., with prologue, by Ewing Chinn and Henry Rosemont. (New York, N.Y. : Global Scholarly Publications, 2005). (ACPA series of Chinese and comparative philosophy).

Publication / RosH11
6 2005
Rossabi, Morris. Modern Mongolia : from khans to commissars to capitalists. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2005).
Publication / RosM9
7 2005
Zheng, Chantal ; Zheng, Shunde. La guerre franco-chinoise et Taiwan vus par Pierre Loti, marin et écrivain. In : Outre-mers ; t. 93, nos 348-349 (2005).
Publication / Loti10
8 2005
Siu, Helen F. ; Wong, Richard ; Faure, David. Rethinking Hong Kong's human resources and competitiveness : a pre-policy study : interim report. (Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2005).
Publication / Siu9
9 2005
[Baudelaire, Charles ; Mallarmé, Stéphane]. Bodelaier / Malamei. Bodelaier, Malamei zhu ; Li Kuixian yi. (Taibei : Taibei xian xin dian shi, 2005). (Ou zhou jing dian shi xuen ; 21). [Übersetzung der Gedichte].
Publication / Mall2
10 2005
Time, temporality, and imperial transition : East Asia from Ming to Qing. Ed. by Lynn A. Struve. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, Association for Asian Studies, 2005). (Asian interactions and comparisons).
Publication / Stru6
11 2005
Han yu shi yan jiu : ji nian Li Fanggui xian sheng bai nian ming dan lun wen ji. Ding Bangxin, Yu Xiaqin zhu bian. (Taibei : Zhong yang yan jiu yuan yu yan xue yan jiu suo, 2005). (Yu yan ji yu yan xue zhuan kan wai bian ; 2). [Geschichte der chinesischen Sprache].
汉语史研究 : 纪念李方桂先生百年冥诞论文集
Publication / Ting12
12 2005
Folk stories from Taiwan = Taiwan min jian gu shi ji. Written by Chiang Hsiao-mei [Jiang, Xiaomei] [et al.] ; Transl. by John Crespi [et al.] ; ed. by Kuo-ch'ing Tu and Robert Backus. (Santa Barbara, Calif. : University of California, Center for Taiwan Studies, 2005). (Taiwan literature : Chinese-English bilingual series ; no 1).
Publication / TuK4
13 2005
Tzeng, Ching-wen [Zheng, Qingwen]. Magnolia : stories of Taiwanese women. Transl. by Jenn-Shann Lin and Lois Stanford ; ed. by Kuo-ch'ing Tu and Robert Backus. (Santa Barbara, Calif. : University of California, 2005). (Taiwan writers translation series ; 1).
Publication / TukK10
14 2005
Yu, Anthony C. State and religion in China : historical and textual perspectives. (Chicago, Ill. : Open Court, 2005).
Publication / YuA4
15 2005
Zhang, Longxi. Allegoresis : reading canonical literature East and West. (Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2005).
Publication / ZhaL11
16 2005
Zhang, Longxi. Zhong xi wen hua yan jiu shi lun. (Shanghai : Fudan da xue chu ban she, 2005). (Ming jia zhuan ti jing jiang ; 5). [Civilization East and West].
Publication / ZhaL12
17 2005
Thorp, Robert Lee. China in the early bronze age : Shang civilization. (Philadelphie, Penn. : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005). (Encounters with Asia).
Publication / Tho3
18 2005
[Yeh, Michelle]. Fang xiang shi xue. Xi Mi zhu. (Taipei : Lian he wen xue, 2005). (Lian he wen xue ; 379. Lian he wen con ; 340). [Flowers in literature].
Publication / Yeh14
19 2005-
Biographical dictionary of Chinese christianity. (New Haven, Conn. : Overseas Ministries Study Center, 2006-). [e-book].
Web / BDCC
20 2005
Delambre, Raymond. La Chine de Jules Verne : au miroir de la fée électricité et de ses adorateurs. In : Iris ; no 28 (2005).
Publication / VerJ4

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