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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2001
Thorp, Robert L. ; Vinograd, Richard Ellis. Chinese art and culture. (New York, N.Y. : Abrams, 2001).
Publication / VinR2
2 2001
Frontier Taiwan : an anthology of modern Chinese poetry. Ed. by Michelle Yeh and N.G.D. Malmqvist. (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2001). (Modern Chinese literature from Taiwan).
Publication / Yeh10
3 2001
[Chang, Sung-sheng]. Wen xue chang yu de bian qian. Zhang Songsheng zhu. (Taipei : Lian he wen xue chu ban she you xian gong si, 2001). (Lian he wen cong ; 229. Lian he wen xue ; 256).
Publication / ChaS6
4 2001
Masini, Federico. Ricordo di G. Bertuccioli. In : Mondo cinese ; no 108 (2001). http://www.tuttocina.it/Mondo_cinese/108/108_bert.htm.
Publication / BG3
5 2001
Ricci, Matteo. Lettere : (1580-1609). Ed. realizzata sotto la dir. di Piero Corradini ; a cura di Francesco D'Arelli ; pref. di Filippo Mignini ; con un saggio di Sergio Bozzola. (Macerata : Quodlibet, 2001). (Quaderni Quodlibet ; 11).
Publication / Corr6
6 2001
Astier, Henri. Flying close to the wind. In : The Times literary supplement ; 14 May (2003). [Betr. André Malraux].
Publication / Mal3
7 2001
Tomba, Luigi. Lavoro e società nella Cina popolare. Con un saggio di Enrica Collotti Pischel. (Milano : F. Angeli, 2001). (Serie sull'Asia orientale. Società e politica ; 61).
Publication / Pis14
8 2001
[Zola, Emile]. Gui wu. Zuola ; Chen Demin. (Shanghai : Bai jia chu ban she, 2001). (Xi fang ling yi xiao shuo cong shu). Übersetzung von Zola, Emile. Pour une nuit d'amour. In : Zola, Emile. Le capitaine Burle ; Comment on meurt ; Pour une nuit d'amour ; Aux champs ; La fête à Coqueville : L'inondation. (Paris : G. Charpentier, 1883).
Publication / Zola21
9 2001
Santangelo, Paolo. I desideri nella litteratura cinese : un esame di alcuni testi Ming e Qing. (Venezia : Cafoscarina, 2001). (Cina e altri orienti ; 13).
Publication / San19
10 2001
[Shakespeare, William]. Ai de tu lao. Weilian Shashibiya zhu ; Fang Ping yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2001). (Xin Shashibiya quan ji xi lie, xi ju ; 8). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. A pleasant conceited comedie called Loves labors lost. (London : Imprinted at London by W.W. for Cutbert Burby, 1598). (Three centuries of drama).
Publication / Shak38
11 2001
[Shakespeare, William]. Hamulaite. Weilian Shashibiya zhu ; Fang Ping yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2001). (Xin Shashibiya quan ji xi lie. Bei ju ; 24). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. (London : Nicholas Ling and John Trundell, 1603).
Publication / Shak67
12 2001
[Shakespeare, William]. Luomi'ou yu Zhuliye. Shashibiya ; Fang Ping yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2001). (Xin Shashibiya quan ji xi lie. Bei ju ; 12). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. An excellent conceited tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. (London : John Danter, 1597). = The most excellent and lamentable tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. Newly corrected, augmented, and amended. (London : Thomas Creede, 1599). [Uraufführung 1595 in London].
Publication / Shak105
13 2001
[Shakespeare, William]. Xun han ji. Shashibiya ; Fang Ping yi. (Taibei : Mu ma wen hua chu ban, 2001). (Xin Shashibiya quan ji xi lie. Xi ju ; 14). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. The taming of the shrew. In : Shakespeare, William. Comedies, histories, & tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. (London : Printed by Isaac Jaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623). [Geschrieben um 1594].
Publication / Shak204
14 2001
[Shakespeare, William]. Ying Ruocheng yi ming ju wu zhong. Shashibiya deng zhu ; Ying Ruocheng yi. (Shenyang : Liaoning jiao yu chu ban she, 2001).
[Enthält] :
Shakespeare, William. Qing jun ru weng. Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William. Measure for measure. In : Shakespeare, William. Comedies, histories, & tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. (London : Printed by Isaac Jaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623). [Geschrieben um 1604]. 请 君入瓮
Shaw, Bernard. Babala shao xiao. Übersetzung von Shaw, Bernard. Major Barbara.
In : Shaw, George Bernard. John Bull's other island and Major Barbara ; also How he lied to her husband. (London : A. Constable, 1907). [Erstaufführung Royal Court Theatre, London, Nov. 28, 1905]. 芭芭拉少校
Miller, Arthur. Tui xiao yuan zhi si. Übersetzung von Miller, Arthur. Death of a salesman. (New York, N.Y. : Viking Press, 1949). [Erstaufführung Morosco Theatre, Broadway, Febr. 10, 1949]. 推銷員之死
Wouk, Herman. Hua bian. Übersetzung von Wouk, Herman. The Caine mutiny and court-martial : a play by Herman Wouk based on his novel The Caine mutiny. (Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1954). [Erstaufführung Plymouth Theatre, New York, Jan. 20, 1954]. 芭芭拉少校
Shaffer, Peter. Mochate zhi si. Übersetzung von Shaffer, Peter. Amadeus : a play. (London : Deutsch, 1980). [Erstaufführung National Theatre London, 1979]. 莫差特
Publication / Shak209
15 2001
[Shakespeare, William]. Yuehan wang. Shashibiya ; Zhi Jinzhong yi. (Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 2001). (Shashibiya zhu shi cong shu ; 22). Übersetzung von Shakespeare, William ; Marlowe, Christopher. The troublesome raigne of Iohn King of England with the discouerie of King Richard Cordelions base sonne (vulgary named, the bastard Fawconbridge) : also the death of King Iohn at Swinstead Abbey ; as it was (sundry times) publikely acted by the Queenes Maiesties players, in the honourable citie of London. (London : Imprinted for Sampson Clarke, and are to be solde at his shop, on the backe-side of the Royal Exchange, 1591).
Publication / Shak219
16 2001
Foster, Paul B. The ironic inflation of Chinese national character : Lu Xun's international reputation, Romain Rolland's critique of "The true story of Ah Q", and the Nobel prize. In : Modern Chinese literature and culture ; vol. 13, no 1 (2001).
Publication / Rol7
17 2001
Tong, Shijun. Habermas and the Chinese discourse of modernity. In : A journal of comparative literature ; vol. 1, no 1 (2001).
Publication / Hab1
18 2001
Cao, Weidong. Communicative rationality and inter-culturality : a symposium with Jürgen Habermas. In : A journal of comparative literature ; vol. 1, no 1 (2001).
Publication / Hab2
19 2001
Postel, Philippe. Pascal Quignard. In : France-Asie : un siècle d'échanges littéraires. Textes réunis et prés. par Muriel Dérie. (Paris : You-Feng, 2001).
Publication / Qui1
20 2001
Marcoin, Francis. La Chine de Pascal Quignard. In : Les écrivains français du XXe siècle et la Chine : colloque internationale de Nanjin 99' = 20 shi ji Faguo zuo jia yu Zhongguo : 99' Nanjing guo ji xue shu yan tao hui. Etudes réunies par Christian Morzewski et Qian Linsen. (Arras : Artois presses Université, 2001). (Lettres et civilisations étrangères).
20世纪法国作家与中国 : 99' 南京国际学术硏讨会
Publication / Qui2

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