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“Journal” (Publication, 1894)




Thoreau, Henry David. Journal.
The writings of Henry D. Thoreau : Online journal transcripts.
reader's journal : the Journal of Thoreau.
http://www.doyletics.com/arj/tjr06rvw.htm. (THD10)



Contributors (1)

Thoreau, Henry David  (Concord, Mass. 1817-1862 Concord, Mass.) : Schriftsteller, Philosoph, Dichter


Literature : Occident : United States of America : Prose

Chronology Entries (7)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1841 Thoreau, Henry David. Journal ; Jan. 29 (1841).
If I make a huge effort to expose my innermost and richest wares to light, my counter seems cluttered with the meanest homemade stuffs, but after months or years, I may discover the wealth of India, and whatever rarity is brought overland from Cathay, in that confused heap, and what perhaps seemed a festoon of dried apple or pumpkin, will prove a string of Brazilian diamonds, or pearls from Corromandel.
  • Person: Thoreau, Henry David
2 1853 Thoreau, Henry David. Journal (1853).
It made you think of pictures of parasols of Chinese mandarins, or it might have been used by the great fossil bullfrog in his walks.
  • Person: Thoreau, Henry David
3 1856 Thoreau, Henry David. Journal (1856).
I noticed that the Chinese tallow tree has begun to compete with the indigenous willow hereabouts. This was clearly in evidence along a new road through a field which soon became lined about half and half with willow trees and Chinese tallow trees.
  • Person: Thoreau, Henry David
4 1857 Thoreau, Henry David. Journal (1857).
I feel as strange as if I were in a town in china -- but soon I am at home in the wide world again.
A sheet of blotted blotting paper of Chinese character from a tea chest.
P. made us some hemlock tea we did not have to go (quite) so far as China for it.
It is another example of the oddity of the orientals that yellow "is in
the east a regal color, more especially so in China, where it is exclusively".
  • Person: Thoreau, Henry David
5 1858 Thoreau, Henry David. Journal (1858).
There are many small spruce there abouts with small twigs & leaves -an abnormal growth reminding me of strange species of evergreen from California, China &c
I cut a cane & shaving off the outer bark - it is of imperial yellow--as if painted - fit for a Chinese Mandarine.
In the Chinese novel Iu-Kiao-Li or The 2 fair Cousins – I find in a mottoe to a chapter – (quoted) - "He who aims at oneness, should be continually on his guard against a thousand accidents. How many preparations are necessary before the sour plum begins to sweeten ? – But if supreme happiness was to be attained in the space of an hour, of what use would be in life the noblest sentiments ?"
  • Person: Thoreau, Henry David
6 1859 Thoreau, Henry David. Journal (1859).
Zig zagging with them like the wall of china.
It winds along the irregular lines of tussocks like the wall of China over hill & dale.
You wonder how the world looks to them – if those are eyes which they have got or bits of old china – familiar with soap-suds.
… often this distance & this strangeness between us & our nearest neighbors - They are our Austrias & Chinas - & South Sea Islands.
They looked like 2 old-fashioned china saucers.
But as for the meaning of the sentence – that is as completely over-locked as if it had none. This is the Chinese – the Aristot(e)lean Method.
We become aware of as there are many versts between us & them as between a wandering Tartar of a Chinese or American Town.
  • Person: Thoreau, Henry David
7 1860 Thoreau, Henry David. Journal (1860)
The river reposes in the midst of a broad brilliant yellow valley amid green fields and hills and woods, as if, like the Nanking or Yang-ho (or what-not), it flowed through an Oriental Chinese meadow where yellow is the imperial color.
These several colors are as it were daubed on – as on china ware – or as distinct & simple as a child's painted.
Said there was a tree by the road side on the farm of the late Wm read in West Action – which nobody thereabouts knew the name of – but he had been south - & knew it to be a China-berry tree planted by a robin – for they are very fond of its fruit.
  • Person: Thoreau, Henry David

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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2007- Worldcat/OCLC Web / WC