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“The works of Sir William Jones” (Publication, 1799)






Contributors (1)

Jones, William  (London 1746-1794 Kalkutta) : Philologe, Indologe, Gründer der Asiatic Society, Richter Kalkutta


Literature : Occident : Great Britain

Chronology Entries (3)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1770-1794 William Jones 1770-1794.
Quellen :
Lun yu.
Shi jing.
Da xue.
Zhong yong.
Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste. Description… [ID D1819].
Couplet, Philippe. Confucius sinarum philosophus [ID D1758].
Prémare, Joseph Henri-Marie de. Recherches sur les tems antérieurs à ceux dont parle le Chou-king, & sur la mythologie chinoise [ID D1856].
Gaubil, Antoine ; Guignes, Joseph de. Le Chou-king, un des livres sacrés des Chinois [ID D1856].
Prémare, Joseph Henri-Marie de. Recherches sur les tems antérieurs à ceux dont parle le Chou-king, & sur la mythologie chinoise [ID D1856].
La Barbinais le Gentil. Nouveau voyage autour du monde [ID D1816].
Visdelou, Claude de. Notice du livre chinois nommé Y-king [ID D1856].
Pauw, Cornelius de. Recherches philosophiques sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois [ID D1861].
Hasan ibn Yazid, Abu Zaid, al-Sirafi. Anciennes relations des Indes et de la Chine. Transl. by Eusèbe Renaudot. [ID D19820].
Bailly, Jean Sylvain. Lettres sur l'Atlantide de Platon et sur l'ancienne histoire de L'Asie : pour servir de suite aux lettres sur l'origine des sciences, adressées à M. de Voltaire par M. Bailly. (Londres : Chez M. Elmsly ; Paris : chez les frères Debure, 1779).
2 1785 Jones, William. A hymn to Ganga : the argument. In : The works of William Jones. Vol. 6.
"This poem would be rather obscure without geographical notes ; but a short introductory explanation will supply the place of them, and give less interruption to the reader. We are obliged to a late illustrious Chinese monarch names Can-hi, who directed an accurate survey to be made of Potyid or (as it is called by the Arabs) Tebbut, for our knowledge, that a chain of mountains nearly parallel with Imaus…"
3 1799 Wilkins, Charles. A catalogue of Oriental manuscripts. Presented to the Royal Society by Sir William and Lady Jones. In : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, vol. 89 (1799).
60. Con Fu Tsu. The works of Confucius, Vol. II. III. IV. V. VI.
61. Tahia Su Shuw. A commentary. [Ta xia zhu shu].
62. Hor Lon Su Shuw. A commentary. [He lun zhu shu].
64. Shung Morng Su Shuw. A commentary. [Sheng Meng zhu shu].
65. Hor Morng Su Shuw. A commentary. [He meng zhu shu].
66. Shi Kin. A book of Chinese odes. [Shi jing].
67. Lon Yu. A grammar of the Chinese language. [Lun yu].
68. A dictionary. Chinese and Latin.

Cited by (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2007- Worldcat/OCLC Web / WC