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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1975-1985
Jonathan Chaves ist Berater der Indiana University Press Chinese translation series.
2 1975
Alvin P. Cohen forscht in Taiwan.
3 1975-
Patricia Buckley Ebrey reist in Kyoto, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai und Taipei.
4 1975-1980
Patricia Buckley Ebrey ist Visiting Assistant Professor of East Asian Studies and History an der University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
5 1975
Vincent Shen erhält den M.A. der Graduate School of Philosophy der Furen Catholic University.
6 1975
Myron L. Cohen ist Berater der American Schistosomiasis Delegation in China.
7 1975-1976
Myron L. Cohen ist handelnder Direktor des East Asian Institute der Columbia University.
8 1975
Parks M. Coble promoviert in History an der University of Illinois, Urbana
9 1975-1977
Ralph C. Croizier ist Professor of History am History Department der State University of New York at Brockport.
10 1975-1980
David Clive Wilson ist Mitglied des Editorial Board des The China quarterly.
11 1975
Albert E. Dien ist Fulbright Visiting Lecturer an der University of Copenhagen.
12 1975- ca.
Norman J. Girardot ist Assistant Professor of History of Religions am Theology Department der University Notre Dame, Dozent am Oberlin College, dann University Distinguished Professor of Chinese Religions, Comparative Religion, American Folk Art am Department of Religion Studies der Lehigh University..
13 1975-1979
René Goldman ist Präsident der Amnesty International, Vancouver.
14 1975
Erik Zürcher wird Mitglied der Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
15 1975
Laozi. Tao, a new way of thinking : a translation of the Tao te ching, with an introduction and commentaries [ID D199090].
Zhang, Zhongyuan schreibt in der Einführung : Heidegger is the only Western philosopher who not only intellectually understands 'Tao', but has intuitively experenced the essence of it as well. For this reason, the commentaries on the following chapters of this work repeatedly refer to Heidegger's philosophy.
Im Kommentar zu Kapitel 11 schreibt er : The idea of the void which is useful as interpreted in this chapter also seems to appear in Heidegger's explanation of the void of the jug.
16 1975
Ho Ping-ti erhält den Honorary Doctor of Law LL.D. der Chinese University of Hong Kong.
17 1975-1976
Ho Ping-ti ist Präsident der Association for Asian Studies.
18 1975
Immanuel C.Y. Hsu ist Visiting Professor of History an der Harvard University.
19 1975-1976
Daniel W.Y. Kwok ist Social Science Research Council Fellow.
20 1975-1976
Daniel W.Y. Kwok ist Visiting Scholar am Department of Chinese der University of Hong Kong.

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