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Bell, Julian. Letters from China.
Letter from Julian Bell to Marie Mauron ;1935.
Really, I am falling a bit in love with China – also, platonically, yes, I assure you (for particular reasons, social and so on) with a Chinese woman [Ling Shuhua]. She is charming – the wife of the dean [Chen Yuan] of the Faculty of Letters, a highly intelligent and amiable man, one of Goldie's [G. Lowes Dickinson] students. She's the dauthter of a mandarin, a painter and short story writer, one of the most famous in China. She's sensitive and delicate, intelligent, cultivated, a little malicious, loving those gossipy stories, etc., that are true about everyone, very gay – in short, one of the nicest and most remarkable women I know.

Letter from Julian Bell to Virginia Woolf ; Fall 1935.
It's lovely country and the Chinese are charming ; lecturing on the moderns, 1890-1914 ; 1914-36. I have to read the writers ; what is one to do : we all write too much ; I shall make the Lighthouse I think, a set book.

Letter from Julian Bell to Vanessa Bell ; 23 Oct., 1935.
Hsu Hwa [Ling Shuhua] is an intelligent and sensitive angel. Can you imagine someone quite unaffected, very sensitive, extremely good and kind, with a sense of humour and firm hands with life ; she's darling. She comes to my Shakespeare and Modern lectures, which has the good effect of making me lecture my best : when I'm with the students I sometimes don'trouble, or treat them as schoolboys.

Letter from Julian Bell to Vanessa Bell ; 22 Nov. 1935.
Oh Nessa dear, you will have to meet her [Ling Shuhua] one of these days. She's the most charming creature I've met, and the only woman I know whou would be a possible daughter-in-law to you (she isn't, being married with a charming child and ten years too old) that she is really in our world and one of the most gifted, the nicest, most sensitive and intelligent people in it. I don't know what will happen. I think when I'm cured I shall probably get her involved : at present I'm not physically disturbed – less by her than others – but I know myself well enough to know that the parade follows the fla, etc.

Letter from Julian Bell to Vanessa Bell ; 18 Dec. 1935.
She's [Ling Shuhua] a desperately serious person, with great reserves of unhappiness : she says she's lost faith in everything, and is now working to find love, something to believe in. She's subtle, sensitive, very complicated – also torn between an introspective – analytic part and a very fragile easily-damaged sensibility. And sensible and intelligent. And also very romantic at heart. And, I should imagine, nervously and ecstatically passionate. She wouldn't let me make love to her to any extent at all last night. And she looks lovely… And inexperienced in love.

Letter from Julian Bell to Eddy Playfair ; 27 Dec. 1935.
She's [Ling Shuhua] very shy, verbally and physically. It's my oddest affair to date. She's as intense and passionate as your old enemy Helen [Soutar] is also a selftorturer and pessimist asking reassurance. And both jealous and not wanting to lose face. On the other hand, intelligent, charming ,sensitive, passionate and a malicious storyteller. And a perfect adviser on social situations : she's saved me gaffes innumerable.

Letter from Julian Bell to Vanessa Bell ; 1 Febr. 1936.
Our day in the Western Hills spent lookg at temples. Some of them are very lovely, beautifully proportioned courts of white marble : lots of bas-relief that seems to me decent decoration, and some good statues. There's a colossal sleeping Bhudda in a sort of copper-gold who I fancy distinguished statesmen sen him presents of colossal slippers. Then, as you'll see from the photos, we climbed a small mountain. I really lost my heart to the Western Hills… I really could live very happily in Peking. But I think I prefer Charleston.

Letter from Julian Bell to Eddy Playfair ; Febr. 1936.
In Sichuan there's no real culture – even faintly foreign society. And the Chinese are, I fell very different, if one wants intimacy of intellectual conversation. At least these rather stiff and provincial academics are. Peiping is utterly different ; these are genuine flexible Chinese, come intelligent foreigners mix with them.

Letter from Julian Bell to Virginia Woolf ; Fall 1936.
China's leading woman writer, my Dean's wife with whom I'm platonically in love is a passionate admirer of your work.

Mentioned People (2)

Bell, Julian  (London 1908-1937 Brunete bei Madrid) : Maler, Dichter, Kunstkritiker, Neffe von Virginia Woolf

Ling, Shuhua  (Beijing 1900-1990 Beijing) : Schriftstellerin, Malerin


Literature : Occident : Great Britain

Documents (2)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2003 Laurence, Patricia. Lily Briscoe's Chinese eyes : Bloomsbury, modernism, and China. (Columbia, S.C. : University of South Carolina Press, 2003). [Betr. Virginia Woolf, Ling Shuhua, Julian Bell]. Publication / Woolf3
  • Source: Strachey, Lytton. The son of heaven : a tragic melodrama. (London : Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, 1925). [Geschrieben 1913. Erstaufführung für London Society for Women’s Service. Story of the usurpation of the throne by Empress Cixi from the Emperor]. (StraL1, Publication)
  • Source: Bell, Julian. China diary. In : The papers of Julian Heward Bell. Cambridge University, King's College Archive Centre.
    http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=272-bell&cid=-1#-1. (Woolf35, Publication)
  • Cited by: Zentralbibliothek Zürich (ZB, Organisation)
  • Person: Bell, Julian
  • Person: Laurence, Patricia
  • Person: Ling, Shuhua
  • Person: Woolf, Virginia
2 2009 Jin, Guanglan. East meets West : Chinese reception and translation of Virginia Woolf. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : Pro Quest, University Microfilms International, 2011). (Diss. Univ. of Rhode Island, 2009). Publication / Woolf4
  • Source: Wai guo xian dai pai zuo pin xuan. Yuan Kejia, Dong Hengxun, Zheng Kelu xuan bian. Vol. 1-4. (Shanghai : Shanghai wen yi chu ban she, 1980-1985). [Übersetzungen ausländischer Literatur des 20. Jh.].
    Vol. 1 : [Modern literature].
    [Enthält] :
    Biao xian zhu yi. [Expressionism]. 表现主义
    Wei lai zhu yi. [Futurism]. 未来主义
    Vol. 2 :
    Yi shi liu. [Stream of consicousness]. 意识流
    Chao xian shi zhu yi. [Surrealism]. 超现实主义
    Cun zai zhu yi. [Extistentialism]. 存在主义
    [Enthält : Übersetzung von Woolf, Virginia. The mark on the wall und Auszüge aus Mrs. Dalloway.]
    Vol. 3 :
    Huang dan wen xue [Absurd literature]. 荒诞文学
    Xin xiao shuo. [The new novel]. 新小说
    Kua diao de yi dai. [Beat generation]. 垮掉的一代
    Hei se you mo. [Black humor]. 黑色幽默
    Vol. 4 : [Modern literature]. (YuanK2, Publication)
  • Source: Yang, Yuehua. Faguo nü xing zhu yi pi ping yu Fujini Wu'erfu. In : Sichuan wai guo yu xue yuan xue bao ; vol. 15, no 3 (1999). [French feminist literary criticism and Virginia Woolf].
    法国女性主义批评与弗吉尼职伤尔夫 (Woolf63, Publication)
  • Source: Tong, Yanping. Lu zai he fang : du fu Wu'erfu de 'Yi ge zi ji de fang jian'. In : Wai guo wen xue ping lun ; vol. 2 (1995). [Where is the way out ? : reading Virginia Woolf's A room of one's own].
    童燕萍 路在何方 : 读弗•伍尔夫的一个自己的房间 (Woolf64, Publication)
  • Source: Lin, Shuming. Zhan zheng yin xiang xia zheng zha de fu Wu'erfu. In : Wai guo wen xue pi ping ; vol. 3 (1996). [V. Woolf struggling under the shadow of war].
    战争阴影下挣扎的弗伍尔夫 (Woolf65, Publication)
  • Source: Yang, Yuehua. Cong dui li zou xiang dui hua. In : Sichuan wai guo yu xue yuan xue bao ; vol. 4 (1998). [From confrontation to dialogue ; betr. Virginia Woolf].
    从对立走向对话报 (Woolf62, Publication)
  • Source: Ma, Rui. Cong Wu'erfu dao xi su de nü xing zhu yi pi ping. In : Wai guo wen xue yan jiu ; vol. 3 (1999). [Feminist criticism from Woolf to [Hélène] Cixous].
    从伍尔夫到西苏的女性主义批评 (Woolf66, Publication)
  • Source: Sheng, Ning. Guan yu Wu'erfu de 1910. In : Wai guo wen xue ping lun ; no 3 (2000). [Virginia Woolf : on or about December 1910].
    伍尔夫的1910年的12月 (Woolf67, Publication)
  • Source: Wang, Jianxiang. Lun Fujiniya Wu'erfu de nü xing zhu yi li chang. In : Sichuan wai guo yu xue yuan xue bao ; vol. 16, no 2 (2000). [On Virginia Woolf's feminine views].
    论弗吉尼亚伤尔夫的女性主义立场 (Woolf68, Publication)
  • Source: Yin, Qiping. Wu'erfu xiao shuo guan bu lun. In : Hangzhou shi fan xue yuan xue bao ; vol. 4 (2000). A supplementary study of Virginia Woolf's views on fiction].
    伍尔夫小说观补论 (Woolf69, Publication)
  • Source: Shu, Yongzhen. Qu bie yu zheng he : dao deng da qu de nü xing zhu yi jie du. In : Wai guo wen xue yan jiu ; vol. 1 (2001). [Differentiation and integration : a feminist reading of 'To the lighthouse' von Virginia Woolf].
    区别与整合 : 到灯塔去的女性主义解读 (Woolf70, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Jin, Guanglan
  • Person: Woolf, Virginia