Feng, Zongpu. Shuo jie zhi [ID D30057].
"… Katherine Mansfield's skill in economy is first demonstrated in her forging and pruning of the content of her stories. Her writing about class oppression is, in my view, better than the work of Virginia Woolf and Bowen. It might have been through her worries over her livelihood and her wandering way of life that she knew about human suffering and hardship, and became endowed with profound sympathy. She nevertheless wrote with restraint, never letting her pen wander into areas that she knew little of… Mansfield's art of economy is her selection of details. This is indeed a platitude, yet she is really outstanding at it. The most suitable and convincing details should be chosen in order that the many ideas intended to be conveyed in a limited space would be expressed in the best possible way. Mansfield wasted few words on the outward appearances of her characters, and, often, captured the essence with only a few notes on what her characters were wearing… Her art of economy is represented in her language, which is simple and clear-cut, reading like a gurgling stream, resonating with a feeling of transparency…"
Literature : Occident : Great Britain
Literature : Occident : New Zealand